
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 85: Friends, Right?

Translator: 549690339

In a war, an individual's power is very limited.

In a catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions, an individual's power and role can be utterly negligible.

Just like a drop of water in the ocean, besides going with the flow, what other choice is there?

Gao Yuan could choose to fight or flee, and that was all; choosing to fight, his existence wouldn't have much meaning, choosing to escape would immediately erase his aura of heroism, but that, too, was all.

But Gao Yuan didn't want to run, not because he was worried about his hero image being tarnished—he never really saw himself as a hero.

Gao Yuan was merely a survivalist, but he would not evade his responsibilities.

What responsibilities? For now, being a good ammunition bearer for Zhang Zhe was Gao Yuan's responsibility.

The aliens had been restless for five days now, with no abnormalities occurring during this time.

No one knew whether there was a new virus or what the aliens intended to do. After the extreme tension of the initial days had passed, most people were now able to relax a little.

Five individuals were stationed at a circular machine gun position for twelve hours straight, gazing out over a flat plain with no obstruction in sight, no sign of any moving entities.

The aliens' triangular mothership was still in the sky, those small saucers still hadn't returned.

"I think nothing will happen."

Zhang Zhe sat down on a sandbag, leaning against another, half-reclining as he watched the mothership above, and beside him, Gao Yuan also half-reclined, looking up at the sky, saying, "Let's hope not."

That the aliens were active was a change, but this change would certainly not be for the better, so everyone would prefer it if there were no changes at all.

Even if the aliens remained in the sky forever, that would be best.

But things often don't go as people wish.

"Did you... see that flash? Damn it!"

Li Changfeng suddenly cried out in anguish and then pointed towards the sky, saying, "Look there!"

The sunset was descending, and Gao Yuan and his companions' machine gun position faced directly into the sunset.

The sunset was still emitting a golden glow, and looking up, it still felt blinding, so Gao Yuan saw nothing.

"What is it?"

"There was a flash of light that passed by, there it is again, it's coming again!"

This time Gao Yuan saw it; it wasn't just one flash, but many.

Gao Yuan felt breathing becoming difficult, out of fright.

The dots of light appeared below the sunset,

What was this situation!

The points of light were moving fast, faster than an airplane, but still much slower than the last time Gao Yuan had seen them.

Everyone was looking up, watching the points of light move from below the sunset to overhead, but at that moment, Zhang Zhe suddenly stood up from the ground, dashed to the machine gun, cocked it with a click, and aimed it at the points of light in the sky.

Gao Yuan's reaction was quick as well; as Zhang Zhe stood, he did too, and as Zhang Zhe turned the machine gun, Gao Yuan pressed down on it.

"Don't shoot! Stay calm!"

Gao Yuan grabbed the muzzle with his hand and forcefully pushed it back to its original position.

The saucer was tens of thousands of miles away; no matter what, this machine gun couldn't reach it, but God knows what consequences there would be if Zhang Zhe started firing. That was a risk they couldn't afford to take.

"I'm not shooting, I'm just taking aim."

Gao Yuan paid no attention to Zhang Zhe, still holding the barrel with one hand, completely petrified as he stared ahead.

A figure appeared outside the wire fence.

A luminous white figure, not silvery white, but glowing fluorescent white.

The figure was just outside the wire fence, but quickly, in a flash, it disappeared again.

But Gao Yuan's instincts still made him raise the anti-aircraft machine gun's muzzle toward the sky.

"There's someone, someone's there!"

Gao Yuan stretched out his hand, pointing at the wire fence and crying out in a trembling voice.

"Where's someone?"

Gao Yuan took a deep breath; if this was not a paranormal event, then it was the aliens.

Shot must not be fired, not under any circumstances!

Just then, the figure reappeared, but this time, it wasn't outside the fence, it was inside.

And it had already reached the entrance of the wire fence barrier.

It is necessary to explain how the wire fence was set up: firstly, there was a five-meter-high wire fence encircling the entire shelter, and inside the wire fence, like a baffling array set up for fishing, a two-meter high fence ran lengthwise. The purpose of this layer was that if zombies breached the first defensive line, they would have no choice but to advance along the pathways separated by the wire fence, allowing the machine guns to shoot more easily.

Now the luminous white figure was at the entrance of the wire fence, just fifty meters from where Gao Yuan and the others were.

That's when everyone saw it, a figure emanating a glow, its entire body luminous white, with a halo behind its head.

Yes, just like the halo on the statue of a god, it emitted a soft white light.

It had two legs, two arms, its features were indistinct, but it was definitely humanoid.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot! Quickly, go back and report!"

Everyone was stunned, but Gao Yuan's first reaction was that they absolutely must not fire, lest they ruin humanity's only chance for peace talks with the aliens.

Whether it was negotiations or not, he didn't know, but the aliens starting by releasing a virus and wiping out humanity was definitely the worst outcome. Having something to discuss was better than attacking without saying anything.

They had to at least know what the aliens wanted to do.

The regular forces on the perimeter finally noticed the presence of the alien, and someone shouted loudly. Gao Yuan once more yelled, "Don't shoot! Quickly, go back and report!"

By this time, the alien had already walked up to where Gao Yuan and the others were.


The alien made a very strange sound, a mechanical sound, not very loud.

But it was the sound of an alien, right in front of them.

Gao Yuan held his gun with one hand, lifting his head, looking straight at the alien, about two and a half meters tall.

This wasn't an alien; it was a robot because its surface was metallic.

Gao Yuan quietly pushed the barrel of his gun to one side.


The alien made another sound. Gao Yuan swallowed, then tremblingly said, "Hello, this is Earth..."

Gao Yuan didn't know what else to say. He didn't know why that sentence came out, but he wanted to express goodwill as much as possible.

At that moment, the tall figure, glowing, appearing to be a metallic robot, bent over, allowing Gao Yuan to look straight into the alien's eyes.

No light, but like windows or like glass, just a pane covering the entire face.

This must be a robot, and this robot... seemed to be bowing? But its gesture seemed a little off.

"He's speaking Latin..."

Li Changfeng said tremblingly. His voice quivered, but he firmly said, "What he just said was Latin, meaning 'hello,' classical Latin..."

Just then, the robot made another sound.

"Very good, I am a friend, not an enemy, kneel, for the skies shatter and the earth cracks."

Gao Yuan felt puzzled. He seemed to understand some of it, yet not at all. The robot's words seemed like a language he was familiar with, but the accent was extremely strange.

But he understood the robot's gesture, and so Gao Yuan immediately knelt down on the ground.

Not prostrating with his head down, but sitting on his heels, because that's what the robot was doing.

And then, the sky suddenly brightened.

The sun lost its brilliance, Gao Yuan could still see the sun, but it was like a lightbulb that stayed bright under the sunlight.

Instinctively, Gao Yuan wanted to look back, but he immediately forced himself not to turn around and closed his eyes.

Smart people never look back at a nuclear explosion.

"Don't look, close your eyes!"

Gao Yuan called out a warning, but it was too late; no one but him could resist their curiosity.

"My eyes!"

"I can't see!"

With several shouts, Gao Yuan loudly said, "Close your eyes! Sit still, it will be over soon."

Gao Yuan had already dropped to the ground. The first thing to arrive from a nuclear blast was the light, followed by the shockwave, and then the blast wave.

Behind Gao Yuan were sandbags; he felt there probably wouldn't be a blast wave, but he wasn't sure if he could escape the nuclear radiation.

After a while, Gao Yuan felt the ground shake very slightly; if the earthquake waves were this mild, then they probably wouldn't feel the blast wave.

Gao Yuan looked at the robot, and the robot, on bent knees, moved back two steps and then respectfully lay down, like Gao Yuan, resting its forehead on its hands.

Was this a salute?

Gao Yuan said, as if compelled by some spirit, "There's no need for such formality, please rise..."

The robot rose from its kneeling position, then pointed at the alien spaceship in the sky with its hand.


Gao Yuan understood that word.

The robot pointed at its own face again, using a very warm tone to say, "Friend."

"You're a friend? Right?"

Gao Yuan's heart was pounding, but the robot seemed not to understand his meaning. After placing its hands on its knees, it said with emphasis and pause, "I am a Celestial, come to save the multitude."