
The Ultimate Devouring System

Once a lowly peasant, the main character of this cultivation novel stumbled upon a mysterious system that promised to help him achieve his dreams of power and greatness. At first skeptical, the main character soon discovered that the system was indeed real, and that it held the key to unlocking a world of new abilities and possibilities. With the help of the system, the main character began to cultivate and train his body and mind, unlocking new levels of strength, agility, and intelligence. He discovered that he had an innate talent for the martial arts, and he quickly became one of the most skilled fighters in his sect. But the main character's ambitions didn't stop there. He wanted more power, more knowledge, and more control over his destiny. And so, he set out on a journey to seek out other cultivators and masters, learning from their wisdom and honing his skills in the crucible of battle.

Drogue · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Master Xuan sighed as he weighed the consequences of his choices. He knew that intervening in Liam's transformation might have unintended repercussions, but he couldn't turn a blind eye to Yuan's plea. He had taken Yuan as his disciple, and as a master, he had a responsibility to protect those under his care.

As he watched Liam, the powerful cultivator recognized the potential danger the boy posed if left unchecked. 

Master Xuan carefully observed the outward changes on Liam. As he witnessed the boy's transformation, a mixture of concern and surprise flickered in his eyes.

The powerful cultivator decided to withhold immediate action, opting instead to trust in his disciple. 

Meanwhile, as Liam's consciousness delved deeper into the awakened systems within him, the changes were profound and multifaceted.

The newfound connection with the essence of the system brought about a metamorphosis in his being.

[Your body shall undergo anatomy examination and evolution!]

[Completion of system update into host - 12%]

[Host has received the physique of devouring]

[Host has received the physique of creation ]


[Host has received the physique destruction]



[Due to the host's being unable to meet the standard requirements]

[Currently Adapting the host body to meet the system's basic requirements]

[Artificially creating a core to the host]

[Rewrite host neural system]

[Host has received the skill APPRAISAL]

[Host has received the ability Pain reduction] 

[Due to the host's endurance of pain host has received PAIN TOLERANCE! ]


<… >

<… >

<… >



[Name: Liam Baros]

– Race: Human (100%)

-- Talent: ?? ( D ) 

– Age: 13

– Level: 1

– Class:?

– Exp: 0/100

– Hp: 100/100

– Strength: 5

– Perception: 2

– Agility: 4

– Speed: 3

– Bravery: 1

– Intelligence: 5

-- luck: 40

-- others stats: locked! 

– Unique Physique: Devouring Physique, creation physique (Locked), destruction physique (locked),?? >>

Cultivation stage: Novice 

{Attributes point: 0}

Skills: [Perception] [Mental Fortitude] [Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat] [Basic Evading Steps] [Intermediate Mental Focus] [Sixth sense] [Expert-level Mana Application] [Pain Tolerance]]

When liam opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a hard bed in a familiar room. Confused and disoriented, he tried to piece together his fragmented memories. The events of touching the artifact and the intense pain were still vivid in his mind, but everything else felt like a haze.

"Where am I?" Liam asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "And how did I get here?"

Yuan, who had been keeping a vigilant watch by Liam's side, leaned forward with relief evident in his eyes. "You're in your room, Liam," Yuan replied softly. "You've been resting for a few days. Do you remember anything?"

Liam's eyes widened in surprise as he looked at Yuan standing before him. Confusion and disbelief washed over him, for he had a vague recollection of Yuan sacrificing himself to ensure his escape from the dangerous beast.

"Y-Yuan? I thought you..." Liam's voice trailed off, unable to find the right words to express his astonishment and disbelief.

Yuan smiled warmly at his friend, understanding the reason for Liam's disbelief. "I'm alive, Liam," he said, reaching out to gently pat Liam's shoulder. "I managed to get away in time, just like you."

Yuan nodded, "I survived, thanks to My teacher Elder Xuan. He arrived just in time and saved me."

"Elder Xuan?" Liam repeated, the name sparking a glimmer of recognition. "He's the one who brought me back here?"

"Yes," Yuan confirmed. "He defeated the beast that ambushed us and brought me safely back to the sect. He was the one who used a special technique to stabilize your condition."

Liam's brow furrowed as he struggled to recall the events leading up to his current state. "I... I remember touching the artifact," he said, wincing at the memory of the intense pain that had washed over him. "After that, everything is hazy, like a distant dream."

As Yuan recounted the events that had transpired after they were separated, Liam listened intently, hanging on to every word. He learned that after the ambush by the beast in the Beast Mountain, How Yuan had begged his teacher to save Liam who had ventured deep into the mountain, and what state his teacher had found him.

<Ding > 

[New message] 

Liam saw a text notification appears before him in 3D he was confused and surprised, yuan noticed this and asked if he was alright.

"Liam what's wrong, are you still feelings pain, do you need me to get a doctor to check on you"

"No, thanks i'm just tired, it seems all the stress and fear as gotten to me i just need to lie down and get some sleep and i should better"

"Alright, i will going back to my room so you can get the needed rest, yes before I forget Lan came over when she heard about you , she seems to care a lot about you, mehn i wish someone care about me the same way" Yuan said while trying to tease laim, noticing he did not get any reaction from him, he left dejectedly

Liam tried to rationalise the situation, thinking it might be a side effect of the ring influence on him. Perhaps the changes within him were causing these strange phenomena. But deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that it was something more significant.

As he pondered the possibilities, Yuan tale of Lan being concerned echoed in his mind. She cared about him, and he appreciated her support and kindness.

However, his mind was too preoccupied with the mysterious notification to fully appreciate the attention.

<... >


[Completion of system update into host - 100%]

[Evolution complete] 

[Mana core creation and integration successful] 

[Call status to see a full list of your current stats] 

Liam taught for a moment and called status, a 3d hologram of a compiled list of various stats appeared 



[Name: Liam Baros]

– Race: Human (100%)

-- Talent: ?? ( D ) 

– Age: 13

– Level: 1

– Class:?

– Exp: 0/100

– Hp: 100/100

– Strength: 5

– Perception: 2

– Agility: 4

– Speed: 3

– Bravery: 1

– Intelligence: 5

-- luck: 40

-- others stats: locked! 

– Unique Physique: Devouring Physique, creation physique (Locked), destruction physique (locked),?? >>

Cultivation stage: Novice

{Attributes point: 0}

Skills: [Perception] [Mental Fortitude] [Basic Hand-to-Hand Combat] [Basic Evading Steps] [Intermediate Mental Focus] [Sixth sense] [Expert-level Mana Application] [Pain Tolerance]]

"hmm what's this he said as his eye scrolled through the compiled list of stats" 

As he skimmed through a second pop up appeared, 

[Click on any property to see a detailed overview of it or —> to get a brief description of the value] 

Why Liam was checking out the info another pop up came up.
