
The ultimate Omega

Gail Blanco is a 17 and a half year old boy who hates being an omega.He trains his human form in hopes of becoming a strong Omega who is not easily bullied and hopes to one day leave his pack and family who treat him like a domestic slave because of his status as an omega. He is fuelled by determination, is calculating and hates to be touched by strangers. Within his veins flows a secret that even he is unaware of, until his eighteenth birthday where all is revealed. Arian Maw is a soon to be Alpha. He is cheeky and viewed as the joker in the pack. He has a serious stone face and a psychopath side that makes his pack members fear him, but in most days he is loved by all . For most wolves , finding a mate is a special happening and experience since your mate is tied to you for life in both body, mind and soul. The moon Goddess is kinda never wrong? ... What happens when Blanco meets Maw ? .. Well read on to find out !!...

Otilia_Janka97 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Another Broken One

Arian POV

"Are you sure He is okay?, I think maybe we should go to the doctor."

"Arian you need to give him time to recuperate , you can not just be at his throat like that, he needs to breathe son." The voice of my father breaks through the room like a church bell waking the residents of its community, but I spare no time to look at him. My eyes are glued on the boy in front of me. The boy who earlier almost gave me a heart attack because of the heart wrenching howl that he let out. I don't know how to help my mate. I don't know anything about fighting someone's inner demons, I can't jump into his brain and control his thoughts or control his emotions. This is a war that I can't win for him. . . I hate to admit it but I am useless. Gail deserves better than a mate who is emotionally crippled.

"Arian. ." Gail says in a low whisper and lets out a shallow dry cough to clear his throat. I quickly get the warm water that my mother brought for us earlier from my head drawer and give it to him. He drinks it in one quick gulp and gives the glass back to me. Gail quickly scans his environment with caution to see where he is, his eyes filled with confusion but once they land on me he relaxes. He looks down at our intertwined hands and immediately pulls away his hand when his brain finally registers our position. My wolf growls at the loss of contact but Gail still doesn't know so I can't force him to be intimate with us.

" I did not know what to do after the pack doctor checked you . He said you just needed a rest at home so I brought you back to my home. I know you did not want to go back to your house but I am not really good with care giving, so the dorm was not a safe choice either. I just thought it would be good to be here with my Mum and Dad, I could learn a thing or two while I am here too , next time which I hope won't come I will take care of you. " I quickly say, filling Gail on the events that happened while he was passed out and throwing in hints of chances of us being together in the future. I hope he gets it.

"Thank you, both of you really.. and I know this seems weird but I actually feel okay." He says with a light smile. I don't believe him. My father also does not seem convinced by his answer but still stays in the corner of my room watching him.

Gail sits up and swings his legs to the side of my bed. He gets up and does a few stretches, letting out a yawn and a few groans here and then with every movement. My father and I watch him carefully as if he is about to break. . . but nothing happens.

"Well,, I guess that is my que to go. If anything happens call your mother, she is in the basement clearing a new play room for your niece. My father says before giving Gail a full scan from head to toe and finally exiting the room.

"Let's go for a run." Gail says, breaking me from the starring contest I was holding with the ghost in my room.My mind doesn't seem to stop thinking of what it is that could have made my mate so miserable . I don't think his mother is responsible for all that , something just doesn't make sense.I have seen people suffering from depression and those whoo had sudden panic attacks. This was different, this is different .

"What happened?.." I unconsciously let the question fall between us like an unexpected avalanche. Asking him with a stone face while using my Alpha voice , if he won't tell me as his "friend" then I have no choice but pull the status card on him. I can't just not know what is happening to him. He has to tell me.

" I don't want to talk about it. " he replies nonchalantly while still continuing with his stretches.

"No!, Gail...you will tell me!.. I can not have you breaking down on me like this and I don't even know one percent of what it is that could be making you so depressed , in fact I don't even know if this is depression but you have to tell me today. We are not going anywhere until you tell me what is going on or what happened for you to be in the state I found you in. The pack doctor came Gail. . . he said there was nothing physically wrong with you. Nothing!. . but when I found you-" I take a second to breathe trying my best to inhale the tears that threaten to leave my eyes . I really am useless, I am such a heartless person that I have no other way to ask my "friend" about his worries and him trusting me enough to tell me without me using my Alpha voice. I am pathetic .

Gail just stands in front of me looking unfazed. He folds his arms over his chest and shrugs. He makes an attempt to walk towards the door, clearly not having the mood to deal with my outburst but I don't give him a chance to take the second step. I pull him by his shirt and shove him against the wall, causing my wolf to growl in displeasure. Bumi does not want this but I don't care, I need to know...before he counters and releases himself from me ..I quickly bind his hands together with both of mine and pin his arms above his head locking him between myself and the wall.

"God dammit Gail just talk to me!, didn't we agree to be friends.....?-please , please just anything!..huh?." I beg. I never beg. what have I become? . Gail still tries to loosen my hold on him but the more he wiggles the tighter my grip gets.My face is so close to his that our noses are touching and I can feel his hot breath on my lips , teasing them like he knows I won't lay mine on his without his permission. I look up to his eyes and immediately regret my decision. Gail looks so broken, he looks so wretched and yet-I am trying to force him to let out his demon in hopes that we persecute it together but the boy in front of me is not ready to do that, he does not even seem to know what is going on with him...

While I am distracted by my thoughts, Gail frees himself from me and runs out.

I am worse than his demons. I saw him in his worst state and yet I tried to bully him into telling me his problems yet forcing him into another black whole.

No wonder people think I am a monster ....

Hey Readers!

Somebody savvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeee meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

oooooooooooooo.....saaaaaaveeee meeee!!!!alone...

anyone ever seen small ville {khi khi}

I promise they will both be very happy soon. You will understand why they have deal a bit with their emotions before going futher...soo much confusiion and sadness...

thank you for reading and See you in the next chapter!!!¨

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