
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 137 The Future Has Arrived

Translator: 549690339

The exchange continued, with the first issues discussed being those most urgently in need of resolution rather than more theoretical matters, because while scientific research is, of course, important, what's even more crucial is surviving the attack of the Serpent People.

"Our scientists, after lengthy discussions—intense arguments, really—finally established the order in which the project team would ask their questions."

Li Wen took the initiative to explain this to Gao Yuan.

Given Li Wen's status, he certainly had no obligation to personally explain anything to Gao Yuan, but Li Wen had nothing else to do at the moment, and he didn't want to miss witnessing this historic moment for humanity.

"The first is controlled nuclear fusion, because we are currently inside a mountain, and electricity supply is a big issue. At present, we're using two experimental nuclear reactors for power generation, which is enough to meet the basic needs of the Supreme Command, but it's still a bit of a stretch. It would be ideal if we could make a breakthrough."

Gao Yuan whispered, "How large is this command center? May I ask?"

Li Wen smiled and whispered back, "This command center, which is also a shelter, houses over 1.5 million people, including 300,000 military personnel."

Gao Yuan was extremely surprised, both by the numbers Li Wen had announced and by the fact that Li Wen was willing to share such information with him.

"When I learned that aliens might invade, we discussed it many times, and in the end... I made the decision to halt all major domestic infrastructure projects and redirect all construction efforts to building three large underground bases. Looking back now, I feel very fortunate..."

Li Wen was somewhat emotional, and Gao Yuan earnestly said, "We're lucky you made that decision. I still get excited just thinking about it. If we hadn't been prepared in advance, how desperate would our situation be now."

Li Wen whispered, "The pressure was indeed immense. All railway tunnels, bridges, highways—almost all major constructions were halted. All food beyond the basic necessities was prepared for long-term storage. When I made that decision, I spent many sleepless nights. If it were the wrong decision, I would have become the biggest joke in the history of Shenzhou. But I believed in a young man, someone just like you."

"Oh, was he a scientist?"

"No, he was a... spy, a spy who had obtained intelligence about the fate of humanity. Most importantly, he wasn't sent out by us, but he brought back the Revelation to us, the communicator used by Xinghe. So you see, at that moment, the fate of humanity was in the hands of a young man."

"That's impressive..."

Li Wen sighed, then continued in a low voice, "Frankly speaking, humanity's survival now depends on us. Others cannot do it; other countries cannot do it. Only we can achieve everything that we're doing now. Humanity can only rely on us for salvation. But it's Xinghe's arrival that has truly brought us hope."

Looking at Gao Yuan, Li Wen whispered, "But ultimately, the fate of humanity will rely on young people like you. We are prepared for a long-term resistance, but it's the young people who are the future. All we of this generation can do is to preserve a sliver of hope for you."

Gao Yuan sincerely said, "If humanity still has a future, your contributions will be immense. I can imagine the pressure you faced back then. If you hadn't withstood that pressure and made those decisions, making these preparations now, humanity would be finished."

Li Wen exhaled softly, and with a smile, said, "This is my contribution. History will remember me, that is, if our civilization endures."

Just then, a physicist stood up and said, "The biggest problem in our physics now is the inability to unite the four fundamental forces: gravity, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, and electromagnetic force into a single framework. Relativity fails to accurately explain it. May I ask Xinghe, can you solve this problem for us?"

Xinghe didn't speak or move; he just stood there.

A quiet moment ensued, and although Gao Yuan didn't understand what was being said, he knew that the current topic must be of utmost importance.

Even Li Wen stopped whispering and couldn't help but sit up straight.

After a long silence, Xinghe opened his arms.

"Greetings to the Earthlings, I come as a representative of a more advanced civilization, welcoming you to the future."

Xinghe then made an embracing gesture, and raising a single finger, he said, "We spent approximately six thousand Earth years exploring this issue. The Serpent People solved it and then truly entered the space age. Once you overcome this challenge, you will join the ranks of a Second-level Civilization."

More than excited, more than important.

Xinghe continued aloud, "This theory, we call it the First Law of the Cosmos."

With a gentle wave of his hand, a new projection hovered in the air. Xinghe, with a solemn face, said, "You are correct in not being able to unify the four forces, because there are six forces. Thus, your path is mistaken. You need to discover the other two forces, not try to unify the four. If you can unify all six forces, you will find that the universe has opened its doors to you!"

Half of the scientists present stood up.

Silent, still silent.

Quiet, rendered silent by the sheer shock.

A new formula, expressed in the mathematical language of Earth.

Xinghe pointed to the formula, very excited, "Your previous research direction was wrong. With your approach, you would never truly enter the cosmos, for you cannot break through the constraints of time and space. With this, you can attempt to approach the speed of light."

Xinghe waved his hand forcefully again, his face now calm, "Breaking the speed of light is the ultimate goal of all commanding races. We have already completed sixty-one percent, and the rest is up to you."

Still silent.

Xinghe continued indifferently, "This formula is the gift we bring to Earth, this is the future! Ladies and gentlemen, our gift grants you ten thousand years, with this, you can touch the truth of the universe ten thousand years early..."

What is this?

This is the future.

Just as Xinghe said, controlled nuclear fusion was nothing. His civilization had given Earth ten thousand years, catapulting humanity directly into a future ten thousand years ahead.

Xinghe stopped speaking. Everyone stared at the formula floating in the air that seemed not too complicated, just a short single-line formula.

With a gesture from Xinghe, a very, very long and very, very complex string of formulas appeared beneath the short one.

For Gao Yuan, the short formula was undecipherable, the longer one even more incomprehensible—it was a script even more celestial than celestial scripts.

But when the very long formula appeared, and after ten minutes, suddenly someone choked out, "I understand! I really do understand, I understand this formula! I do, I do!"

Then that person suddenly burst into loud sobs.

In the silent command center, applause broke out, then the clapping grew more and more fervent, as if to lift the hundreds of meters tall mountains above.

Xinghe made a gesture, and the applause quickly subsided. Xinghe, like a mentor, pointed at the scientist who had understood and calmly said, "Congratulations, congratulations to the people of Earth."

Congratulations were indeed in order, for Xinghe had brought a gift to humanity. However, the value of this gift was predicated on the Earthlings' ability to comprehend it.

Seeing is useless, understanding is what matters. Now that someone truly understood, humanity had indeed seen the future.

So what then?

Yes, the future has arrived.