
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 86: Talking to a Duck as if It Were a Chicken

Translator: 549690339

The Celestial, here to rescue the multitudes.

Gao Yuan felt that he had understood the sentence, and then, like electricity coursing through him, tears began to stream uncontrollably down his face.

Gao Yuan recalled his conversation with Luo Xingyu, every sentence, every word, he remembered.

"You're not wrong, but if the bad Aliens could come and invade the Blue Star, maybe there could be good Aliens to help us, right?"

"I hadn't considered that possibility, what you're saying isn't wrong, but..."

"Just tell me if there's a possibility!"

"Theoretically speaking, there is indeed such a possibility, but it's extremely unlikely."

"So there's a chance, isn't there?"

There was hope.

With tears in his eyes, Gao Yuan smiled and couldn't help but ask, "Where's your spaceship?"

The Alien fell silent, and after a moment, Gao Yuan's voice emanated from the Alien.

"Where's your spaceship? What do you mean?"

Gao Yuan pointed at the Triangle Spacecraft still in the sky, then pointed towards the Alien, saying, "Spaceship, yours, where is it?"

The Alien seemed to understand Gao Yuan's meaning, and immediately, his vocabulary included the word "spaceship."

"Pursued too fiercely, my spaceship crashed to the ground, boom..."

The Alien's meaning was clear; his spaceship had exploded.

Gao Yuan's ecstatic heart suddenly felt as if it had been doused with cold water.

Zhang Zhe shivered as he said, "What does he mean, his spaceship exploded? It's gone?"

At that moment, soldiers from the regular army finally arrived, running up behind the Alien. They glanced at Gao Yuan, circled around to have a good look at the Alien from the front, and then tremblingly said, "Is this... is this an Alien who has come down?"

Gao Yuan grabbed the soldier, a regular army lieutenant platoon leader, and he said urgently, "This is an ally! Now go report at once!"

"I, you guys, this... I'll go and report! Why are you bringing them here, why stand around, do something!"

Indeed, what were they talking about? Gao Yuan immediately stood up, made a welcoming gesture to the Alien, and said, "Please follow me, this way please, Li Changfeng! How do I say this?"

Li Changfeng stared intently at the Alien and said, "I studied foreign languages, not Chinese, I don't understand ancient Chinese..."

But there was no need for further explanation; the Alien stood up from the ground in a strange posture and then warmly said, "Please."

Gao Yuan turned and left, and the lieutenant hurriedly led the way. Zhang Zhe and the others involuntarily started to follow, when the lieutenant urgently said, "Why are you following? Stay at your posts! And remember, absolutely don't spread word of this, wait for orders."

Zhang Zhe and the others stopped in their tracks, then Li Changfeng asked in a daze, "Why can Gao Yuan follow..."

Zhang Zhe suddenly pulled Li Changfeng aside and said, "You guys better go, just go quickly."

Gao Yuan continued to lead the way, while the lieutenant quickly caught up with him. He glanced at the Alien and then whispered to Gao Yuan, "What did you all talk about?"

"He said he's a Celestial, here to rescue the multitudes. Also, his spaceship has crashed. I suspect that the explosion earlier was caused by the spaceship. Additionally... he speaks ancient Chinese, which makes communication a bit difficult. That's all for now, but we definitely know he's a friend, a friend!"

"Ha, heh, there's hope now..."

The lieutenant turned back, but he immediately stopped in his tracks and with sheer astonishment exclaimed, "Where is he?"

Gao Yuan turned around, only to see that the tall and luminous Alien had disappeared.

"Where is he? Where is he?"

Gao Yuan panicked as well; this Alien was the lifeline for all the Earthlings, and his sudden absence was terrifying.

"I am here, please lead the way."

The voice was heard but the figure was unseen. Gao Yuan and the lieutenant exchanged glances and said in unison, "Invisibility!"

"So advanced! It's just... so advanced!"


"Just fantastic."

The two people hurried forward, and when they had crossed the blockade and entered the camp, Wang Hu had already run over with several people.

Xiang Weiguo called out from a distance, "Where is he? Where did he go?"

Gao Yuan waved his hand and then rushed forward to meet them. In front of everyone, he exclaimed urgently, "He's following, invisible, he can become invisible!"

Wang Hu stood there, looking around before saying, "You're not joking, are you? Are you not playing a joke on me? If anyone dares to joke about this, I'll have their head!"

"I am a Celestial, and I have seen the generals."

A voice came from the air, and Wang Hu's eyes widened instantly. He looked toward the source of the sound and, with a face full of excitement and eagerness, said, "No footprints, can become invisible, let's talk inside. That... seal the information, this must not be spread carelessly. Who made first contact?"

Gao Yuan raised his hand and reported, "Reporting to the commander, it was me."

Surprised, Wang Hu took a glance at Gao Yuan and said, "You again? Alright, you come too. Let's talk inside!"

Not quite sure how to greet this invisible savior and guest, Xiang Weiguo said to Gao Yuan, "What are you standing around for, invite him over quickly."

Gao Yuan didn't know what to say, so he simply pointed towards a room.

Seeing Gao Yuan, and with a face of tension and anticipation, Wang Hu said urgently, "We can communicate simply. It seems to speak ancient Chinese from a few thousand years ago, and it knows ancient Latin too."

Taking a deep breath, Wang Hu immediately turned to the political commissar and said, "Fetch the cultural experts, linguists, historians, those who study ancient Chinese, in short, all the history professors from our shelter universities, and any expert you think might be useful, get them all here quickly!"

The esteemed political commissar took off running.

Gao Yuan led the way as a crowd surrounded the invisible alien and entered the conference room.

Once inside the conference room, Wang Hu looked at Gao Yuan and urged, "Please, ask our... guest to show himself."

As soon as Wang Hu finished speaking, the tall alien reappeared just outside the crowd.

A uniform gasp of astonishment echoed throughout the conference room.

Wiping his forehead, Wang Hu looked up at the alien and said with a trembling voice, "Hello."


The alien learned quickly.

A group of people looked at the alien but had no idea how to start the exchange.

Gao Yuan, with a moment of inspiration, suddenly asked, "Can you read?"

As he spoke, Gao Yuan reached for a pen and a stack of paper from the conference table and quickly wrote down his own name. After writing it in simplified characters, he then wrote it again in traditional characters.

He wrote his name because that was the only text he knew how to write in traditional characters.

Gao Yuan held up the paper, and the alien reached out to gently pick up the pen. Right on the paper Gao Yuan was holding, it expertly wrote a line of characters.

Gao Yuan turned the paper around to look and immediately felt dumbstruck.

He couldn't understand it...

At this moment, one of the officers said tremulously, "I recognize this, it's Small Seal script!"

Wang Hu said urgently, "If you recognize it then say what it is written there!"

"It's written, 'Without disrespect, seriously contemplating, stable in word, securing people, oh.'

While Gao Yuan could understand each word, when strung together, he had no idea what they meant.

"That's the first sentence from 'The Book of Rites.' My dad practices calligraphy, and he studies the Four Books and Five Classics. If I hadn't watched him write these from when I was young, I wouldn't have recognized it."

The officer was both excited and happy. Then Gao Yuan shoved the paper and pen into his hands and said, "Continue! Whether it's useful or not, just write!"

Grasping the paper and pen, the officer stood still for a moment before looking at Wang Hu and saying, "Commander, I can read it, but I can't write it... and I've forgotten what the next sentence is..."