
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 125 Professional Hunter

Translator: 549690339

He mounted the bicycle and sped away like a bolt of lightning.

It was only when he acted alone that Gao Yuan could truly make use of his speed advantage.

When there was only one person, it was also the time when one could let oneself truly soar.

Changing one's mindset is not something that happens in an instant, but Gao Yuan was rapidly building a new way of thinking.

What kind of mindset, you ask? It's questioning why zombies should be feared at all.

A cautious person can't become reckless overnight, but an ordinary person, upon discovering they possess superhuman strength, can quickly accept their transformation.

Originally, one avoided zombies because failure to do so meant death. Now, why bother avoiding them?

Is it really necessary?

Face them head-on!

There was no need to skirt around villages, Gao Yuan cycled straight along the main road.

At night, under the bright moonlight, Gao Yuan rode his bicycle with high spirits, wielding a knife.

Passing through a town, Gao Yuan would never have dared to enter such a place previously, thick with zombies, but this time he did not bolster his courage much before proceeding.

There were more cars in the town, and now they were all immobilized, which meant there were many obstacles on the road. Gao Yuan had to slow down a bit to avoid hitting any of them.

Zombies finally appeared, but Gao Yuan did not get off his bike. He gripped the tail end of his long knife, a stance that tested one's wrist strength, but was this really something Gao Yuan still concerned himself with?

With a swift stroke of the blade, without even using his waist or abdominal strength, he cleaved a zombie diagonally in two.

If only he were riding a horse.

Gao Yuan found himself entertaining the idea; after all, a bicycle still required one hand to control and wasn't very convenient. If he were on horseback, wielding a Green Dragon Crescent Blade, that feeling would be joyously unparalleled.

It was not exactly an adventure but indeed the first exploration. After chopping down seven zombies, Gao Yuan had passed through the small town.

It was much easier than he had imagined. Gao Yuan had been ready to abandon his bicycle and be encircled, but here he was coming through unscathed.

Well, in ancient times there was Zhao Zilong of Changshan, now there is... forget it.

Gao Yuan picked up the pace, no longer considering any similarities he might have with Zhao Zilong, and continued towards the small mountain where Jia Weidong was.

In just over three hours, a mixture of riding and chopping, Gao Yuan arrived at the foot of the small mountain.

However, Gao Yuan did not head straight up the mountain. First, he went to where he had hidden the machine guns before entering Shimen Shelter No.2.

It was time to retrieve those stashed guns. When setting out, Gao Yuan had not asked Xu Manzhi to equip him with a few guns because he had his own stockpile. Rather than letting the guns rust away, it was better to bring them back to his own camp.

It would also give Jia Weidong something to use.

Indeed, at this point, Gao Yuan had not planned to completely abandon his camp. Leaving aside the possibility of returning to hide out, it was a matter of habit, and Gao Yuan would never forget the habit of always leaving himself a way out.

Walking up the mountain, while still a distance from the small hut he called home, Gao Yuan heard the barking of a dog.

Soon, Gao Yuan called out to a rock ahead, "No need to hide, it's me."

Jia Weidong stood up from behind the rock and said, "Brother Yuan?"

"Yeah, it's me."

"You scared the hell out of me, why didn't you say so earlier?"

Gao Yuan stood in front of Jia Weidong, sized him up with a glance, then turned around, took a gun from his back and said, "Here's your gun, these are the bullets, keep them safe."

Jia Weidong was beside himself with joy as he took the gun and whispered, "Actually, I was thinking about going to the shelter to find a gun, there must be plenty there."

Gao Yuan said irritably, "And plenty of zombies too."

"That's why I thought, you've already given me one."

After examining the gun in his hands carefully, Jia Weidong said with emotion, "In these times, you can't get by without a gun, it really makes you feel more secure, eh, why does this gun seem a bit longer?"

"This is a machine gun, the one you used before was a rifle, now get ready, take everything you can carry, call your dogs, and let's go."

Jia Weidong was stunned for a moment then asked, "Are you really taking me with you, where to?"

"Not to the base, dogs aren't allowed in there. I'm going to drop you off at a good place where it's safe, but more importantly, there's game in the mountains. With a gun and the dogs, you surely won't starve."

After pausing for a while, Jia Weidong then said to Gao Yuan, "Got it, thank you, Brother Yuan."

Gao Yuan waved his hand and said, "Don't mention it, just keep your dogs under control, try to keep them quiet on the road, and it's going to be a long journey. Will your dogs be able to keep up?"

Jia Weidong smiled and said, "Dogs have much more stamina than humans, my dogs are used to climbing hills and traversing ridges. As long as they're well-fed, they can manage any distance."

With a light whistle, all four dogs returned to Jia Weidong's side. Gao Yuan looked at them and still felt a bit uneasy, so he asked in a low voice, "Will they run around and bark?"

After thinking it over, Jia Weidong said, "They won't bark at people, but they'll definitely bark at wild boars and sheep because the lead dog will chase after a wild boar once it's been spotted. As soon as the lead dog barks, the rest of the Fast Gang and the Tough Gang will all come running. That's how they manage to hold the wild boar down."

"And what if they see a zombie, will they bark then?"

"Usually not, my dogs are all hunters, trained for the job. They're not supposed to bark or bite at people; otherwise, how could I dare take them out? It would be terrible if they bit someone, wouldn't it?"

Jia Weidong packed his belongings into a large bag. Now that he had a gun, he still wasn't willing to abandon his spear.

Gao Yuan led the way, with Jia Weidong following behind, and the four dogs scattered and ran alongside them.

Gao Yuan was confident, but Jia Weidong felt very insecure because they would have to pass through areas infested with zombies, and one wrong move could mean death.

"What do you mean by Fast Gang and Tough Gang?"

Gao Yuan wanted to ask about anything he didn't understand, whereas Jia Weidong was continuously looking around, making sure there were no zombies nearby, then whispered, "The lead dog finds the track of a wild boar and follows it. When it finds the boar, it barks and the Fast Gang, which runs quickly, arrives as soon as the lead dog calls to help surround the boar and prevent it from escaping. The Tough Gang isn't good at tracking, only following the lead dog. These dogs aren't very fast, and they won't follow the scent to find the wild boar, but once the boar is found, it's up to the Tough Gang to engage and bite it."

Gao Yuan felt like he had learned something new and laughed, "So there's quite a lot to know about hunting wild boars with dogs. I understand now, it's a pity I didn't meet you earlier. If I'd known you before, I would have understood what hunting is all about. Hmm, were you always a Professional Hunter?"

"Yep, I kept bees in the summer, and hunted boars in the winter, mainly for fun. People in the countryside don't like to work for money; I supported my family this way."

"Does hunting make money?"

"What money? It's just something the guys did for fun. I mainly made money from beekeeping, and even then, I didn't have many bees. Just enough to earn some money for baby formula…"

Suddenly, Jia Weidong stopped talking. Surprised, Gao Yuan asked, "You have a child?"

Jia Weidong nodded, then let out a sigh, saying, "Yep, in the village people marry early and have kids early. Let's talk about something else."

Ending the topic, Gao Yuan didn't ask how Jia Weidong's family was doing. That was a basic etiquette in the apocalypse.