
The Ultimate Superman System

ChiseldPotato · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

A Friends Son

....David having finished grooming himself began carefully experiencing the terrifying ability bonuses the Kryptonian powers brought him.

There is no doubt that having any such Kryptonian lineage would be a terrifying thing to have but he now knew and that was exciting.

To be able to all of a sudden gain the power to fly through, pluck stars from the sky, bathe in magma, and throw moons across space would honestly make anybody happy.

Of course this was the signature ability of all Kryptonians having the ability to absorb the yellow suns radiation, just like superman.

However it has to be noted that a red suns radiation would rapidly reverse the process expelling any power that they once collected.

Nevertheless David didn't care much for that fact because as right now it wasn't very important compared to the excited feeling the terrifying power he now wielded.

"Is this the power of a yellow sun... It brings my body so much power... Every second, I can feel it swallowing a huge amount of yellow radiation"

Gazing down at his hands, his new powerful sight instantly peered through his skin, allowing him to view his bones precisely.

Bathing under the sun granted him a beautiful gift as it generously lifted his life level... And without fail it didn't seem to be slowing down.

A voice spoke up bringing David out of his thoughts "Are you a Mutant?" Tony said mumbling as he looked at the man in front of him.

Tony stared at the man that fell onto his car, smashing it, which was designed to withstand bullets, and seeing him unarmed... Shook him abit.

Leading him to mumble a question to himself "What is his body made of... Vibranium?" he chuckled to himself thinking about it.

"No, I'm not a mutant Tony" David said after picking up the almost inaudible words Tony said.

David replayed not thinking much of his words but he quickly grasped that Tony didn't mean for him to hear by the surprise written on his.

It would seem his super hearing came under his control a lot quicker than he expected.

And wanting to experience it properly he slowly released it bit by bit which gradually allowed him to hear sounds from thousands of kilometers away, down to even the smallest creature's crawling below the pavement.

With a smirk he classed himself in with General Zod's adaptability. Just like his first time coming to Earth and being exposed to a yellow sun didn't really have much of an effect on him.

Tony taking a deep breath and readjusting himself, and ignore the lunatic for now, as hurriedly jumped out of the useless Ford supercar.

Feeling lucky that J.A.R.V.I.S's noticed the guy falling and applied the emergency brakes because maybe right about now he would have been died.

Think of J.A.R.V.I.S Tony said "J.A.R.V.I.S?"

~Yes, sir~

"How is everything?" Tony said

~Sir, it would seem all of your vital signs are normal, but apart form the excessive adrenal secretion your only seem to be frightened~

Tony rolled his eyes and said "No I mean, have you figured out where this guy came from? does he have an awakened X gene? Or is he some run away super soldier like the big green guy? Or some kind of robot?"

Tony's ignorance and arrogance made him instinctively put up his guard as he thought David viewed him as some puny human because of how he was being ignored.

Tony began looking up and down this brooding man to which made him feel slightly insecure about himself.

Unfortunately at this point Tony wasn't Iron Man as of now, he was infact an incomplete, arrogant and defiant bastard.

He was able to shamelessly humiliate scientists like Killian and as a result Killian developed Extremis many years later, who frantically sought revenge, for his humiliation.

At this moment, J.A.R.V.I.S's voice rang through the small communication device in Tony's ear.

~Sir, I have what your looking for~

~ The man before you is formally known as David middle and last name unknown~

~David, is a hero of World War II, recognized as a war hero even before Captain America~

~David and Mr. Howard Stark are sworn brothers and as it would seem he is also a close friend of the late Captain America as well as Magneto's Godfather~

~He is also the owner of the renowned Krypton Technology Corp, and the second largest shareholder of Stark Group after you sir~

Tony blanked for a bit as he proccesed the information, before he said "What did you say? That can't be true!" Tony said roaring in disbelief.

David this guy... Didn't he fall into the ocean at the end of World War II and die? At that time, the whole world held a grand memorial service for him and Steve.


"Who the hell are you... You bastard, why are you impersonating David!" Tony was extremely angry, stepped forward and grabbing David's shirt collar, with bloodshot eyes.

Such a shameful thing, he will never allow it!

At this time, a large number of bodyguards also rushed out, directly taking out their guns Infront of the Stark building, whilst they surrounded David.

"You are already surrounded, I advise you not to resist!" The head of the bodyguard, Happy, shouted with a stern expression.



A terrifying shadow suddenly flashed by, and the bodyguards consisting of more than ten special soldiers only felt their hands shake.

They looked down subconsciously, and suddenly found that all their weapons had been crushed into abstract art.

[Shock from Nell Terrence, +1 RP]

[Shock... +11 RP]

"Don't point those guns at me again unless your willing to die" David said frowned at the people but quickly put on a solemn expression as he looked over at Tony and said with some emotion:

"Tony my nephew how you've grown, Howard would be proud... Speaking of which, I remember that 20% of Stark industries belongs to me. Yes, this is what Howard promised me back then..."

Tony murmured: "No, it's impossible, you can't be him... Even if he's still alive, he's already over eighty years old, he can be as young as you..."

"Oh that's easy to explain, I fell into a deep sleep and only woke up yesterday. There's no need to be surprised, Steve should be in the same situation as me, after all he's also a super soldier"

David glanced at Tony spotting a cigar pocking out of the breast pocket, and with a smile he took it. Without needed a lighter David eyes suddenly flushed red, shooting out a faint red ray, which instantly lit the cigar.

"Wonderful I missed this taste, I haven't had a cigar in over sixty years."

David spat out a smoke ring and said with a smile: "Nephew, why don't you invite me to your company to sit down?"

Tony gritted his teeth in hatred and waved his hand.

Happy and the other bodyguards stood down with solemn expressions.

They're not fools, and for someone to smash a Ford unscathed, and destroy all their weapons at a speed undetectable to the naked eye, was indeed their great blessing.

However on a side note if what this man is saying is true, and he's really that David, that means Captain America shouldn't be dead either...

[Shock from Harold Hogan, +1 reputation]

"Listen, I don't care which organization you're from, I'll find out, if your a robot in human skin! I saw the lasers you just shot out of your eyes"

Tony said whispering it as a warning.

And at the same time, a phone could be heard ringing. Tony slowly suppressed the restlessness in his heart and turned to the Ford car, going to get the phone from the front seat.

"What's my nephew looking for in that waist of a car... Here let uncle help you find it."

David laughed, and a sauntered over to the Ford and extended his arms.


David happened to have gone along and tor off the smashed half of the Ford just as easily as a gorilla tearing a piece of paper in half.

And to David's delight the crowd instantly became petrified giving him the reputation he needed.

[Shocked Anderson Noah +1RP]

[From... +1 RP]

[From... +15 RP]