
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs




"You can say that again..."  Corey says  while sitting down on one of the lobby chairs and gulping down water from a two litter bottle.

We have just come back from the hunting grounds, which is where the rouges were hiding. Exhaustion is an understatement of how we are all currently feeling.... honestly if it wasn't for that little wolf we probably would have lost more men out there..He shocked me, to say the least. I did not even think an Omega was capable of killing anything bigger than a rabbit!, But he took out two, not one but two fully grown rouges that were twice his size ! Does he know witchcraft ?...and he is soo fast..I literally blinked twice and he was gone...

"MAYBE HE TAKES DRUGS"...Bumi , my Wolf interrupts.

I let out a low chuckle and shake my head in disagreement. "Not a chance, I could have smelled them on him Bumi , anyway enough with this, we have to go and inform father about the events of today. I'm sure he wants to know what his next in line Alpha son has been up to."

"Arian!" ..just then my father's beta, Michaelis comes up to me.

"Your father would like to see you now, he is in the study . Not his office...oh and good job today, I heard you had a tough one in your hands ..it won't get easy going forward but you will handle it . We are all here." Michaelis says and continues to walk in the other direction. Probably going home .It is already late now.

"Okay men! Thank you so much for today. I am sure we are all tired and need a proper bath or shower....we will meet again on Monday for practice . Have a good night , you are all dismissed ." After my little speech , I see Corey come towards me, Everybody else is leaving but I know his concern...

"Hey Arian..." he say while fidgeting  with his fingers. He is uncomfortable . I'm sure he wants to kill me for putting his friend's life in danger but he is holding it in and thus the uncomfortable shifting of his gaze and the hand thing he is doing.

" I want him in the team!.." I tell him before he starts talking.

"No! Arian..Gail is an Omega.He can run yes, but he can't fight !, You having him as bait is very immoral.You are literally throwing him to the wolves ! And your father will not agree to this..just let the kid live a normal life. He doesn't need all this unnecessary drama!.." Corey argues back.

"I understand Corey , but we currently need someone like him...look...I'll consider your words . I'll talk to my father and tomorrow I'll talk to Gail and we will see how all conversations turn out before I make a decision okay?"..I tell Corey . He clearly is still against having his friend in the front line , but he hasn't seen half of what I saw today ..and judging by his look, he doesn't know his friend has a secret card among the ones of him living as a lowly unloved Omega.

"Okay.." after showing signs of hesitation Corey finally mumbles in agreement ...I can't argue with Corey Martins , he can talk anyone to death. This is why we normally use him for interrogations , For now my answer is enough to keep him at bay until I have managed to talk to both Gail and my father . Corey lets out a sad and concerned sigh and just like the rest of the pack, he turns to go home. I hope he later sees that his friend is capable of holding his own weight. The guy literally tore a wolf with his bare hands!..

After Corey leaves, I don't waste time and immediately head upstairs where my father should be.

** knock knock**

" What did you do ?"...my father say before I could even greet him.

Normally I just budge into my father's office or wherever he wants to hold a briefing ... I only knocked if I was in trouble or if I wanted a favour..Now I have miraculously got into  one and will request the other, hence the.... "warm and welcoming greeting "

"It's what I'm about to do?..." I  say while fidgeting with my fingers and lowering myself into a chair right across from where he is sitting.

"Out with it !.." He commands.

"Well...we managed to kill all the rouges today .We were going to bring in one for questioning but they didn't have tongues and their mind links were destroyed . I don't know what their leader wants , but hopefully later we can dig out more information about them...and bring them down all together  ". I kind of conclude...

"Go on".. my father says while lowering his reading glasses just enough to peer at me from the top.

"Well..can I talk to my father first, then to the Alpha about the next matter ?.." I  ask.

I know this sounds awkward , but my father and I have a strict pack and professional  relationship and a personal relationship too. It might be a good idea for me to share this with my father before having to deal with the Alpha side of my father, he is not as strict as his Alpha side. I think.

"You may go on Arian.." my father puts his glasses back in position and hangs his tie a little loose.. he does this whenever he knows I am about to hit him with heavy news . He says it helps him breath better after I  apparently tell him "shit". This is hopefully not one of those days where he will need CPR.

"Hey...Dad ..." I begin.  "Well..I went patrolling today to check out those rouges as assigned, everything was very sketchy from the beginning but ...ifoundanomegasneakingbehindoneofthewarriorsandhehelpedmetoday...so....ikindawanthimintheteamtotrainasbait...." I speed talk ,mashing all my words together while rubbing my now sweaty palms against my denims.

"Arian!".... my Dad bangs his hand against the table causing me to flinch and unconsciously jump to stay in a standing position.

"Stop mumbling and be direct with me!..You met an omega and what?!.." Well....I definitely took his breath away.He has never looked that red...

"I met an Omega. He runs faster than me and or anyone I've ever seen. He is smart and seems to be good at analysing situations. He knows enough self defence. I want him. Not for me.....for the team.  He helped me scout the rouges today and without his help and information , we would have lost a lot wolves out there . I think we need him".. I try to explain to my Dad as slowly and clearly as I can .

"So you want to make a pack member bait?", ....he narrows his eyes at me and I see he is about to grill me about irresponsibility but I beat him to it ..

"Yes, I know this is a  very irresponsible way to think ,especially putting someone  I should kind of protect in harms way ....but with him as bait we can protect everyone including him .No one has to know . We can just say he is an errand boy and train him with the rest of the fighter wolves as a scout in pretence of self defence?...We have lots of cooks who are Omegas in our training camps , he won't be the first."...I try to reason.

"Those cooks don't go to the field and they NEVER fight!..."

"I know Dad, but this is why we can call him the errand boy. Only our fighters will know that he is a scouting wolf... so they don't get surprised when they see him in the grounds with us."... I explain to my Dad , yet again trying to back up my stupid theory.

"You are evil, how are you even my son ?" my Dad says while trying to suppress his disappointment . I know he loves all pack members and always does all he can to protect us , but I also know that he trusts me.  A little.

"You better keep that boy safe...or I'll bury you with him if dare anything happens to him. Are we clear?!"....my Dad lets out a final warning and puts his tie back into place.  I guess this conversation is finished...wait ..

" how did you know that this Omega was a boy?.. and am I allowed to keep him?".. I ask him before he leaves the study.

"Gail Blanco, only he would have the guts to influence you to this crazy way of thinking . kid has good brains and a big mouth, gives most teachers a headache . Plus , I've seen him chase a cheetah once...I don't know what happened after but he was fast....also  you said him a lot, so I put two and two together. He is not an animal...but yes you can keep him. Now lets go home before your mother has my head for dinner.."

Oh!..( guess I should listen to my own words too) Now I just have to convince Gail that being bait is actually a very good position. ....wait..maybe I could call him a scent hunter or scout instead of bait ?.... I can sell him the idea from the scout angle .  A battle rouge scouting wolf?..eh...I'll find a better term eventually.

"HE IS GOING TO REFUSE! NO ONE IS CRAZY ENOUGH TO ACCEPT SOMETHING SO STUPID!....my wolf Bumi once again interrupts my thoughts and I know he just pulled a dramatic eye roll. Bumi is as you might have guessed , not a very talkative wolf. He only likes to comment here and then but not entirely keen on holding long conversations. I'm okay with him being like this though, I'm happy with his physical strength and his majestic aura. For Alpha wolves, being decisive and strong is one of the most revered qualities of a leader, there are extra more qualities yes!...but my strong points are these two. I'm also not afraid of taking risks like my old timer.

"Relax Bumi , I got this. I think. " I am starting to think that maybe , just maybe this whole idea won't work. ..but it is worth a try..right?"

My father and I left the study and headed home. I don't need to speak to the Alpha. Him and my Dad are one person,  I just prefer to be yelled at by my Dad instead of my work superior ..so if Dad agrees ergo the Alpha approves.

When we got home that night, I went straight to shower and quickly went down to have dinner with my family. Well basically Mum and Dad. My older sister Natalie lives with her mate and daughter not far from here , so now only I am left to take care of our parents. After dinner I head straight to bed and before sleep takes over me, the only thought I have is...

I can't wait for tomorrow.