
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Betty's Yes Ice

Arian POV

"WOW HE LOOKS SO PAIL!..." comments my wolf Bumi before we could even greet  Gail. I understand him though, Standing before us, Gail is wearing a white nasa hoodie that clearly doesn't do much but elevate his already pail skin. He looks even whiter now with the sun shining on him and beautifully caressing his silky smooth skin... there is also his hair that is just like refined gold...and his eyes...they are ...crap he just dropped his face. I guess I am staring , anyway main point is everything about him is creepy. It gives me those angel vibes. Is he even a proper werewolf? ..

"Uhm Hi ...."..Gail says while still keeping his eyes on the ground. Did he drop something? ...

"After you find whatever it is you are looking for on the ground then follow me..." I deadpan , avoiding the fact that I'm probably the one making him uncomfortable with the staring and turn to face away from him preparing to head out.

" Are you ever going to greet me ? ... and where are we going, I thought you said we would meet here . Are we not going to go in and talk ?".... This time Gail has his head raised and I guess he is done with the little shy omega act. We both know he ain't one.

I stop on my tracks and  slowly turn to face him with my hands placed in both sides of my black leather jacket pretending to notice him for the first time .. " There you are, Hi Omega!"... I say while looking at him straight in the face to quickly catch his reaction but instead he huffs and Passes by me walking towards the office building . I should probably stop teasing him, but I just really like to see his reactions, plus I need us  both to  be neutral by the time we start having our little serious talk .


I ignore my wolf and jog towards Gail pulling him by the wrist just when he was about to head to my Dad's office. "Not here".. is all I say before dragging him by the hand outside the building and heading towards the town center . Behind me, I can hear Gail squirm and try to fight his way out of my grasp.

"Let Go of me!"... he yells .

Immediately I let go of his wrist and put both my hands up in surrender like people normally do when they are about to get arrested.Finally paying attention to his face,  Gail looks angry and a little....scared?

"Don't ever fuckin touch me!" He hisses and stays an arms length away from me. ..  " Now tell me where the hell we are going or I'm going to turn back right this instant, go back to that house  I'm supposed to call home and sleep!" He says in a demanding voice that seeks no argument.

"Betty's Yes Ice".. Is all I say before he hurries before me in the direction of the ice cream shop.

"I THINK YOU SHOULD COME UP WITH A PLAN B, THIS KID DOES NOT SEEM STUPID..HE LITERALLY MADE MY HAIRS STAND..." my wolf Bumi once again interjects . This time I agree with him. Gail won't buy the whole bait thing, I'll have to think of what proper title to give him . I've never seen anyone get so offended by touch in my life. Does he have a traumatic past ? Or maybe he has OCD... wait .. did I wash my hands after using the bathroom earlier?  I say while sniffing my hands like a mad man . Eh.. I shrug my shoulders and once again start jogging to catch up with Gail who is already a few feet away from me and probably didn't notice that I'm not following him.

After arriving at the ice cream shop, Gail and I pick a table by the window right after the one next to the entrance. There isn't a lot of people here ... just the waitress and an old couple sitting at the far end  having coffee and what looks like coconut coated doughnuts. I sit after Gail and although he has calmed down, he still looks mad .

" I'm sorry. Gail." I say but the words feel like someone is scrapping sand paper against my throat thus coming out hoarse,  but I still said them. I look up at him and hope he understands that although I seem to be a douche , I'm only seventy percent of a douchebag he probably thinks I already am.

" It's okay, just don't do it without permission or warning next time." He says while shifting around his chair to find a comfortable position but ends up sitting straight unlike I who was slumped and sitting on the pink chair like I'm about to pounce anyone who comes near me.

After clearing my throat and deciding to sit up mirroring Gail's position , I let my mind and tongue get ready to spin the biggest web I've ever spun yet.

" I need you to tell me why you were at the borders  yesterday following the warrior pack . Plus how you an omega ,managed to pull out whatever witchcraft it is you did out there... and after we are done with this, I will decide if you deserve a reward or punishment for your deeds.".. I say after pulling every muscle I have to put on a serious face.

" I FORGOT YOU COULD JUST BLACKMAIL HIM .."..I can feel my wolf roll his eyes and shake his head in disbelief.

"I understand that I probably sound threatening, but I am just curious and would like to know a bit about you before I make the decision I hope to make today . So please feel free." I say hoping to calm Gail down, but he won't stop fidgeting with his hands and looking at the menu pamphlet in front of him ,his expression betrayed him though, I can tell that he has clearly spaced out and only Goddess knows what he is thinking. I can't believe I'm being so patient with him. If it was one of my right hand men I would have thrown him across the ice cream shop and demanded that he man up and start answering me... but I need him. Arghh!!! This is soo frustrating. He should be the one being cocky but instead he probably thinks I'm about to hand him over to the counsel. I'm the one who should be sweating a flood cause I came to ask for his life . ...

"Would you fellas like to order something? ..." Stacey the waitress says while walking towards us, tapping her pen against a little note pad book.

"Saved by the ice"..  Gail whispers to himself in relief.If I wasn't a wolf I would have definitely missed his words. But I heard him and I will not wait for him to finish his ... whatever he will order until he decides to talk to me.

Thats it .

" Get up ! We are going out ..." I abruptly get up  causing him to flinch and head out the exit without looking at whether he will follow or not.

"What? ...wh-where are we going? ..." he says in a stuttering voice while walking faster to try and catch up with me .

I turn around and give him one last cheeky grin before I reply ....

"Back to the Forest".