
The Ultimate Devouring System

Once a lowly peasant, the main character of this cultivation novel stumbled upon a mysterious system that promised to help him achieve his dreams of power and greatness. At first skeptical, the main character soon discovered that the system was indeed real, and that it held the key to unlocking a world of new abilities and possibilities. With the help of the system, the main character began to cultivate and train his body and mind, unlocking new levels of strength, agility, and intelligence. He discovered that he had an innate talent for the martial arts, and he quickly became one of the most skilled fighters in his sect. But the main character's ambitions didn't stop there. He wanted more power, more knowledge, and more control over his destiny. And so, he set out on a journey to seek out other cultivators and masters, learning from their wisdom and honing his skills in the crucible of battle.

Drogue · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The clash

With a swift movement, Mei attacks first, sending razor-sharp shards flying toward Xuan's.

However, he effortlessly dodges and counters with a single wave of his hand, creating a gust of wind that disperses the ice. Mei realizes that she's facing a truly formidable opponent.

Ren takes advantage of the distraction and launches a barrage of earth attack. But the powerful cultivator remains calm, raising a defensive barrier that absorbs the earth spike and neutralizes it.

Master Xuan's response is swift and precise. He extends his hand, and a radiant golden light emerges from his palm, shooting toward Ren. The light hits Ren's earth wall, causing it to crack under immense pressure.

Realizing that he's outmatched, Ren resorts to a desperate move. He channels all his remaining mana into a single concentrated attack, hoping to break through Master Xuan's defenses.

Mei, witnessing Ren's risky move, decides to support him. She summons a blizzard of ice shards, combining it with her wind attribute to create a freezing cyclone aimed at Xuan.

The powerful cultivator calmly faces the combined attack, raising his other hand and creating a barrier of wind energy that repels both the earth attack and the ice cyclone.

Master Xuan closes the distance between him and Ren and Mei in an instant, moving with such speed that they can barely keep up.

He strikes Ren with a precise blow, sending him crashing into the cave wall. Mei retaliates, unleashing her full power, but Master Xuan effortlessly parries her attacks and disarms her with a gentle touch of his hand.

Mei and Ren, both humbled and exhausted, realize that they stand no chance against Master Xuan's overwhelming strength, power, and skill. As they exchanged desperate glances, it became apparent that defeat was inevitable.

Acting on instinct, Mei quickly signaled Ren, and they simultaneously activated a teleportation talisman they had kept as an emergency escape plan.

A brilliant flash of light enveloped them, and they vanished from the battlefield, leaving Master Xuan momentarily surprised by their disappearance. The teleportation spell took them far away from the cave, leaving them gasping for breath as they found themselves in an unfamiliar forest.

Ren and Mei watched as the spatial energy in the teleportation talisman dimmed, they both knew the risks involved in using it as their escape plan. The talisman had limited teleportation range, and they were well aware that Master Xuan, with his vast power and abilities, might easily track them down if he decided to give chase.

They knew they had bought some time, but the encounter with Master Xuan had left them humbled and shaken.

Mei's voice quivered with concern as she reminded Ren, "We need to be cautious. The talisman's range is not enough to ensure our safety if Master Xuan decides to pursue us. We might end up trapped and defenseless."

Mei glanced around warily, her senses on high alert.

"Let's keep moving," she suggested. "We can't stay in one place for long, and we need to be vigilant in case Master Xuan is tracking us."

Ren and Mei understood that they had underestimated the dangers they faced by seeking to fight Xuan. They realized that they needed to reevaluate their motives and actions.

As they caught their breath, after traveling thousands of kilometers Mei looked at Ren "That was a close call"

"We should also inform the elders about the artifact when submitting our task, since we can't have it we could at least get recognition from the sect for bringing back such info," she said

While Mei made arrangements on how they could benefit from their misfortune ren found himself grappling with deep internal conflicts. The feeling of being toyed with and outmatched by the powerful cultivator left a bitter taste in his mouth.

As Ren's gaze lingered back to the forest where they fought Master Xuan, a mixture of regret and anger washed over him.

He couldn't help but feel a profound sense of loss at letting go of the opportunity to attain greater strength through the cursed artifact. Vowing to himself that he wouldn't let such an opportunity slip away again, he clenched his fists, his determination resolute.

"He may have escaped this time, but I won't rest until I find that child and that artifact," Ren muttered, his voice laced with a newfound determination and threat. "Once I have them both, nothing will stand in my way, and I'll finally achieve the power I desire."

Mei, who stood beside him, understood the turmoil within Ren. She could see the internal conflict as he struggled with the consequences of their actions and the thirst for more power.

"Ren, we need to be cautious," she warned. "Chasing after that artifact again might lead us to more trouble, especially with someone as powerful as Master Xuan now aware of our intentions."

But Ren's mind was set, and he refused to back down. "I know the risks, Mei, but I won't let anyone or anything stand between me and my goal," he declared. I will find that child and find a way to neutralize Master Xuan's interference. No matter the cost."

-----------Back at the cave---------

Master Xuan stood in the dimly lit cave, his expression calm and composed, despite the escape of Ren and Mei. He observed Liam as he underwent the transformative changes brought about by the cursed artifact. Master Xuan had never been particularly fond of the boy, especially after witnessing Liam leave his friend behind to escape.

Yuan's selfless sacrifice left a lasting impression on Master Xuan. In admiration of Yuan's bravery and dedication, Master Xuan had taken Yuan as his disciple. It was during this time that Yuan pleaded with Master Xuan to save Liam as well.

But as Liam's transformation continued, Master Xuan felt conflicted. On one hand, he understood the dangers posed by the cursed artifact and the potential consequences of Liam's exposure to its power. On the other hand, he couldn't deny Yuan's plea and the loyalty that Liam inspired in his friend.

Lost in thought, Master Xuan contemplated his next move. His duty as a ranked cultivator demanded that he address the threat posed by the cursed artifact, but his heart told him to consider Yuan's request. The path of a master cultivator was often fraught with difficult decisions, and this was no exception.