
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Not A Date!

Gail POV

"How about this one?..."


"The black denims then ? ...."

" GAIL....I HATE TO ALWAYS BE THE ONE TO BREAK IT TO YOU BUT ....YOU ONLY HAVE BLACK JEANS AND GREY SWEATPANTS ....IN DIFFERENT SHADES OF GREY!. THE SAME GOES FOR YOUR T-SHIRTS AND SHOES..NO MATTER WHICH OUTFIT YOU CHOOSE , IT WILL JUST LOOK LIKE TWO SHADES OF ONE COLOUR . THE MAIN POINT OF DRESSING IS TO NOT BE NAKED.  ...RIGHT?..PLUS THIS IS NOT A DATE .YOU ARE PROBABLY GOING TO GET HANGED FOR ALL WE KNOW!." Terra comments sounding uninterested .I have been standing in my closet for an approximated thirty minutes now and I still can't decide what to wear. This is frustrating but I don't care , I have to at least look presentable...

"You are right!, if I am going to die then I'll die in style... I'll take the black ripped skinny denims that are folded at the bottom and ...

"THAT WAS NOT MY POINT!" ... Terra hisses in annoyance but I ignore him and continue to look through my walk in closet. We are not entirely rich, but my parents are real estate agents .They made a good deal with the old couple that used to live here and bought this house.One  time my brother and I had a fight over the bathroom , the arguments became so constant that my parents decided that we both got our own separate bathrooms...,the closet just happened to be a part of the new design to balance its modern feel. My room is big enough to allow me to play in it in my wolf form . I like it . There is a double sized bed in the middle of the right side of the room and a big white book shelf placed on the left  side of the bed just by the entrance of my bedroom-door.I also have a black desk that is filled with more books and papers plus my laptop. I didn't want a television in my room, I'm not even that good with video games so I settled for something more me? ...anyway if I wanted to watch a movie I could just use the laptop, I've tried it before and always end up sleeping..but , you get my point. I don't need television. The walls in my room are white with a black paint highlighting the edges and I have black thick curtains that I needed for a simple reason of keeping the Rays out... not my brother.. he just walks in .., and last but should have been first.. I have black and white sheets adorning my sleeping haven. My bed.

"I'll take this one and this one.." I say finally while picking a white long sleeved V neck and my favourite White NASA hoodie.. "I'll wear my black and white vans! ..." I exclaim gleefully to further  annoy Terra.

"AGAIN... THIS. IS. NOT..... A DATE!!! "....

Terra has been feeling on edge lately. I don't know if it is because we will soon meet our mate or if he just doesn't like picking out outfits, but he is being emotional about a lot of things and is easily irritable. First he changes his mind about leaving and rejecting our mate.. now he doesn't want to help me pick an outfit ! Something is definitely wrong...

Do wolves have menopause? Oh shit!

"Terra, are you a female wolf ?"... I ask jokingly.


"Ha. Ha... okay okay . I won't bring this up again. But do tell me if something is wrong . Anyway we need to get ready to go now. We have thirty minutes before the time of doom arrives. I say theatrically while putting on a fake deep voice .

This morning I got a text from Arian telling me what time to meet him and where . I managed to buy myself an extra minute (literally)  just so I could sleep in on a Sunday, it's useless but it at least shows I can get Arian to compromise for me here and then if ever needed in the future. I imagine our meeting will be a lot of me explaining my crimes and Arian probably trying to get me to do something for him to avoid punishment. The guy is crazy but I hope he doesn't ask for a big favour . Anyway ,our phone conversation this morning was not what I expected but let me give you a run through of how it went ....

***  a lot earlier this  morning ***

*bzzz bzzz bzzz*

"Who the hell is texting me so early in the morning...this better be important...wait ,Ray did say  mum left cause of an emergency..did Pops die?  ...then again ..eh...", I say while softly shrugging my shoulders and turning over to  lie on my back while rubbing my eyes to help peel them open.I should probably worry if something is wrong with Grandpapa but he has never liked me, so why bother ?. After finding my phone I unlock it and find a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Omega !!!!!

Me: wrong number 🙄

Unknown: Oh really!? I'm pretty much sure this number belongs to a certain mutt 🐕...

Me: Arian? 👀

Unknown: The one and only 😌. Anyway get your skeleton over at the pack house today around 11 am. I'll be waiting for you by the  reception area.

Me : uh nope 😐... it's Sunday . Can't we meet in the afternoon, I'd like to sleep in a bit more . Can you change the time a bit . Please.😢

Unknown: okay ! 😌

Me : Great ! When should I come then ? 😃

Unknown: 11:01 am . No negotiations. See you later! 🐕.

Me : Fckkk you 😒 ( immediately deleted text before sending)

Well that went well....

** current time **

I am currently standing in front of my body length mirror that is placed behind the door of my walk in closet  ironing out little wrinkles on my hoodie with my hands and dusting off invisible dirt from my pants . After one final look I nod to myself and ...I think I look okay . My golden curls keep dancing in front of my eyes shouting for me to get a haircut but I just ruffle them up a bit more and let them bounce just to give them the I woke up like this feel . I'll probably find time somewhere this week to visit a barbershop. Hopefully tomorrow before mum comes back .

I quickly hurry out of the closet , picking up my black vans bag pack that has my daily necessities which include, my phone ,wallet,water, tissues, umbrella and a note book , one fiction novel and a bunch of snacks . Quickly hurrying downstairs I find Ray sleeping on the couch, he probably spent all night here binge watching cake or fake on our local tv station . They have marathons on weekends.

I don't waste time on him and quickly pull out Rice Krispies and make sure to chew out loud hopefully to annoy him. My mother forces us to have all three meals of the day together. I thought it was a very nice gesture and that she didn't entirely not care about me , but she then told me it's the least she could do since she is the one who refused to abort me. I don't know what that means , at the time it broke me..those were the times I was building my heart walls to withstand her poisonous words ...the time I tried to think her words mean nothing, but if she didn't  want me then why did she keep me?...her words always sound like they mean nothing but to just dishearten me..but I feel there is more to the story than the spiteful comments she keeps throwing at me....hopefully one day , someone , preferably her , will give me answers. It is good to at least know why someone hates you, we could maybe try to fix it . Maybe.

Once I'm done eating, I pick up an apple from the counter top and head out , but before then... I sneak towards Ray , push him off the couch and bolt out the door.

" I'm going to get you for this prick !!!! ..."  that is all I hear before I disappear into a corner heading towards Arian!..Ray has done a lot of things to me, Yes he had a great influence from my mother , but he is his own man so he should have been able to decide for himself . I'm definitely going to pay him back every day of his life. Now that I can stand a fight against him, I can properly retaliate .

" PACK HOUSE ! "....Terra interjects disturbing my thoughts.

"Ah, Yes! Pack house". I reply sheepishly.

I don't normally visit the pack house. I only come when there are big pack events and or if I have to deliver a new set of clothes for Ray here and then... On normal days I prefer being on my side of the grounds and I especially don't want to meet Liam, I'll tell you about him later , but knowing him he is definitely just going to budge into my story and introduce himself. *dramatic sigh *  The only good memory I have about the pack house is meeting Corey . At the time ,I had come to deliver changing clothes for Ray and didn't know where to go. Corey found me and guided me to the training camp not far from the pack house. While walking there , we talked about this and that and eventually got each other's numbers . That reminds me ...

Where the Hell did Arain get my number? I'm sure on the pack registry we only have our house phone number .

(Note to self: ask Arian later.)

"Omega!!!"... waking me up from my day dreaming about past events I hear Arian's voice yell for me from a distance from the direction of where the pack offices are.

"Oh my God Terra he is glowing!" .. I say beaming with excitement and I'm obviously a little... little lot mesmerised by this boy . Corey is handsome but Arian has a certain level of Goddess like features on him that always just make me want to gawk at him. I'm pretty much sure I don't like him though . ..he is what the humans call " eye candy". Good for a short while of starring  but not a long time ..might give you diabetes.

I can feel Terra roll his eyes "  IT IS JUST THE MORNING SUN BEHIND HIM!..." He says .

Oh ! Yeah totally saw that... I definitely didn't think he looked like a God just now . Well here goes nothing...

"Hi Arian!"....