
The Ultimate System (Omniversal: DxD, Marvel, Tensura, Fate, HP)

In the afterlife, individuals become the seeds for new omniverses, shaped by their experiences. Revy Phoenix is reborn into the world of DxD with the Ultimate System. This story is filled all kind of depravity along with one of the most solid systems.

Azeriel · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 1

Ever wandered what happens after death? Many have and funnily enough they're all right to some extent. 

Heaven, hell, reincarnation, systems, quests and so on… They are all true because after death you become the seed for a whole new omniverse born out of all you've ever experienced, along with all that has ever existed in your previous incarnation. 

This is the story of Revy Phoenix, twin of Raizer Phoenix and the seed of this bran new omniverse, not that he would know.




Ultimate System Assimilation ongoing…

System assimilation 12%

System assimilation 29%

System assimilation 47%

System assimilation 72%

System assimilation 99%

'Greetings master and welcome to the Ultimate System. You have been reborn in the world of DxD. To congratulate you on a successful birth the system has rewarded you with one Legendary award and two epic draws.'

'Congratulation you have received the legendary inventory Lv1.'

'Would you like to use your epic draws?'

Not even a second past my rebirth and I get blasted by these notifications. Well, no matter at least I got what I always wanted, a life worth living. Seeing as the sky is purple, I can assume that I was reborn as either a Devil or a Fallen Angel. Either works for me really, as a matter a fact I could have been born anything other than an angel. That is not to say that I am not virtuous but that if I was then I would have likely fallen within the day. You can't expect a human to act like an angel would.

"Look at them, they're so cute." I heard a woman squeal.

"Oh, please they look like potatoes." This rude remark was answered with a smack to the head of the man I believe was my father.

'Thanks dad I appreciate being made fun of.'

Apparently, I was reborn a member of the Phoenix house, which was nice, but I am the twin brother of Raizer which soured my mood a little, then again, he's just a baby so he might not turn out to be some two-bit villain. 

Who am I kidding, unless I educate him myself, he will likely face the same fate, not that I care. Unlike in those novels where people automatically want to take care of their new family, I simply don't care about mine, with the exception of my mom but then again, a mother is sacred.

Back to the reason I am glad to have died and been reborn, the system.

Seeing as I have nothing but time on my hands, I decided to explore it thoroughly. What I found was both incredible and so very upsetting. The system itself has every function imaginable, however the price to acquire those things I truly desire is simply immense. 

To give you an idea, I receive a single point every day for simply being alive. Whilst on occasion such as when I accomplish something of note the system would reward me with more points.

'Congratulations you have learned to crawl: +50 points.'

'Congratulations you have learned to walk: +100 points.'

'Congratulations you have learned to talk: +600 points.'

'Congratulations you have learned how to use the potty: +70 points.'

This might look to be lucrative but in truth it simply isn't when the cheapest abilities I desire are in the hundreds of thousands. This is not even the worst part, before I can even buy a single ability I first need to buy the system it belongs to. If I want a Zanpakuto I first need to unlock the Shinigami system which would cost me 72 TRILLION points!!! (AN/ I hate when MCs start to collect abilities left and right so I am going to make it really hard for our MC sorry my boy.)

Thankfully there exist a Gacha even if it is limited to the subsystems already unlocked along with the extra draws outside any subsystem. I receive one common Gacha every week, but those things are honestly useless things ranging from a toothbrush to a tiara made of gold and diamond.

The price to draw a Gacha are honestly awful which is why I am sticking to the store unless I receive free Gatchas. 

When I was born, I was granted two epic tickets which I used only to receive the following:

'Congratulations you have received the epic consumable gender authority, grants the person the ability to change gender whenever they wish.'

'Congratulations you have received the epic Lawful Develisation Authority: You are granted the ability to turn those who submit to you into subordinate devils without the need for a Devil Piece.'

I was excited about both rewards, changing gender might seem like a shitty reward but I couldn't be happier after all I was reborn into a devil and intend to live like a devil, that includes a shit ton of debauchery and things I have never before experienced. 

As for the develisation it is simply incredible, after reading more about it I discovered that this is similar power to that of the Abrahimic God of DxD used to turn Lucifer into a devil. Honestly this should be a Legendary draw not epic, although the need for surrender or submission is likely what held it back. 

With this ability I could turn anyone I want into both a devil and a subordinate and in devil society subordination is no different from enslavement. After all that's exactly what devil pieces are, slaves. Everyone is free to treat their pieces however they want but the fact remains that they are quite literally the property of their king. 

Now that I think about it 'Hey system, if I participate in rating games will I get points?'

'The master is correct, simply participating would award you points however winning would award you tens if not hundreds of times more points than if you are defeated, to give you example participating and loosing would award you between 100 to 20000 points depending on your adversary. Whilst winning would grant you between 1000 and 100000 points.'

Oh my god! Ouch forgot I shouldn't say that.

The rating games have now become my priority. I must assemble the most powerful peerage ever! Though I did not read the Light Novel I still remember those who are worth my attention, not to mention the holders of sacred gears. If I remember correctly the fallen angels found a way to remove a sacred gear from its holder, if I grant those with potential with sacred gears even when they weren't meant to have them then I will no doubt have the most powerful peerage.

I should make a list starting with Akeno Himejima she is no doubt the strongest member of Rias' peerage after the pervert king himself. Her fallen angel heritage is truly enviable when fighting against devils and her holy lightning is the bane of most creatures in this world. The second had to be Tsubaki Shinra by taking her into my peerage I am getting a powerful sacred gear holder and same as with Akeno I am depriving the opposition of a powerful piece. Third must be Xenovia Quarta I won't be able to get her for a very long time, but I will still keep a knight piece in reserve. 

Akeno and Tsubaki will be Bishops since I am reserving my queen piece for (drum roll please…) Rias Gremory herself. Let's be honest what's the point of knowing both the plot and how the characters think if you can't take advantage of it. I will simply make use of her engagement to force her to become my queen. I will make it so that being my queen is the only way out of her marring Raizer. 

For my rook I will save Kuroka from being branded a criminal and instead take her into my peerage. I don't really have a good idea for my second rook so if she wished for it, I would just add her sister Koneko or the Valkyrie Rossweisse but I honestly want someone better (AN/ hint, hint give me ideas!)

Finally, the pawns, instead of having a bunch of useless pawns I rather find a Longinus holder and reincarnating them, or I could reincarnate them before granting them a sacred gear thus forcefully evolve them whilst preserving the number of pawns I hold. Now that I think about it, I rather have a bunch of sacred gear holders than a single Longinus.

Possible pawns are Rossweisse, my soon to be born sister Ravel, Asia Argento although she is not a priority, Koneko since I don't really want her as a rook, maybe Yubelluna since she was the only half decent member of Raizer's peerage. 

Great, all that's left is a second knight, but I rather think of it later.




It's been ten years since my rebirth, and I already got my hands on Tsubaki. We became good friends to the point I was tempted to make her my queen since my plot regarding Rias is uncertain to work but I stuck to my initial plan. 

Getting her to become a peerage member was easy since her clan hated her from the moment she awoke her sacred gear, I had asked my mother to keep an eye on those I wanted to join my peerage and as her favorite son she couldn't refuse me. 

This year will be a busy year since Kuroka is to become a criminal and Akeno will soon lose her mother. I could try to stop both incidents and still get them as peerage members, but my mother refused. In her words "it is best to remove any outside influence from your servants less they betray you, temporary suffering is necessary for them to grow and if they don't then they were never worthy of serving you." 

I agree with her thoughts since that is likely what Sirzechs Lucifer must have done with Rias' original peerage. People grow through overcoming adversity and if I were to prevent them from suffering what fate had instore for them then they would not be the same people they were meant to become.

You might have noticed that my mother treats my predictions as truths well that's because my first conquest in this world wasn't any of my peerage members but rather my own mother.

Every birthday I receive a gift from the system, the gift can either be Epic, Legendary or Mythical. 

On my first birthday the system granted me a two in one Legendary gift. That being a Life Simulator System and my first character, however I was unable to use it since I had yet to accumulate enough points to buy the subsystem of a world I care enough to buy. That was a disappointing day.

My second birthday was a lot better since I received a second Legendary gift and a useful one at that. 

'Congratulations master you have been granted a World Seed.'

This is likely to be my favorite gift ever since I was able to create a world within myself and by feeding it my mana, I could expand its size and create just about anything within, whether it be minerals, plants or even environmental phenomenon, hell I could adjust the time within if only by a 2 to 1 ratio, and this world is only Lv1. 

 On my third birthday I was granted an epic gift called 'Breeding Subsystem' and an epic summoned breather (locked due to missing summoning system) I might have been happier if I received this gift when I could actually participate but I simply saved it for later. 

The system might have felt my disappointment so during my fourth birthday I was given the Mythical Tensura subsystem for free. This is both incredible and infuriating, incredible because the Tensura system was worth an astonishing 699 trillion points. However, I was still disappointed since the cheapest Unique Skill was worth 11 billion points. I guess I should limit myself with things within my price range including subsystems.

Things piked back up during my fifth birthday when I got something outside the subsystem requirement, that being an affinity. The epic 'Life affinity' granted me powers such as Healing: for both others and me, Life Domination: granting me the ability to control souls and extend the life of others at little cost to me, Rebirth: an improvement upon my family's intrinsic immortal ability since not even divine and light attacks could kill me now, and Requiem: sucking the life out of others.

My sixth birthday was quite memorable since I received a unique skill as a Legendary gift, that being the Parallel Existence, with this unique skill each Other Body can be considered the main body and will continue to exist even after the original body of the user dies. I used this ability to always keep a single clone within my world. Sadly, with the level of power in this world I can only make a single clone. And that's with me having consumed many Common, Uncommon, and Rare draws from the system. In pure power I am only a step away from reaching ultimate class. 

For my seventh birthday the system granted me another two in one gift, those being the Legendary summoning subsystem and one epic summoning privilege.

The next birthday I received another amazing subsystem that being the Fate Subsystem. The system alone would have costed me 95 trillion if I wanted to get it myself. At first, I was annoyed but then I remembered that I had been accumulating points for seven years now and accumulated 39000 points, this might not look like much but when you add summoning privilege, I received the previous year. 

My next move was quite obvious, since I had no idea who to take in as my second knight, I decided to instead summon the king of knights herself. Or at least a copy of her as to summon the real Artoria Pendragon I would need a Legendary summoning ticket; with the Epic version I am getting a copy with all her abilities along with complete loyalty from the start. The drawback was that she was summoned without any weapon, or armor.

I know that this world had an Excalibur that was broken along with the sword Caliburn belonging to the descendants of this world's King Arthur. Since that's the case then I will just steal them. I can't leave my beloved Artoria without a proper sword.

Finally, for my ninth birthday I received an Epic Fire affinity which granted me control over any fire, whether it be mine or someone else's, along with an almost complete immunity to fire and heat. My control over fire is so high now that only the most powerful of gods who share my authority would dare try to fight me with fire.

It was at this time that I did something I am oh so very thankful for, I used the breeding system on a maid of ours. At first it was mere curiosity since I didn't know if it could even be used on those I did not summon and the answer I got was both a yes and no. Yes, if the individual is feeble of mind the system can be used on them without me summoning them. And no, as if one is strong of mind, they are unaffected however there exists a way around this, such as me using my summoning breather on someone of epic rank or bellow, as in someone like my mother, lady phoenix. 

This was a genius move on my part, after all when I was reincarnated as a devil, I promised myself to live like a true devil would and this is exactly what a true devil would do. Needless to say, I now have both a child and a little sibling on the way. 

To clarify the breeding system is exactly what it refers to, when a ticket is used than the person it is used upon will have a 100% conceiving rate. More than that I choose every last characteristic of my child, from bloodline abilities to body shape and facial features, everything is up to me to choose, even the gender. 

I was tempted to make it a girl but since they will be seen as my father's child and thus under his authority, I chose to make him a boy.

Today is my tenth birthday and my mother is a week away from giving birth. 

'Greetings master, and happy birthday. You have received the epic mana fruit "Apple of Yawe" and 100000 points.'

"Apple of Yawe? Explain system."

'The Apple of Yawe is a fruit grown with a mighty god for his children to grow magically stronger. It also contains knowledge of heavenly, light and divine spells. Warning the Apple Yawe will forcibly turn you into a half-fallen angel and half devil, you will lose your weakness to light and divine attacks.' 

Seeing no drawback, I ate the fruit and saved the seeds to hopefully grow them in my inner world.

As I opened my eyes, I found myself hugging my mother whilst fondling her chest. Truly she is a saint, giving birth to five children and still wanting more… sometimes I think she is closer to the demon than a devil. 

As I rose from our bed, I took my time to examine the many gains I had after a decade of life.

Name: Revy Phoenix

Race: Part Devil, Part Fallen

Points accumulated: 147,550.

Racial traits: Great Demonic Power, Immortality, Hell fire, Light manipulation

Secondary traits: Perfect Memory, Magic Eyes 

Affinities: Life affinity, Fire affinity 

Tier 2 according to current world: Ultimate class 

Available subsystems: Life Simulator System, Breeding Subsystem, Summoning Subsystem

Available Worlds: Tensura Subsystem, Fate Subsystem

Tensura Subsystem acquisition: Unique Skill: Parallel Existence

Marked as Important in inventory: Inner World, infinite bag of cookies, jewelry subsection, wealth subsection. 

Revy phoenix Peerage:


Rias Gremory as Queen (pending)


Akeno Himejima Bishop 1

Tsubaki Shinra Bishop 2


Artoria Pendragon knight 1 

Xenovia Quarta Knight 2 (pending)


Kuroka Rook 1 (pending)

Rook 2


Rossweisse Pawn (pending)

Ravel Pheonix Pawn (soon)

Asia Argento (pending)

Koneko Toujou (pending)

Yubelluna (Maybe)