
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 109 Human Nature

Translator: 549690339

Gao Yuan did come back, but after Xinghe greeted Gao Yuan, its attention immediately turned to Li Changfeng's corpse.


Gao Yuan didn't know how to answer, and no one knew how to answer well, because if the truth were told, it would be embarrassingly disgraceful.

No, it would be embarrassingly disgraceful to the point of reaching another planet.

Luo Xingyu appeared somewhat ashamed and angry, of course not because of Xinghe's question, but because of the things that Li Changfeng had done.

Seeing that nobody answered his question, Xinghe suddenly said, "So this is human nature then."

Xiang Weiguo cleared his throat and said, "Yes, this is human nature. Humans are very complex, there are good people and bad people, but still, there are more good people than bad."

Xinghe shook its head and said, "No, I have read your history, so I don't think there are more good people than bad. I think there are more selfish people than selfless ones."

After a brief silence, Xinghe continued, "In the days since I arrived on Earth, I have been surprised, because what I have seen is different from what my predecessors saw. I see humans who do not hesitate to sacrifice their lives for a common goal. Every intelligent life fears death, but the humans I see are different; they love life but do not fear death."

Panxin said without hesitation, "Because they are soldiers."

"Do all soldiers act like this?"

Panxin opened his mouth, then said in a deep voice, "Shenzhou's soldiers do."

"On my planet, there are no longer any nations, because we have evolved into a higher form of organization."

Xinghe fell silent again, then continued, "I know what soldiers are. Soldiers are related to many words: bravery, fearlessness, brutality, chaos. Soldiers are complex, but the soldiers I have seen this time are different from what I know."

With a heavy voice, Panxin said, "Because we are Shenzhou's soldiers."

"What's different?"

"Because we are the people's soldiers!"

Xinghe has no facial expressions, and its voice is that of a computer, well, on Earth it's called a computer, in any case, it's not its real voice.

So it's hard to gauge Xinghe's emotions.

But now, Xinghe's tone clearly conveyed its confusion.

"Why are they different?"

Panxin wanted to keep answering Xinghe's questions, but he found he had no answer.

Gao Yuan said softly, "Don't ask anymore, just because they are Shenzhou's soldiers."

Xinghe remained silent, then it looked at Li Changfeng's corpse again and said, "Why did he do that?"

Gao Yuan said in a solemn voice, "I killed him because he tried to harm Xiaoyu. I love Xiaoyu, so I was furious and I killed him."

Xinghe shook its head, then said, "I know what happened. I can hear what happened here. What I'm asking is why Li Changfeng would do that. At the beginning, he acted very friendly, just as friendly as you all, but why did he suddenly show such evil and brutal sides?"

Gao Yuan asked with surprise, "Why do you know what happened here?"

Xinghe didn't answer Gao Yuan's question but still expressed confusion, "I really need to understand what exactly human nature is. Why can a friendly person suddenly become a completely different individual?"

Xiang Weiguo breathed out and said, "Human nature is hard to explain."

Xinghe, however, spoke very seriously, "You must explain. Many of you died protecting me, and I was touched. I believed humans to be trustworthy friends, but his actions made me realize humans are indeed very complex. I came to Earth to help you and to seek allies, but if you are all like him, who could suddenly turn into someone else and harm others for their own desires, I would be in grave danger."

Who was going to explain?

Gao Yuan sighed, "About human nature, in an apocalypse, you can see its most glorious aspects, but you can also witness its darkest side. Li Changfeng was bound by the rules of the shelter and limited by his own moral code when among many people. But now, he is desperate, so he chose to fulfill his wicked thoughts before his death."

Gao Yuan pointed towards Panxin, then towards Xiang Weiguo, and finally at himself, "But we are different. When there are laws to follow, we abide by them. Even when there's no legal oversight, even in the worst of circumstances, we won't abandon our moral standards. So you can't judge everyone based on Li Changfeng alone."

Xinghe spoke without hesitation, "Alright, I accept your explanation. Now I can continue to believe that most humans are good, not evil."


Xinghe pondered for a moment, then nodded, "I've asked all my questions."

Gao Yuan and Xiang Weiguo exchanged glances, then Gao Yuan turned to Xinghe, "Can you tell me what condition my body is in now?"

"Your body has been modified by a gene weapon. In language you would understand, you have become a superhuman."

"Superhuman, by how much..."

"I don't know. You'll need to discover that yourself, but I can tell you this is just the beginning since you are still extremely lacking in energy. If your way to gain energy is to eat, then you'll need to consume a lot."

Xiang Weiguo coughed lightly and said, "Let's not talk about anything else for now, just get the corpse out of here."

In the past, if there was a corpse lying next to them, nobody would have the mood for conversation. But now, there were too many dead, to the point where it became commonplace. Not to mention feeling scared, there wasn't even interest to take an extra glance.

Yu Shunzhou and Panxin dragged Li Changfeng's body out. At that time, Xiang Weiguo turned to Xinghe, "How did your exploration turn out?"

Xinghe shook his head.

Gao Yuan asked curiously, "Couldn't his mecha turn invisible? Can't it just walk out on its own?"

Xiang Weiguo shook his head, and Xinghe directly replied, "It's visual deception, not invisibility. But that consumes a lot of energy, and I can't use that feature anymore. Now my mecha only retains the most basic functions. Apart from the most fundamental communication and movement, I can't afford any extra energy consumption, because I still need the mecha to sustain my life."

Gao Yuan took a deep breath, "That's troublesome. Uncle Xiang, after so many days, you still haven't made contact with the Supreme Command?"

Xiang Weiguo replied with helplessness, "We simply can't reach them. If we could, would we still be stuck here?"

With some hesitation, but eventually, Xiang Weiguo spoke to Gao Yuan in a low voice, "I've been considering sending someone to the Supreme Command. It's a risky move. I was planning to have Panxin and King Kong do it, but now that you're awake, and you seem to have become like Superman, maybe you could give it a try?"

Luo Xingyu spoke softly, "Uncle Xiang, he just woke up!"

But Gao Yuan didn't hesitate, "Of course I have to try. That goes without asking. But first let me fill up. I feel so weak right now, like jelly in my arms and legs."

Xiang Weiguo rubbed his hands and said, "You've eaten so much and you're still hungry, and with such strength you feel weak? This is..."

"I'm sorry."

Xiang Weiguo couldn't contain his joy and said, "What are you apologizing for? The more you can eat, the better. Eat as much as you want; once you're truly full, you'll be even more formidable!"