
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 110 Let's try

Translator: 549690339

Everyone who had been scouting and standing guard outside had come back, to see the superhero, no, to see what Gao Yuan had mutated into.

Xiang Weiguo held his watch and said, "Wait a second, get ready... run!"

Gao Yuan took off running.

He was still hungry, very hungry, but Gao Yuan's running speed remained incredibly fast.

Xiang Weiguo measured out one hundred and forty steps, each seventy-five centimeters long, so the distance Gao Yuan had to run was 105 meters, with an absolute error of no more than three centimeters.

When the second hand hit the twelve, Gao Yuan dashed out. Xiang Weiguo looked up at Gao Yuan and saw that he was already halfway there. By the time he felt Gao Yuan must be reaching the endpoint, Gao Yuan had already reached it and started running back.

"Just over three seconds, less than four!"

Xiang Weiguo said the time out loud with a trembling voice, then Gao Yuan was already back in front of him.

As he reached the marker and turned back, Gao Yuan stopped with a speed that humans can't achieve; his feet scraped a groove into the ground, then he powerfully pushed off and ran back, leaving a small crater on the ground.

A speed absolutely beyond human reach, a strength normal humans could never possess.

Gao Yuan ran back, then turned around once more. He sprinted forward again without reducing his speed but stopped after twenty to thirty meters.

Gao Yuan looked helplessly at his shoes. After two bouts of intense deceleration and acceleration, his feet had burst out of his shoes.

Gao Yuan's hiking boots were unable to withstand the immense force and were torn apart by the sheer power of his feet.

Walking back slowly, Gao Yuan said with a helpless expression, "My shoes are broken..."

Yu Shunzhou carefully reached out on the side and squeezed Gao Yuan's shoulder.

Xinghe said indifferently, "A one-way trip of one hundred meters took 3.256 seconds, a round trip of two hundred meters took 6.114 seconds, and you were faster on the way back than at the start."

"An average time of three seconds, one hundred meters in three seconds."

Xiang Weiguo looked at Panxin beside him, then at Li Jingang, and then he started laughing. He whispered to Gao Yuan, "You are... a superhero, huh? Are you thirsty? You haven't had anything to drink since you woke up; aren't you thirsty?"

Gao Yuan shook his head. Yu Shunzhou said on the side, "He definitely isn't thirsty. Xiaoyu has been feeding him water several times a day using..."

Luo Xingyu's face turned red and said, "Stop it! You talk too much."

Gao Yuan felt quite happy and shook his head, "I'm not thirsty, but I'm hungry, very, very hungry..."

"If you eat your fill, you might just fly off, huh."

Panxin looked envious, then he whispered, "Since your shoes are broken, why not test your strength?"

Gao Yuan glanced to the side; Yu Shunzhou pointed to a large stone and said, "That stone, it must weigh at least five hundred jin, you wanna give it a try?"

Gao Yuan walked over to a large stone. Yu Shunzhou said beside him, "The four of us together can barely lift the stone off the ground, why don't you see if you can move it..."

Before Yu Shunzhou could finish, Gao Yuan had already lifted the stone and then, wanting to lift it higher but finding it hard to grip, he placed his legs under the floating stone and pushed upwards, lifting the stone to his chest with both hands.

Gao Yuan gently placed the stone back down, careful not to make too much noise for fear it would be too loud.

"It was still quite easy."

Gao Yuan was flexing his wrists while the others exchanged looks. Yu Shunzhou then said to Xinghe, "Do you think if I were bitten by a zombie and then got the vaccine, I could become like him?"

"Don't know, it's extremely risky, you wanna try?"

Yu Shunzhou hesitated for a moment but ultimately shook his head, "Never mind."

Xiang Weiguo looked at the stone, ecstatic, and said, "That stone must weigh seven or eight hundred jin, right? To be able to lift it and set it down gently, wow, that's really impressive."

Panxin said on the side, "The human record for the bench press is 480 kilograms, squat is 500 kilograms, and deadlift is around the same, Gao Yuan would definitely break those records, wouldn't he?"

"Records? What significance do records have for Gao Yuan now? One hundred meters in three seconds, what significance do human records still hold."

After Li Jingang finished speaking, he walked in front of Gao Yuan and said, "Hello, my last name is Li, you can call me King Kong, I'm also from Hebei Province."

Li Jingang suddenly started introducing himself, leaving Gao Yuan a bit puzzled, then he nodded and said, "Hello, Li... Brother Li."

"This is Panxin, from Shengyang, Liaoning Province."

Not only did Li Jingang introduce himself, but he also introduced Panxin.

Gao Yuan was somewhat confused.

Li Jingang became bashful all of a sudden, then whispered to Gao Yuan, "Look, when Xinghe brought the medicine to save you, we two tried to stop it, but back then, I thought your chances of survival were pretty slim, I didn't want to waste it, and I felt the vaccine could be of great use to all humanity, this... I harbored no ill intentions, I hope you can understand."

Gao Yuan nodded, "Uh, I can understand."

Li Jingang continued, "Look at you now; you've become like this, um, this is the best outcome, the key thing is... is."

Panxin said on the side, "If you've got something to say, spit it out. What's with the squeamishness?"

"I was thinking, how about I get a transfusion of your blood?"

Li Jingang turned to Xinghe and said, "I'm actually not too afraid of dying, and since he's fine, his blood should be safe, right? Can I get some of his blood transfused into me?"

Xinghe spoke without hesitation, "Yes, you will die."


"To extract the antiviral serum from his blood, it requires a very complex process. Right now, there are three viruses in his body that have reached a balance, but in your body, they would be deadly poison."

Yu Shunzhou had thought the same, he was still surprised by Li Jingang's idea because he had never thought of using Gao Yuan's blood directly; he had only considered the possibility after being bitten by a zombie.

Hearing Xinghe say it was impossible, Yu Shunzhou immediately said, "What's wrong with that? If you're saying his blood is a deadly poison, doesn't that mean he's still contagious? But Xiaoyu feeds him water mouth-to-mouth every day, and she's fine."

Xinghe was silent for a moment, then said, "Body fluid exchange and direct blood injection are two different concepts."

"That's it?"

"It's complicated, I don't want to explain too much."

Yu Shunzhou and Li Jingang both sighed in disappointment, then exchanged glances. Although they couldn't see eye to eye, at that moment, they felt as if they truly understood each other.

Xiang Weiguo chuckled, "Let's not digress. Let's get back to business. Xiao Yuan, throw a stone."

Gao Yuan picked up a stone from the ground, looked around, and then hurled it with force.

With a whoosh, the stone disappeared, and nobody, including Gao Yuan himself, knew how far he'd thrown it.

"The stone's flight distance is 865.97 meters, with an initial speed of 312 meters per second."

Xinghe accurately reported the distance and speed.

Silence, a deathly quiet.

Those who didn't understand weren't aware of how impressive it was, while those in the know were shocked stiff.

Luo Xingyu said with excitement, "Isn't that amazing?"

"Um... the maximum speed of a 40mm round is 294 meters per second, that is, an RPG rocket launcher."

Xiang Weiguo started with a piece of data, then Li Jingang said in a daze, "Yeah, faster than a rocket."

Li Jingang pulled over the rifle slung on his back, patted the under-barrel grenade launcher attached to it, and said with resignation, "The maximum range of this grenade is 460 meters, which means he threw farther and faster than a grenade. He's basically a human grenade launcher."

"No, I think it's more like a human-shaped rocket launcher."

Panxin humorously disagreed with Li Jingang's statement, and then Yu Shunzhou shouted, "What are you all talking about? He's a human-shaped cannon!"

Yu Shunzhou pinched Gao Yuan's arm again, looking enviously as he said, "If only I could be like that, sigh!"

Xiang Weiguo looked proud as he said to Gao Yuan, "Give them a good show, aim for something."

Gao Yuan picked up another stone from the ground, wanting to test his limits. He looked around and pointed at a stick over a hundred meters away, "Hit that."

The stick had just been planted by Xiang Weiguo, exactly one hundred and five meters away. Gao Yuan threw the stone with the tip of the stick as his target.

There was a snap, the stick, which wasn't planted deep, leaned back a bit, but didn't fall.

Everyone was a bit puzzled, except for Panxin who said with a quiver in his voice, "Impossible, the stone broke off a piece from the top of the stick, and the stick didn't fall?"

When you throw a stone at glass, the glass breaks, but when you shoot at glass, it only leaves a small bullet hole and doesn't shatter completely.

Similarly, the stone thrown by Gao Yuan broke the stick but didn't knock it over.

Li Jingang was quiet for a moment, then suddenly asked, "Is the precision of his throws also a result of the mutation?"

"Not this."

"Absolutely not."

"Definitely not."

The three answered Li Jingang's question in unison, and then Luo Xingyu looked at Gao Yuan with joy and said, "Our Brother Yuan has always been incredibly precise with his throws, extremely so!"

Panxin sighed and said, "Xiang Team, I know why you said he's precise with hand grenades, and now I think, whether he's a human cannon is debatable, but he's definitely a human sniper grenade launcher, too incredible!"

Li Jingang hesitated for a moment, and then suddenly said, "Why don't you just draw some blood from me, I... I'm envious..."

Panxin said softly, "Let's forget about drawing blood for now; I think it's better to try it out. King Kong, why don't you spar with Gao Yuan?"

Xiang Weiguo frowned, "A fight? We need to be careful with fighting, don't hurt anyone."

Li Jingang said, "It's alright, I..."

Xiang Weiguo looked at Gao Yuan, "Be careful, don't hurt King Kong."

Li Jingang instantly fell silent, while Gao Yuan looked at his own shoes and then nodded, "Okay, let's try. I'll be careful and control my strength."

Panxin commented from the side, "King Kong practices Xingyi Quan, it's his family martial art. He's well-regarded as the best in our special forces brigade when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. He has never taken second place in the inter-troop competition. Speaking of fighting skills, he's really something."

Panxin gave Li Jingang a thumbs up, but then added, "However, I think King Kong might be in trouble today."

Li Jingang took a deep breath and said, "Well, not necessarily. I'm really not afraid of someone with brute strength. Let's just try."