
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 138: Hearing the Dao in the Morning

Translator: 549690339

It turns out this formula was Xinghe's greatest gift to Earth.

The concise formula is the First Law of the Universe, and the lengthy part below it is the solution.

If ancient people were given an E=MC2 with no explanation, they could only regard this mass-energy equation as a heavenly script, meaningless since it was incomprehensible.

But Xinghe wrote the First Law of the Universe that unifies The Sixth Force using Earth's mathematical language and even provided the solution.

Mathematics is the universal language of the cosmos, and for those mathematicians whose minds are vastly different from ordinary people, Xinghe has made it quite clear. Whether they understand it is now up to them.

Fortunately, someone did understand, and Xinghe could say that humanity had leaped thousands of years in one step.

Given the current research direction and progress, whether humanity could discover the fifth and The Sixth Force was uncertain. Science doesn't necessarily progress upwards; getting stuck at a juncture for years or even millennia is quite normal.

So Xinghe delivered the answers to Earthlings, answers which might have taken them a very long time to find or that might have been forever elusive, a full ten thousand years early. Naturally, that meant leaping across millennia; the future had arrived.

Of course, the First Law of the Universe is just a theory, just a theory!

For humankind to achieve technological advancement that matches the theory, it would take a long time, but ultimately, humanity already had a high degree of civilizational accumulation, and this was vastly different from telling primitive people about nuclear reaction theory.

The difference lies in the modern humans who understood the First Law of the Universe, while primitive people could not understand any formula because modern humans have a high level of mathematics, whereas primitive people didn't know what mathematics meant.

To hear the cosmic law by dawn, and to die by dusk could be worth it.

This phrase, at this moment, applied to most scientists, of course, not to say that they could go die, but rather that sense of sudden enlightenment was extremely satisfying.

Li Wen glanced back and whispered, "Who is the scientist who understood?"

"It's Professor Wu Xueqiang, a physicist, a researcher at the Institute of Mechanics."

Li Wen took a deep breath, then whispered, "He is humanity's hope. Starting now, provide twenty-four-hour protection to Professor Wu Xueqiang, but be discreet, maintain distance, and ensure Professor Wu doesn't feel disturbed, and do not interfere with his research work."

"Yes, Commander, I'll make arrangements immediately."

Li Wen turned back, his smile wide, and then he gently patted his thigh, whispering, "The future is promising, indeed promising, we still have hope."

Gao Yuan cautiously asked, "Are you talking to me?"

Li Wen looked at Gao Yuan with a smile and said, "Yes, I am talking to you. Xiao Gao, you are also our hope. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say you are the hope of humanity."

Extending his hand towards the row of scientists, Li Wen smiled and said, "You're different from the scientists, but you truly are our hope. I'm very happy today, ecstatic in fact, because I have seen hope. At the outset, we elders thought simply: the aliens are coming, we need to think of ways to survive. We thought to prepare for war and famine; just dig deep and stockpile grain. But now, in addition to surviving, we have a new hope, and it's about more than just surviving. After we repel the invasion of the Serpent People, I hope that these representatives of hope will lead humanity into a new era."

Gao Yuan felt a mixture of surprise and honor. These scientists were indeed hope itself, but how could he, Gao Yuan, be worthy of the word 'hope'?

Where did this favor come from?

"I don't quite understand how I've become hope..."

Gao Yuan murmured quietly, prompting Li Wen to raise an eyebrow and ask, "You don't know?"

"I don't."

"Well, you will find out soon enough."

At that moment, a person in a white lab coat stood up and addressed Xinghe: "Hello, I am a researcher in the field of life sciences, and I'd like to ask about the virus released by the Serpent People. As far as I understand, the first human has survived after using the vaccine you provided. We have studied his blood and found that it contains three types of viruses. However, we cannot comprehend how these three viruses interact with each other."

The first issue is about controlled nuclear fusion, which is the most critical energy issue, affecting whether humanity can enter a new civilization stage before fossil fuels are exhausted.

The second issue is about unifying the four forces, which is purely theoretical, but it represents a major breakthrough in humanity's fundamental theories.

The third issue is the virus, which is currently the greatest and most direct threat humanity faces. Only by first solving the virus problem can humanity undertake more tasks and have a better chance of defeating the Serpent People.

Xinghe looked towards Gao Yuan, who was sitting in the back, and then he suddenly smiled.

The scientist continued, "I'm very confused, as is anyone who has studied the blood samples. Three viruses, all capable of altering the host's biological mechanisms, how do they ensure the host's survival while attacking each other? Moreover, these three viruses have lost their activity; they are no longer infectious. However, they have already triggered a protective mechanism in the immune system, granting immunity to this type of virus. This is very similar to how our vaccines work, but... how is it achieved?"

Xinghe smiled again and said, "How exactly the vaccine is produced, I do not know, because I have a medical pod. It can capture virus samples from the air, automatically modify them, and then create a new virus to counteract the virus sample."

The scientist seemed astonished and said, "It's that advanced? I am aware that the host carrying the virus survived, but how did he survive? The changes in his blood were so drastic that to me, the fact that he could survive after undergoing such significant changes is a miracle."

"Don't doubt it, it's a miracle indeed. Our vaccine is not just a vaccine; it's more like a weapon, specifically designed to kill the rabies virus released by the Serpent People. However, in addition to the rabies virus, Gao Yuan's body contains another virus modified by the Serpent People, targeting the Armored Beast rather than humans. That's why the vaccine does not work on him."

Xinghe's Mecha once again projected an image.

Xinghe continued, "For the Serpent People, creating a completely new virus is less effective than modifying an existing virus from Earth. So, they chose the rabies virus, with its 100% fatality rate, long-term survivability, and efficient mode of transmission. The only drawback is that it cannot be airborne, so the Serpent People just had to modify the virus to make it airborne. The inherent characteristic of the rabies virus to make its host go mad and aggressive was obviously utilized and intensified by the Serpent People."

The scientist exclaimed loudly, "Yes, we have discovered these characteristics and have created a vaccine. The problem is our vaccine only works against the airborne virus. It is ineffective against the virus transmitted through the bodily fluids of infected hosts. Why is that?"

After pausing to think, Xinghe said, "Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes."