
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 98: This is Scientific

Translator: 549690339

When Wang Hu saw the Serpent People's flying saucer suddenly descending in the sky, his heart thumped hard twice.

"Stop advancing!"

A brief but forceful phrase.

Everyone immediately halted in their tracks.

The Anti-Air Gun opened fire, streaks of fire soaring into the sky. It was the first time the Anti-Air Gun had a chance to fire at the Serpent People's flying saucer, but the effect was despairing.

Fortunately, they hadn't held out much hope.

The Aliens' airship fell to less than ten meters above the ground, then began to fly at a low altitude at a slow speed. The Anti-Air Gun shells followed them down but suddenly disappeared around the airship.

There was no sound, no light, no ripples like those seen in movies; the shells just vanished abruptly.

Something fell from the airship. Yet when it hit the ground, it made no sound, merely rolling over before swiftly getting up. After a brief pause, it dashed out at an extremely fast speed.

"What the hell is that?"

Wang Hu asked subconsciously, then immediately looked behind him. He called out in the direction of Xinghe, "What is that?"

"Alien Creature. It's the native species of the first planet occupied by the Serpent People, now extinct in its original habitat. Highly intelligent but didn't develop civilization, at the top of the food chain, with hard shells and fast speed, and larger in size, likely a modification by the Serpent People."

As he spoke, an Anti-Air Armored Vehicle suddenly stalled. Wang Hu saw it clearly: the monster had leapt up into the air and landed on the Anti-Air Gun with such force that it bent the four barrels of the gun with just one of its forelimbs.

Then, the monster's forelimb pierced through the armored vehicle's roof, tilting the entire body of the beast.

Pierced an armored vehicle with one strike?

Wang Hu took in a sharp breath.

What was more despairing was that there wasn't just one of these creatures; there were at least a dozen.

The tanks and armored vehicles had already fired up and were ready to depart. Upon seeing the creatures that had suddenly appeared, the armored vehicle closest to the neighboring Anti-Air Gun swiftly rotated its barrel and began firing at the beast.

An 09-type wheeled armored vehicle, improved model, equipped with a 30mm Autocannon, an integrated three-in-one scope with automatic targeting, and thermal imaging.

The creature was large, and the crew inside the armored vehicle reacted quickly. Without waiting for any commands, they fired in the shortest amount of time possible.

The 30mm rounds continuously hit the creature, with tracer bullets getting deflected, but more shells penetrated the body of the beast.

The creature let out a shriek, not very loud—more like a very high-frequency sizzling sound. Wang Hu didn't think much of it, but several of the younger soldiers beside him clutched at their ears in pain.

The power of the 30mm cannon was unstoppable, and this alien beast was no exception.

Wang Hu breathed a sigh of relief; as long as these creatures could be killed, that was all that mattered.

But just then, another creature suddenly appeared out of the darkness and crashed into the firing armored vehicle. The impact caused the vehicle to bounce, then fall back down, while the creature was tossed aside.

But the creature that had been repelled came back again—swiftly, without pause, rising from the ground and once again pouncing on the armored vehicle.

Upon reaching the armored vehicle, the creature emitted an extremely bright arc of electricity from between its two forelimbs.

"How is this possible!"

Wang Hu exclaimed in an instant, intending to shout, but no sound came out.

The beast, with the electrical arc, effortlessly split the armored vehicle's turret in two.

An armored vehicle beside them started up, swung around its companion that was blocking its line of fire, and opened fire continuously on the monster at a distance of less than ten meters. Wang Hu could clearly see each shell hitting the monster's back.

Some of the shells bounced off, but those that struck at the right angle drilled directly into the monster's carapace.

The creature that was hit by the detonating rounds collapsed to the ground, motionless.

Just then, someone exclaimed, "Brigade commander, watch out!"

Wang Hu spun around sharply, only to see a monster flash past him and then run straight up to the firing armored vehicle. But instead of colliding with the vehicle, it leaped directly onto the roof of the armored car.

The turret of the armored car was rotating rapidly, but arcs of electricity appeared between the monster's two front limbs, and it easily tore open the roof of the car. Immediately afterward, the armored vehicle lost control and crashed straight into a nearby Type 96 tank.

The tank was struck in the rear, but its gun was already aimed at the creature. With a thunderous roar, the monster exploded instantly, splattering the sky with its blood plasma.

Wang Hu made his judgment immediately.

These creatures didn't kill on sight; instead, they actively sought out those who opened fire, or rather, they prioritized attacking anything that could threaten them.

No more getting on armored vehicles.

The Da Hong Third Company was supposed to board those Type 09 armored vehicles, each of which had three crew members and could carry additional passengers. But now, they couldn't get on the armored vehicles anymore.

Tanks and armored cars could threaten the monsters, but the monsters could threaten the armored vehicles just as well. Trading blows like this, whether the losses could be sustained wasn't the issue, the key was that it wasn't safe for Xinghe to be on the armored vehicles.

"Everyone, follow me! Chief of Staff!"

The Chief of Staff came to Wang Hu, who gritted his teeth and said, "I leave the task of commanding the vehicles in combat to you. Try to annihilate all these creatures."

The Chief of Staff saluted Wang Hu solemnly saying, "Mission will be accomplished."

Wang Hu returned the salute to the Chief of Staff, then waved his hand and shouted, "Follow me!"

Wang Hu turned and ran backward, trying to get as far away from the creatures as possible.

All the monsters were now heading towards the armored vehicles.

Xiang Weiguo was completely baffled, how could a biological creature emit electricity?

"This isn't scientific..."

Unable to help himself, he spoke in the direction of Xinghe, "You never said they could emit electricity, why do those creatures have that ability?"

"They weren't originally able to do so, but the Serpent People genetically modified them to give them the ability to discharge electricity," came the response.

Xiang Weiguo spoke again, "What, did they put generators into the creatures? That's impossible, how could an animal emit electricity? It's unscientific!"

Xinghe replied calmly, "It's quite scientific. Earth has similar creatures."


Xinghe's calm voice continued, "Electric eels. According to the Earth data I've accessed, such creatures exist on Earth."

Xiang Weiguo was left speechless. Wang Hu said in a grave tone, "They're large, extremely fast, incredibly strong, and capable of emitting electricity. Such creatures are the biological weapons the Serpent People would value."

The group kept running and talking, when suddenly the commander of the Da Hong Third Company called out urgently, "Brigade commander, the creatures are heading for the wire fence."

Without any hesitation, Wang Hu shouted, "Run towards the northwest, signaler head to the command post to inform the artillery positions. Following the prearranged retreat route, clear a safe passage for us!"