
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 192 Extremely Dangerous

Translator: 549690339

Preparations were underway, tense yet orderly.

Gao Yuan didn't need to prepare his own supplies; everything he and Xinghe needed would be provided for them.

As the day of departure drew closer, Gao Yuan grew more anxious because he still didn't know how to tell Luo Xingyu he was leaving and that she wouldn't be coming with him.

Ever since entering the highest command post, Gao Yuan and Luo Xingyu had seen little of each other. He had too much to do and there was too little time, so Luo Xingyu had often complained that ever since he entered the base, it felt like Gao Yuan no longer belonged to her.

So Luo Xingyu was definitely unsatisfied and had complaints, but if she found out that Gao Yuan was leaving, and that this departure might mean he could never come back, heaven knows how she, who had been suppressing her emotions all along, might explode.

Gao Yuan truly didn't dare to tell Luo Xingyu the truth.

Thinking too much, Gao Yuan became a bit distracted, and as a result, Li Jingang landed a punch right under Gao Yuan's ribs.

Gao Yuan let out a pained grunt, stepped back twice, and Li Jingang, looking worried, said, "You alright?"

"Yeah, it just hurts a bit."

Li Jingang felt somewhat helpless; being Gao Yuan's sparring partner was neither fun nor satisfying. He couldn't defeat Gao Yuan; now he was just a wooden dummy for Gao Yuan to get used to fighting and explore the essence of boxing.

Li Jingang, who had to give his all just to spar with Gao Yuan, hadn't expected to land a punch, so he was really worried that his full-strength punch might have hurt Gao Yuan.

But obviously, Gao Yuan was alright; he was just in a bit of pain.

Feeling even more frustrated, Li Jingang snapped, "What's the matter with you? Why are you so absent-minded?"

Gao Yuan sighed quietly and said, "Brother Li, how should I explain it to Xiaoyu?"

"That's what you're worried about?"

"Yeah, got any ideas?"

After a moment's thought, Li Jingang said, "How about just not saying anything at all? When it's time to go, just go, and have someone tell Xiaoyu what happened once you're gone. She can't chew you out if you're not here, right? Tell her that men's affairs are not for women to meddle in, end of story."

Gao Yuan paused for a bit, then asked, "Brother Li, do you have a girlfriend?"

"No, I don't."

"No wonder."

"I don't have one now because I haven't had a chance to look since enlisting, but I've had plenty of girlfriends before. Let's see, seven or eight I guess. From middle school to the end of high school, um, nine."

After a pause, Gao Yuan exclaimed disdainfully, "Pfft! You shameless braggart, boasts don't get taxed, do they? Forget it, I'm not in the mood to train today. I'm off."

As Gao Yuan turned to leave, Li Jingang yelled from behind, "Hey, don't go! I need to set things straight. Who's boasting? Do I need to boast about how many girlfriends I've had? Just because you can't do it doesn't mean I can't. Hey, don't go..."

Gao Yuan left the training room without looking back. After some thought, he eventually decided to seek help from Xiang Weiguo. As for a boastful iron-clad straight man like Li Jingang, Gao Yuan couldn't believe a word he said. In any case, Gao Yuan didn't believe him.

Xiang Weiguo was still teaching Yu Shunzhou and Nie Erlong. Now he was only teaching the two of them, which made Xiang Weiguo feel rather bored, while Yu Shunzhou and Nie Erlong felt like they were dying.

When Gao Yuan spotted Xiang Weiguo, he saw him holding a stick, practicing in a desultory fashion, then suddenly shouting.

"Yu Shunzhou! Speed it up!"

After yelling out, Xiang Weiguo saw Gao Yuan and said with a look of resignation, "I'm supposed to be training special forces, all of them experts, but now I can only teach these two the most basic stuff. Look at the tough job you've given me. Well, at least the new recruits are coming soon, then I'll be busy."

After finishing, he looked at Gao Yuan, who still seemed distracted, and asked curiously, "What's up with you today? You're not telling me to pick out some good prospects for you."

Gao Yuan looked at Xiang Weiguo and said quietly, "Uncle Xiang, there's something... I'm about to depart, in four days' time."

Xiang Weiguo was taken aback and asked, "When will you be back?"

"Off to Africa State. God knows when I'll be able to come back."

Xiang Weiguo pondered for a moment, then said in a low voice, "This is military secrets; you shouldn't be telling me this."

"It's okay; everyone's going to know soon anyway. Uncle Xiang, I haven't told Xiaoyu yet."

Xiang Weiguo sighed and said, "Can't tell her?"

"It's not that I can't, it's that I daren't, and I don't know how."

Swishing the wooden stick in his hand and letting out a sharp whooshing sound, Xiang Weiguo then said quietly, "I've got no solutions for you; this is something you'll have to handle yourself."

"You're not even going to say you'll try to persuade her for me? That's really not cool, Uncle Xiang."

"I'm old now and have absolutely no interest in meddling in you young people's love affairs."

After making his point in a rather unsympathetic manner, Xiang Weiguo turned to look at Gao Yuan and said, "You're heading to Africa. How many people?"

"Five thousand."

"Five thousand!"

Xiang Weiguo was taken aback, then his expression turned very serious and said, "That's a major operation. I shouldn't ask, but what are you going to do there?"

Gao Yuan smiled bitterly and said, "I'd like to tell you, but I've been warned several times not to say anything. It's a big deal, a matter of life and death for humanity."

Xiang Weiguo exhaled deeply, nodded, and then said with a touch of desolation, "That means I'm not on the list."


Xiang Weiguo shook his head and said, " I may be slightly older, but I'm no worse than you younger folks, but let's not talk about that... I can't expect any special treatment because of our relationship."

After another helpless sigh, Xiang Weiguo asked in a lower voice, "Xiaoyu isn't going, right? What about Yu Shunzhou and Nie Erlong?"

"I don't want them involved. After all, they're just rookies. What's the point of taking them? Plus, it's too dangerous, and we have to go all the way to Africa. Who knows what could happen."

Xiang Weiguo looked at Gao Yuan and said, "The term 'rookies' sure sounds awkward coming from you. Have you no shame?"

Gao Yuan did feel a bit embarrassed. Xiang Weiguo went on indifferently, "If you ask me, you should bring them along. At least ask what they think. Do you really think hiding in this cave is comfortable? Also, don't think that just because you're tough, everybody else is dead weight. On the battlefield, everyone has their use, and it's certainly not the place for personal heroics."

After thinking for a while, Gao Yuan said, "What you say makes sense. I'll talk to them about it."

Xiang Weiguo exhaled deeply and said, "Although they can't compare to veterans like Panxin and Li Jingang, they're definitely qualified as rookies. Let them follow the troops and train. They won't slow you down. Besides, are you the only representative from the Fierce Tiger Brigade? You should at least bring a few people with you. And another thing, don't get so fixated. Once you're out there, shouldn't you take the opportunity to expand your troops?"

"Wait, Uncle Xiang, what makes you so sure they both want to go?"

Xiang Weiguo smiled confidently, then he responded with a smile, "You ask them yourself."

"You two, come here!"

Uncle Xiang shouted loudly and the two individuals, sweating profusely from running in circles, trotted over.

Xiang Weiguo gestured with his hand, signaling Gao Yuan to begin. Gao Yuan looked over at Yu Shunzhou, then at Nie Erlong, and said, "I'm taking part in an operation, a major one. It's very dangerous..."

Yu Shunzhou immediately grabbed Gao Yuan's arm with his damp hand, his face eager as he said, "Can you take us with you? Can I join?"

Gao Yuan was puzzled and replied in a low voice, "I said it's very dangerous."

Yu Shunzhou was first and foremost a staunch survivalist; he would avoid danger at every turn and never engage in risky activities if he could avoid them.

But now, Yu Shunzhou was excitedly saying, "Just tell me, can you take me? Can you! Can you! Damn it! Will you let me join in or not?"

"And me, what about me!"

Nie Erlong was equally excited. Gao Yuan, still not understanding, said, "I'm saying this operation is very dangerous, extremely so. It's the kind that you might not come back from, you..."

"I'd rather die than stay here!"

Yu Shunzhou grasped Gao Yuan's hands, then implored him with desperate eyes, "Even if it means death, I refuse to stay here and train any longer! If it's a one in ten chance of survival, there's still hope. Staying here and being trained by him... by him... it's a living hell!"

Nie Erlong positioned himself in front of Gao Yuan, resolute, and said, "Let us join, don't mind what it is, but you have to count me in. Otherwise, I won't be a soldier of the Da Hong Third Company anymore. Don't say I didn't tell you!"

Being trained by Xiang Weiguo couldn't be that bad, Gao Yuan thought, giving Xiang Weiguo a puzzled look. Then he considered for a moment and said, "Alright then. I'll add your two names to the list. Prepare yourselves; we'll be setting off soon. It really is dangerous. Are you sure about this? Do you want to think it over some more? Don't make a rush decision and regret it later."

Yu Shunzhou pointed and said, "If there were an Armored Beast somewhere, do you think I'd hesitate to strap on some explosives and go blow myself up along with it?"

Gao Yuan was surprised and said, "What have you guys been doing? It's just running, just a bit of physical training, isn't it? Is it really that bad?"

Xiang Weiguo remained silent, and Yu Shunzhou said animatedly, "Just physical training? Do you know how we've been training? He... that old man... trained us to the edge of death as long as it didn't actually kill us. I've worn through six pairs of rubber shoes now, and it's only been a few months. Damn! Physical training is nothing; the real agony is the mental torment, especially the endurance training. Forget it, I don't even want to talk about it. It's a nightmare..."

Nie Erlong's face was filled with sorrow, and he just kept nodding without daring to look at Xiang Weiguo.

At this moment, Xiang Weiguo smiled and said, "Enough of moaning. You two are nearly through with your hardships, and I'm relieved as well, no longer having to worry about you both. Hey, you may hate me now, but once you're really on the battlefield, you will thank me. That's it. Now get lost."