
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

MR Sandton


"How are you?"


"Do you want something to drink?"

There is a story I have read once about a man who was tested by his God to see if whether he would worship a devil if his God did not come to his aid. The man had apparently done nothing bad in his life and had all good things anyone could ask from the earth. That man apparently showed loyalty and faith to his God and was eventually granted everything ten fold. I don't know how long until his God decided it was okay to torment him, but he did eventually answer . I have been begging my Goddess for a better life in over ten years now and still to this day the moon is always dark on my side.

I have no reason to be happy over anything. The only one love I had is now in a deep slumber, far away from me and yet still within me. What have I ever done to the one who dwells in the moon and busks in its light letting themselves be comforted in its glow while I drown in its shadows? I even tried to drink from its streams but that was poison too and the one time I tried to draw my hand closer to its light, I got burned. Is it time I gave myself to the devil or will my Goddess eventually answer?

"Oh my! I came as quick as I saw the text. What happ-" Arian's mother . Our current Luna says as she comes in through the back kitchen door. She has a hammer and brown handy leather gloves on her, the protective pair complementing her denim overall and long sleeve white shirt attire that was paired with light brown timbers. I guess she was working on something before I came back yet again disturbing her home.

"Something has happened to Gail's wolf and we don't know why. I especially don't know how. Can you please call the pack doctor and see if there is anything? Maybe he missed something when he examined him this morning. " Arian says as he moves closer to me on the two seat couch, clasping my hand as he does so. I wonder if he knows that I might be his mate ? Wait … if Terra is not here then can he even feel the mate bond? Shit! and yet I literally just threw myself at him, must be awkward. ..but forget awkward, what is the doctor going to do? When I can't feel anything wrong with me and I am sure the man will just repeat the same thing they said this morning.

"Thank you Arian and Mrs Maw for trying to help but I don't feel like anything is wrong with me physically. I think it is just a spiritual problem. Maybe you know of someone who can tap into the spirit to perhaps see why my wolf decided to sleep even though it hasn't in almost three months ? " I say while pulling my hand from Arian and refocusing my eyes on the cream carpet under my feet that smells a bit like Indian sandalwood. I guess they use a good detergent.

"I don't know if Mr Sandton will do a spirit check on you if your parents do not consent. Should we maybe check in with your them first?" She asks.

"No!" Arian and I say at the same time.


"We can not let his parents know mum..his supposed mother is a bi- mean person. I can talk to Mr Sandton. I am sure he will be able to assist after I have had a word or two with him." Arian says with his arms crossed over his chest. He sinks into the black couch and taps his foot irritably with a frown now replacing his face that was once plastered with worry.

"No Arian, I will not let you threaten a pack doctor before you even become the leader, you need as many people on your side once you take over that you can trust-"

"I am sure I can trust anyone I can control, they won't dare cross me unless they want to be buried alive. Gail needs help and if his little rules cannot be broken then his legs will be the ones getting broken. So do something before I loose my mind Mrs Maw" Arian says yet again with a sly smile, cutting his mum's words who in return let out a defeated sigh and set down on the single couch opposite ours, her beautiful eyes meeting my blue ones that have definitely lost their sparkle, that was all Terra. He was the colourful part of me and now I can't feel him. Maybe I am already in hell my world is too dark to be anywhere else.

"Gail , I understand that this is a very tough time that you are having. Despite not entirely knowing why you don't want to get your parents involved I will not push it. I will though for the sake of a better future where my son does not end up with a bucket of enemies , try to talk to Mr Sandton so that he can come here as soon as possible or after the ceremony. I wish I could get him here faster because of the tragedies that the packs are facing. It would be good for you to have your wolf to defend yourself , but unfortunately he stays over the red mountains and he isn't a shifter like us. So it will take him a day or two to get here. I am sure as long as we keep you closer to Arian and the others don't know about your wolf then we can pass a day without anything going wrong." Mrs Maw says with a calm soft voice, if I had a mother I am sure she would be like her. Beautiful and warm. Arian is lucky.

"My little " talk" with him would have gotten him here faster but I guess it is good as long as he comes. " Arian says as he shrugs his shoulders, letting out a sigh of relief. He sounds like he hated not being the one to "talk" to the doctor but I guess he is just happy his mum is willing to help me without alerting my parents. If my mother knew, she would definitely take the opportunity to have someone kill me, her parents won't hesitate to poison her mind.

"Gail, I know this is not related but I don't know whose son this is. He certainly has my eyes and his father's somewhat godly looks but I believe his behaviour was moulded by the devil. Anyway I will excuse myself and go finish downstairs before coming up to make dinner. The two of you can wait in Arian's room or go look around the party hall, I am sure Arian has absolutely no idea what the colour theme of his birthday party is. When I asked him to choose things he kept saying "whatever" so you two can go there or wait to be fully surprised tomorrow." She says while standing up and wiping invisible dirt with the inner part of her gloves that she took off a while ago.

"Thank you. Thank you both so much. I really feel stupid and useless for not being able to do anything myself. I am sorry I am asking for such a huge favour from the two of you. I really appreciate it and hopefully I would be able to pay you back for your kindness in the near future." I say before she turns to leave while facing her, the woman who might have given birth to my mate. She gives me a slight nod before pointing her index finger at Arian and giving him one of those supposed motherly warning looks. "You better not do anything weird, wait for me to talk to the both of you later after chatting with Mr Sandton." She says before exiting the room. Arian on the other hand seems elated, how does he manage to switch his moods so fast? Having someone like him as a mate would be a challenge, you can just never know what his next move is, just like when he fights.Talking about mates...

"Uhm..Arian can we talk for a bit...like about my wolf?" I ask while nervously wrangling my hands together and pressing them between my thighs in hopes that he does not sense just how tense I am. Who would like to hear that a pathetic loser like myself is their mate and be even slightly excited about it? I should just give the devil a call, the moon goddess clearly hates me.

"I don't know if you will believe me, but before Terra went quite , he Kida said something...like..he-he said he-ahem...like.."

"I know." Arian says cutting my rumble .


"Wait what?!"