
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 126: Eagerly Anticipating

Translator: 549690339

Jia Weidong was riding a bicycle, and Gao Yuan followed on foot.

After passing the most dangerous stretch of road, Gao Yuan found a tricycle in a nearby village—such things were certainly not scarce in the Land of Shenzhou.

Then, Gao Yuan rode the bicycle, and Jia Weidong followed with the tricycle, pulling their belongings along the highway.

The dog, when it got tired, could also rest on the tricycle for a while.

Since Jia Weidong was with him, they couldn't go very fast. It took an entire night and a day for Gao Yuan to bring Jia Weidong to their camp.

"This is where I live, that's Uncle Xiang's place. Choose where you want to stay, but once you're settled in, I'll set up another room for you. Just in case we come back, you know? My survival pack is hidden here; keep an eye on it. It has medicine and stuff. If you need anything, help yourself."

After showing Jia Weidong around, Gao Yuan took special care to teach him how to use the radio.

"If you don't need the radio, just leave it be. This is a Faraday cage; don't take it out lightly. If the Serpent People unleash another Electromagnetic Pulse, it'll be ruined."

"What's a Faraday cage? What does Electromagnetic Pulse mean?"

Gao Yuan paused for a moment, then said, "Never mind, you better not touch this thing. But I'll leave the walkie-talkie with you."

Jia Weidong nodded and said, "I don't have much use for a walkie-talkie either. I'll store it properly. It's a shame the GPS doesn't work; it cost me several thousand to buy."


"GPS collars, one to control four, for the dogs. Without GPS, they keep getting lost. The GPS collar also has a walkie-talkie built in. I just shout into the walkie-talkie, and no matter how far away the dogs are, they can hear me. It just suddenly stopped working."

"That would be because of the Electromagnetic Pulse. But you use GPS for dogs? High-tech indeed."

Gao Yuan found a new appreciation for the Hunter profession, while Jia Weidong simply chuckled and said, "Afraid of losing them, you see. Had to buy it, no matter the cost."

Their conversations were not on the same wavelength. Gao Yuan thought for a moment and said, "There's nothing else to explain, so I need to leave now. Since you're not willing to go to the base, I can't tell you the exact location—it's confidential. So, if anything happens in the future, I'll have to come find you."

With a smile, Jia Weidong replied, "No worries. I'm used to being on my own. The food you left can be stored for a long time. I won't touch it if I don't have to—just in case you guys need it when you return. Don't worry about me. I definitely won't starve. Brother Yuan, you should get going."

Having said all that needed to be said, Gao Yuan patted Jia Weidong on the shoulder and whispered, "Be careful, I'm off."

Gao Yuan had walked more than a dozen steps with the bicycle when Jia Weidong suddenly called out from behind, "Brother."

Gao Yuan stopped and turned around. Jia Weidong nodded and said, "If you need me for anything, come find me. As long as you need me, make sure to find me."

"Got it. Take care of yourself, be safe."

This time Jia Weidong did not say anything further. Gao Yuan, with his bicycle, didn't return the way he had come into the mountains but took the road he had previously used to enter the village.

He felt quite happy inside because Gao Yuan thought he had helped someone worth helping.

Jia Weidong had become an acquaintance through an unexpected situation. Though they hadn't interacted much, Gao Yuan knew he was worth befriending. Why? Simply because he treated dogs so well. He couldn't be wrong about people.

Some people are worth helping, others are not. Sometimes you help someone, and they turn around and bite you.

Jia Weidong certainly belonged to the former category. And helping such a person made one feel elated. As for those not worth helping, those who might bite back, Gao Yuan couldn't care less about returning for them.

With a light heart, Gao Yuan set off for Base No. 12 after descending the mountain.

When he returned to Base No. 12, it was the afternoon. It took Gao Yuan less than twenty-four hours to bring Jia Weidong to their previous campsite. Given the current state of transportation, this efficiency was remarkably high.

When Gao Yuan returned to the outer buildings of Base No. 12, he found several people outside.

And it looked like these people were specifically waiting for Gao Yuan.

Before he could even stop his bicycle, someone had already run over and grabbed the handlebars.

"You're finally back! If you hadn't come back soon, we were about to go looking for you!"

The speaker was Zhang Deshuai, his face full of urgency, he said, "Quick, hurry up and go through the disinfection, make it snappy!"

Gao Yuan dismounted from the bike, asking, "What's happened?"

Zhang Deshuai hesitated, but a major general behind him urgently said, "What's the point in hiding it? He's about to meet him anyway, I'll tell you, everyone is waiting for you right now!"

"Waiting for me? For what?"

Zhang Deshuai, looking almost on the verge of tears, said, "Because without you, Xinghe might as well be dead, no, not that, spit, spit, like a wooden mannequin, not moving at all, not speaking at all, nobody knows what to do!"

Gao Yuan was extremely surprised, inquiring, "Impossible! Why?"

"How would we know why? But Xinghe still won't say a word, it's been several hours now, do you think we're not worried?"

"What? Not saying a word? Why though!"

Zhang Deshuai whispered into Gao Yuan's ear, "Don't ask so many questions now, just hurry and get disinfected and go in. So many people are waiting for you, if you didn't come back we were about to search for you."

Gao Yuan was rushed towards the first door, and even before he reached it, the door automatically opened.

"Finally back, quick quick quick! The officers asked about you just now."

Gao Yuan was still confused, but there was Xiang Weiguo behind the door, so he immediately asked, "What's going on?"

Xiang Weiguo, pushing Gao Yuan, whispered in his ear, "It's just that Xinghe said he would only communicate with others when you are here. We asked him why, but as soon as you left, he just stood aside and didn't move a muscle, and we couldn't do anything to him. I came out to chase after you as soon as you left, but nobody could catch up with you."

Gao Yuan was completely baffled. He began going through the disinfection process, and by then, the second door opened. Xu Manzhi came running out, urgently saying, "Are you back? Quick, hurry up with the disinfection and come in, you've finally returned, we've been so worried."

Disinfection, changing clothes, and then amidst the crowd of Xu Manzhi and Xiang Weiguo, Gao Yuan entered through the second door.

Behind the door, there was a sea of people, and Xinghe was standing against the wall. He hadn't even moved an inch since arriving at Base No. 12.

Gao Yuan was shocked, while the dozen or so people in front of Xinghe were asking one after another, "Is it him?"

"Is there anything special about him?"

"Is it because he has returned?"

Xu Manzhi promptly pulled Gao Yuan in front of Xinghe, then urged him, "Try talking to him."

Gao Yuan looked at Xinghe and then carefully said, "Xinghe?"

As soon as Gao Yuan spoke, Xinghe's face didn't glow or anything, but Xinghe's head immediately tilted slightly, saying, "Hello, you're back."

Gao Yuan licked his lips, asking, "Why weren't you speaking?"

Xinghe, without a pause, immediately replied, "Because I was waiting for you."