
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Mate talk 2.0

Gail PoV

The earth is cracking, buildings are falling, roads and rivers are separating, people are screaming , babies are crying and sirens are wailing. There is an armageddon in my head. My world is ending.What if Arian hates me?.. wait..will he reject me?

"I know" Arain says yet again, repeating the words that somewhat instead of relief creates a certain panic within me.My heart sinks at the sound of his ever so unpredictable tone that I unconsciously start nipping my nails.

"Uhm-Well...Wha-what do you know?" I anxiously ask Arian, refocusing my eyes to a family portrait with a bronze frame behind him, all five of the Maw members neatly dressed and putting on million dollar smiles in a memory captured by an artist at a time when they probably didn't know a tragedy would eventually befall them.

"A while back I felt that my mate was near by. . . . I did a little quick search and the only person who made a match was you.I don't know for sure, but I only ever reacted the way I did when you were around and thus I concluded that it was you. I also might have kinda have had a whiff of your scent that time before we went for our one on one practice at the tears of a goddess cave. I was not in fact certain that you were my mate , but when you licked me in the cave after I fell , I was able to heal faster because you were the one who did it. . . you know. . . like only mates can fasten the process of healing between each other." He says in one long quick rumble that leaves me even more confused.If he knew then why didn't he tell me?

" Wait, is that why you have been kind of avoiding me lately like you moving back home after I moved in to our dorm and the time you almost killed Ray?" I ask, now piecing together some of the long standing questions in my head.

"Something like that." He answers nonchalantly while slightly shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh." I say unconsciously while now looking back at the carpet underneath us.It is going to take me longer than a while to get used to this doofus. I am actually a little relieved that Terra isn't here in this moment or else I would have thought all his actions and words were sweet like honey and everything he did would be "alluring".The mate bond can make people do crazy things and the presence of my wolf would have made this conversation go in a lot more different ways than civil.

"Look I am not saying we should start doing the nasties together or anything like that but I am certainly sure that you are ,my mate. I don't know why and I obviously did not expect it seeing as how I had already thought I would get a "cute little mate " but you are cool too.Like you're not bad, as long as you can fight then-" Arian says but immediately realises his mistake . He bites his lips together, covering them with his left hand and swinging the other left and right before me.

"It's okay." I deadpan.

Arian is being honest, I also would have never expected to be paired with someone like him. I don't even have Terra anymore so the only good fight I can hold is a maximum of thirty minutes. I am indeed a burden and I bring trouble to whoever gets acquainted with me. I have not even met Arian's mother properly but the first thing I did was ask her for a favour that I don't even know if I will be able to return. I am just trash.Useless useless trash, I am worse than the stink of filth and now that Terra isn't here , I am just a worthless carcass of a supposed shifter.

"Look... I don't mean anything I just said!. I had those thoughts before that my mate had to be cute and everything but you are not exactly "a little cute ", you are very cute and handsome and pretty and hot and your eyes are really beautiful. You didn't even have to join the team but you did it and are taking a great risk with your life for people who mostly underestimate you. You are like cooler and more fun than the mate I had in mind. Like really cool and even if I can't fully feel your wolf now , I still trust that you are smarter than fifty percent of the guys in our team. You are like an amplified version of my dream mate. " Arian speed talks, his words although tangled they sounded warm and comforting like a hand reaching out to me just before I fall off a high building.

"Even if I don't like your stupid jokes you still think I am cool?" I ask him, a slight smile creeping its way onto my gloomy face.


"Oh sorry, your jokes are not stupid I just need to get used to them. he he he" I say trying to salvage the quickly drowning conversation. I thought he would say something, like some kind of another stupid joke but he instead just huffs and rolls his eyes dramatically twisting his neck in a circle as he does so.

"You will eventually get used to my jokes mutt, at the end you will never want to leave me or this pack because you will not find better ones from anywhere. You will never meet an Awesomer version of this guy!" he says with a mischievous grin while quickly pointing both of his thumbs towards himself. I almost forgot I had made a deal with Arian that I will leave at the end of the year. Should I tell him I don't want to maybe move anymore? I don't mean to use him but if he really is my mate then maybe I can kind of rid the pack of people like kadija. Eh.. then again I will wait for Terra and then maybe we could all talk again. I can't go anywhere without my wolf anyway.

"So how about you Blanco, how did you know? in fact I want to know when you knew...I always saw you giving me some looks like you were about to undress me in public and I always thought I was imaging things.. tell me you've been dying for me Blanco." I can't help but roll my eyes at Arians words. If only Terra was here, he would have helped me come up with a good rebuttal.This guy has such a big ego.Me? Crush on him?...like...never!

"Well, Mr Maw. If you would like to know, Terra and I had never had such thoughts about you in fact, he had planned a whole assassination strategy with your head on the line." I say jokingly with a somewhat fake British accent.

"Well, I suppose we should get the doctor here quickly then, looks like I have a naughty wolf to deal with . Wouldn't want a wild one in my courts, although I wouldn't mind it if you went wild somewhere else" He says with a teasing smirk, raising his one eyebrow in suggestion, for the first time that day I find myself genuinely laughing.

"See, we haven't even gotten your wolf back and I already have you all red and crying happy tears..a few more jokes and you will be giving me your heart on a gold platter." Arian says , returning a diamond smile with his ever so surprisingly flirtatious yet charming words.

I wipe invisible tears from my eyes and seat properly to face Arian who still has his hands crossed over his chest, he probably didn't want to make me uncomfortable since I pulled away from him earlier.It is very awkward to look at him like this , him being so close to me and yet I can't touch him because although he says he is our mate I am still not sure, but I do have one thought that seems to glimmer among the chaos in my heart...a thought that is more comforting than the sound of rain in a lonely night.

I will be okay.