
The Ultimate Crew One Piece

After watching the final episode of One Piece, a fan falls into a coma and wakes up in the world of the anime. With no memories of his past life, he must rely on his knowledge of the series to survive and thrive in this new world. Along the way, he discovers secrets about the world of One Piece that he never could have imagined.

OZGURLUKCU777 · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 7: The First Bounty Hunt

Zoro, Kuina, and Kaito set sail in a small boat, armed with wanted posters for all the fugitives in East Blue. As they ventured out to sea, they spotted a pirate ship on the horizon.

"Let me see those posters," Kuina said, scanning through them. "I think I recognize the captain of that ship. He's not well known, but he has a bounty of 500,000 berries."

Zoro raised an eyebrow. "500,000? That's not bad for someone who's not even famous."

Kaito nodded in agreement. "Let's take him down and collect the bounty."

As they approached the pirate ship, the crew prepared for battle. Swords drawn, they leapt onto the enemy vessel, ready to fight.

The pirate captain emerged from below deck, grinning maliciously. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? Three little bounty hunters looking to make a name for themselves?"

Zoro stepped forward, his voice cold and steady. "We're not here to make a name for ourselves. We're here to collect your bounty."

The captain laughed. "You're in over your heads, kids. You don't know who you're dealing with."

With a wave of his hand, he signaled his crew to attack. The battle was fierce, but the trio of bounty hunters proved to be too skilled for the pirate crew.

As they stood victorious, Kuina approached the defeated captain. "You should have surrendered when you had the chance," she said, holding up his wanted poster. "Now we get to collect your bounty."

After defeating the pirate and claiming the Pirate, Zoro, Kuina, and Kaito knew they had to turn him over to the Marines to collect the reward. They quickly bound the pirate and his crew and set sail for the nearest Marine base.

As they approached the base, Kuina spoke up. "I'll go turn them in," she said, holding the bounty poster in her hand. "I'm sure they'll be pleased to see us bringing in a wanted criminal."

Zoro nodded in agreement. "We'll wait here with the pirate and his crew. You go ahead and take care of the paperwork."

Kuina disembarked the boat and headed towards the base, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment. She knew that their success in capturing the pirate would earn them the respect and admiration of the Marines.

As she entered the base, she was greeted by a group of Marines who seemed surprised to see her. "What are you doing here?" one of them asked.

"I'm here to turn in a wanted criminal," Kuina said, holding up the bounty poster.

The Marines looked at the poster and then at Kuina with surprise. "You caught him?" one of them asked, sounding impressed.

Kuina nodded. "Me and my crew. We're bounty hunters now."

The Marines looked at each other, clearly impressed by Kuina's bravery and determination. "Well, let's get this criminal locked up," one of them said, leading Kuina to a holding cell.

As they locked up the pirate and his crew, Kuina felt a sense of satisfaction. They had done the right thing, and they had earned a substantial reward for their efforts. She knew that there would be more challenges ahead, but she was ready to face them head-on, with Zoro and Kaito by her side.