
The Ultimate Change

A guy from our side of the Multiverse gets dropped into the MCU with a special made watch. Luckily he knows how to use it; okay, so I was lying he knows the basics of the watch he was given.

UltimasPrime · Movies
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

January 6, 2011, Daytona Beach (2 days later)

"Get up there already." With one finally heave I drop the V4 motor on the back of the truck. Wiping my forehead with a sweat rag, I look back upon the last few days while thinking about the things I have learned.

While I was Grey Matter I used my intellect to get the likely outcome of a horse race or two to a few bets. Then I invested that into a few companies and video games that were successful this year on their release. Because while I was grateful for the couple grand I was given, it could only last for a few weeks at most, so I should have some money rolling in anytime within the month.

The past couple of days it's been a mix of getting the parts for the bike and cleaning them, in between that the old man would pay me for a couple hours a day to help him around the lot. In the middle of all that I managed to get a couple of hours to practice with the Ultimatrix, I learned how to switch between forms without reverting back to myself.

The old man, who I learned was named Wade, took care of the Junkyard by himself for the past seven years after his wife passed away from cancer. His kids live in different states with their own families and occasionally visit him during the holidays.

I think he likes having me around, he has someone to talk to about things and work on vehicles with, for the first time in years. He's had me in between making my bike helping him fix up a few cars and trucks to sell.

With me being sent to this universe from my home one, l thought I could use this as a second chance of life. I was born in an orphanage in my home universe with no family. I grew up with thirty other kids, and as soon as I reached the legal age of working I started up working for a small grocery store year round and a wrecking yard during the summer. Two of the things I loved doing there was taking apart the vehicles and working on the pieces that still worked to sell for a bonus, the other being crushing them in the car crusher.

Finishing that line of thought I hopped into the cab, drove off to the main building, and finally finished getting all the parts I needed to put the bike together. Luckily all the parts I found didn't have rust on them, all I need to do is clean, paint, and put it together for the final product. Also some modifications to boost it too.

I pull up to the garage door on the side of the building, backing up to the door and hopping out to open, and backing into the building. After shutting the truck down and closing the garage door as fast as possible, I could keep the A/C inside and the Florida heat outside.

"You finally find the motor you need young'in?" I heard Wade say from his desk up front, watching his tv.

"Yep, V4 4-stroke" while hooking the motor to the engine hoist to move it to the frame easier.

"About damn time" Wade said, getting up and heading my way with a couple of water bottles in hand. After handing me mine, he took a closer look at the motor. "Hm, looks almost brand new, clean too."

"Yep, just what I was looking for" I said after taking a couple sips.

"I'm off to the farmer's market for a few hours to look around, maybe get something to eat with a few old friends," he said getting up and heading to the door. "You're in charge while I'm away, okay?"

"Yeah, see ya, Wade." I wave goodbye to him as he heads out, after waiting for a minute I hear him start up his pickup and drive off the lot. I let a smile spread across my face. "Practice time." Looking down at the Ultimatrix, I had a sudden thought cross my mind, it wouldn't kill to try it.

"Ultimatrix voice access mode" A few seconds after saying the voice command the Ultimatrix lit up with a green light and text started to go across the selective interface.

[...Ultimatrix...Online... Running...Diagnostic…]


A few seconds later the interface shut down and a loading bar started up on the interface, twenty percent, forty percent, sixty percent, eighty percent, and finally reaching a hundred percent.

The interface turned black for a couple seconds, then lit up in an almost blinding light of green and then it started to take shape. First, the light composed itself into a six inch shape, and then the details started to form themselves for proper viewing.

It looked like the head was wearing a helmet with a plume made of metal, two horns that go out level then curve up and inwards, with a beard and mustache. The colors started to bleed into the head with a gray face, white facial hair, horns purple, and burgundy helmet. As the eyes opened, beams of blue light shot out, a second later, they retreated back, leaving them blue.

"Uh, Hello?" I say hesitantly as the eyes dart to my face.

"Well, Hello there my name is Alpha Trion AI guardian of the Ultimatrix. Who are you?" The head of the AI asked. While I'm having a moment like when I first saw the Ultimatrix on my wrist and freaking out.

"Uhh, My name's Chris Whitmore. Are you really Alpha Trion the Master archivist of the Primes?" I ask with noticeable excitement and disbelief.

His eyes widened a bit at that piece of information. "I'm a digital copy of Alpha Trion's processor and memories, but how do you know about my main self?"

After taking a second to figure out what to say to him. "Where I'm from Cybertron, Decepticons, Autobots, and anything related to that was movies, tv shows, and comics," as I get to the talking about the movies and such his holographic head tilts to the side as saying what are those, "what I mean is that cybertron's history, it's past, present, and future are written from where I come from, there entertainment, basically."

After a minute of shocked silence he hesitantly asked. "So you mean you know all of cybertron's and anything related, such as me being the mentor of-"

Cutting him off. "Optimus Prime, who's original name is Orion Pax a data clerk in Iacon's Hall of Records and one of the few that made the High Council of cybertron make him the next prime, the thirteenth prime." As I say this his eyes widen and his mouth drops on with shock and bewilderment.

"How?" he asks with alarming intensity focusing on my face. Thinking of the right thing to say took a minute.

"Do you know about the Multiverse theory?" I ask in the hope that I don't have to explain it.

"Why yes I do, but what does that have to do with what's happening now," A few seconds after that thought went through his mind he reached the conclusion. "Ahh, what you mean to tell me is that the theory is really and that I'm in a different universe?"

Nodding at that I continue on. "Right now you and I are not in our home universe's, we are in a totally separate one called the MCU or as the earth is called Earth-199999." Giving him a second to absorb that, I continued on. "In this universe the galaxy is the melting pot of three or more different empires with earth classified as a low-tech planet that everyone one leaves alone."

"Why do they not bother with this planet, it has resources and seven billion people that if spread out could add on more then a few colonies?"

Thinking this through to not mess this up. "The earth is protected by Asgard's kingdom, a space faring race that's been around for a few eons, protecting what they call the Nine Realms. Those empires that I mentioned are in truces with them or scared to go against them and face there might."


1 Hour Later

I spent the last hour laying down the layman's terms of what's going on and such. I asked Alpha Trion, have to get used to saying that, if he could check the Ultimatrix for anything important. He couldn't find anything except that in the gauntlet's programming, he found some of his own coding mixed in with the original programming, blueprints of cybertron tech, and what looks to be tech from Ben 10 that I couldn't understand other than in alien form.

I learned that the longer Alpha Trion stayed out, the quicker the Ultimatrix battery was drained meaning no transformations until it was recharged. We also learned that with the Ultimatrix bonded to my body, it could send and receive messages between Trion and myself with no hologram needed without using the battery up, meaning instant communication between us with no one noticing.

To give him time to cool down from all the shocks, I started cleaning and organizing all the bike parts. A few minutes of doing this and collecting all the tools I would need from the toolbox's. Taking a quick look around and seeing that I had everything I needed to start I brought my arm up to speak to Trion.

"Hey is it okay if I turn the hologram off to save energy for my transformation, later tonight I'll hook you up to the internet to learn what's going on in exchange?" I asked and he shook himself out of his funk.

"Go ahead, I need more time to process this situation." With that said I shut down his hologram and wait a minute to have a full charge to build the bike longer.

I grabbed the dial and twisted the face of it. After looking through the list, I stopped on the one I wanted to use and then carefully, pushed down.

In a flash of green light I felt my body start to shrink, my head started to grow sideways and my skin turned grey. The final part was my mind expanding with new ideas and such.

Rearing back and crying out one word. "Grey Matter"

"Oh, what do we have here?" I said to myself in an excited manner. I was looking around at the motorcycle parts and tools in preparation. Idea's started building themselves in my mind and then sorted into useful or rejected folders. After looking through all the available parts and what tools I was limited to, I selected a build that would blend in, but still have enough space for what I need.

"I love it when a plan comes together." Rubbing my hands together and then taking off laughing into the piles of parts, like a kid that's visiting Disney for the first.


2 Hours Later

I'm screwing in the last bolt for the bike as I hear the front door open and close. "I'm back young'in, and I got you something for ya." I hear Wade say as he walks around the counter, while dropping a grocery bag on top of it.

After finishing the bolt, I stand up and stretch my back, hearing all the satisfying bops. "Welcome back old man, you have a good time?".

"Yeah, meet up with a few old friends, walked around, bought a few things and had lunch at this good wing place on the boardwalk." He said coming up to my side and looking the bike over, releasing a whistle. "Kid you do a good job, looks almost brand new, just needs a paint job, what'd you model the bike after?"

After taking a sip of my water bottle, I replied. "The bike that was reviewed earlier this month, the 2010 Aprilia RSV4 R, with a few small upgrades thrown in. You said you got something for me?"

He looks over at me and pulls a matte black motorcycle helmet, with a stripe of green down the center out of a grocery bag. "With you almost done and getting on the road soon, I thought I would get you a going away gift."

He hands it to me and I start looking over all the details. "Wow, thanks Wade, but you know you didn't have to get me this."

"Yes I did kid, it was fun having you around and to have someone to talk to. When you're finished with the bike and leave it's going to be real quiet around here."

"Hey, I'm call and check up on you, if I'm ever instate again I'll visit here." I say while clapping him on his shoulder and then putting the helmet down on a workbench. "So you up to help me paint the bike old timer?"

"Sure kid, you got the paints you want to using?" After my nod he continued on. "So what colors are we going to use?"

"Matte black and a nice shade of green for highlights." I say pointing at the cans of paint and the supplies ready next to the bike.

Wade walks over to the supplies, grabs a mask and puts it on. "Let's get to painting kid."

We start to set up the area around the bike, such as the tarps and opening the closest door near us to let the fumes out.


3 Hours Later

After finishing the paint job, we cleaned up the place and left the bike to dry for the night. The old man decided to close the place early to rest up from his busy day, while I headed to the wing place Wade described that he and his friends went to.

I was seated at a two person table against the wall with a pair of guy's behind me. Looking at the menu I ordered a plate of buffalo wild wings and a side of onion rings with a coke. After that I heard one of the men say a word that interested me in their quiet conversation, test subjects.

"So we're getting a new load of test subjects tonight?" Guy one says.

"Shh, dude quiet down, can't have anyone hear us." Guy two scolds the first guy.

"Sorry dude, so where's the pick up this time?"

Guy two sounds like he's digging something out of his pocket. "Says here Adventure Yacht Harbor at 3948 S Peninsula Dr."

"That's nearby right?"

Guy two sounds tired now. "Yes that's nearby, like five miles at most."

"What time do we have to be there?"

"Nine o'clock as usual, you need to pay more attention to the meeting's dude." Sounds like guy two is taking a sip of his drink. "Usual size shipment, four to ten at most."

After that they finish their meals and leave. I pullout my phone and type in the address and save it, as my food finally arrives. Thanking the waitress and start digging into the buffalo wings.

Taking a look at my phone shows it to be five, so four hours till this mysterious shipment arrives. After a sip of my soda, I start to eat faster to try and have enough time to check the marina out before the delivery.


1 Hour Later (6:00pm)

After finishing my food and paying, leaving a tip, I hopped onto a bus with a stop near the marina. But before heading there I took a quick stop at a clothes store to buy a black baseball hat and a black bandana.

With that done I headed on over to the marina, as I did I bought a few snacks and water bottles at a gas station, to make sure I wouldn't starve waiting for the shipment to arrive.


3 Hours Later (9:00pm)

The past few hours passed by fast, with me arriving at the marina and taking a look around. There were three dock's heading out into the river, with two small one's at the end of those all filled with boat's parked. It also had docking up against the shore, also filled other than one parking spot that could fit a large boat. The largest dock of the three was connected to three house trailers, the kind you see in a trailer park, with a small path that could fit a car that leads to the dock. The largest of the dock's was part of a small warehouse that was opened up to the outside of the dock.

There were a couple cars parked out front that leave around eight thirty, with the last one leaving the gate half-way open. When I arrived, I put on the hat and bandana, hopped the fence, climbed up onto the warehouse, and hid in a spot. From my location, I was certain that no one could see me from either land or sea.

To pass the time I opened up my phone and started streaming the movie Aliens vs. Predator 2. As the time passed by the sun slowly set and with it the day time heat, with the moon rising up to fill the sky.

A few minutes after the automatic light's came on a black van pulled up, with tinted windows. The passenger hopped out the door and pushed the gate open, with the van pasting through and the passenger hopping back in after closing the gate behind the van. The van headed right through the path of trailers and came to a stop at the beginning of the dock, with me sliding along the roof to keep it in view the whole time.

A couple of minutes of nothing going by was interrupted by a small yacht that looks to be thirty feet long. It's the type you see in drug running movies, with it being a plain white with a few red stripes. The driver and passenger hop out of the van and walk toward the boat to help tie it to the dock.

From my spot I'm able to spot the boat driver and two more guys, one throwing the ropes to the van guys and the other keeping an eye on the lower level of the boat. Everyone seemed to have a weapon on them, with the guys tying the boat having what appears to be glock's sticking out their waist-bands and the other two have Uzi's.

I can't hear anything from this far away, but after tying the boat, one guy goes and opens the van's back. Another one goes into the boat and what he brings out surprises the hell out of me.

He brought out a woman that looked a little bit older than me, but that's not what surprised me. What surprised me was that her arms were tied behind her back with thick rope and a metal collar around her neck, she also had bruises around her ankles and such. He led her to the van and had her lean back against the side of it, then he headed back under, for what I'm pretty sure was another human being.

I looked down at the Ultimatrix and then back at the situation going on in front of me. I took a moment to think about what to do.

My thinking was interrupted by what sounded like muffled screaming. Taking a look down showed me the guy came back up and this time he had a little girl with him.

Looking down at that scene that's happening right in front of me, I knew what I had to do. Climbing to the opposite of the roof to block out the light show. Grabbing the dial and twisting the face of it. After looking through the list, I stopped on the one I wanted to use and then carefully pushed down on the core with a quiet cry of "It's Hero Time".

In a flash of green light I felt my bones and body grew taller, as they did that they dissolved and came back together forming into metal, then my body shifted to be on all fours. Flesh turned gray and black, with my blood becoming a luminescent blue. My organs started to shift into gears and such, with a chamber growing in my chest lighting up with a ball of energy, and the Ultimatrix symbol on my chest. I also felt my tailbone lengthen into a tail with a sharp end. My mind changed, like I was hooked up to a computer and my thought process sped up. In all, the change must have taken less than a second, only a blink of time.

Stretching out my body, I found out that I transformed into a cybertronian, specifically Ravage, with my panther like body and being one of Soundwave's partners. With my new body I crawled over to the edge of the roof, it seemed while I was busy thinking things through the guys had brought out two more people, they looked to be wrapping things up.

Taking a quick look at what's around me, I saw that everyone was getting loaded up to leave. 'Can't have that can we?'

With that I pop out my Twin Heavy Machine Guns on my back and take aim. Once I got a bead on my two targets, I let out a small controlled burst of bullets into one of the vans front tires and the other into the side of the boat making a head sized hole that eminently started to fill with water.

Right after the first shot the human traffickers all reacted by bringing out their guns and trying to get a bead on the shots, with the four victims hitting the ground behind the cover of the van. With shouts of alarm and asking the others if they see anything, with no one seeing me sneaking down the roof and along the side of the trailer, to get behind the traffickers.

As the guys from the boat got off to see the damage, the two from the van covered them. The one actually looking over the damage reported to the captain of the ship. "Captain, hole looks to be a foot and a half all around."

The captain starts cursing up a storm about the situation, eventually deciding to send one of his guys and one from the van from the to look around the area for the shooter. As the other two covered him as he got the supplies to fix the hole from the inside of the ship.

I started to follow the two guys looking around from the shadow's. A few minutes of them not finding anything led to one of the guys telling the other to keep an eye out as he took a leak around the back of one of the trailers. I silently sneaked up onto the roof of the trailer and once the guys were on opposite sides of the trailer, I got ready to pounce.

After he took his piss and zipped up his pants I released a quiet growl that sounded like a panther. Once he heard it he froze up and slowly looked up to see my one glowing red eye in the dark, opening his mouth to release a scream I leapt onto him and knocked his head against the ground.

'Oh god please say I didn't kill him.' With but a thought I had my eye run a scan over his form. Once the scan came up I released a relieved sigh, I only knocked him out with a small concussion.

"Hey you good back there?" My head shots right up, I forgot about the other guy. As I see him start coming around the corner I ready myself.

"Dude you oka-?" Right as he turned around the corner I shot my tail out at him. Hooking one of the blades from my mace tail onto his shirt I pull the surprised guy toward me and head butting him into oblivion with a concussion.

Pulling them behind a bush for now, I head toward the other guys on the boat. By now the others should be working on patching the hole. 'Have to hurry.'

As I'm heading back, I was thinking up ideas on how to take down the other three guys. A screen came up in front of my vision suggesting something. 'I feel like slapping myself for forgetting about this.'

Once I got back to the small lot, I saw that the captain was almost done fixing the hole and that the other had got the four victims into the back of the van, with them heading back to the captain. As they did that I slowly climbed up on top of the van blending into the black paint and shadows.

As soon as I got a lock on the two guys I fired from my Twin Heavy Machine Guns two Taser rounds designed to knock out an organic being for later interrogation. Both shots were a bulls eye right into their backs, leaving them a twitching heap on the ground.

The sound of them hitting the ground alerted the captain that something was wrong. He pulls out from his waistband a glock and tries to find me. "Who's there?"

After not getting a response to his question he headed over to his goon���s. I slowly headed over to him from his blind spot, once he got to his man he suddenly whipped around toward me and got a few rounds off. He managed to nail me, surprising the hell out of me and him freezing on the spot.

"What the hell are you?" He asked shakily as he took a few steps back. I took a running start and hopped into the air aimed to land on him. He tried side stepping my attack, but he wasn't fast enough to dodge the whole thing. I clipped him, still knocking him down and the breath out of his lungs.

Once I hit the ground I spun around and leapt on him as he was recovering. Having him pinned down with my front left paw, I popped out my machine guns and hit him with a Taser shot.

With him twitching on the ground I went around and collected all the other human traffickers, putting them against the warehouse wall. Using my claws and strength I looped rope through the warehouse wall and tied their hands against it, also tying their legs together, extra tight.

With that taken care of I use my claw and tap on the Ultimatrix symbol, turning back to my normal self in a blinding flash. Taking a sec to make sure the hat and bandana are secure, I head over to the van to check on the victim's.

As soon as I turned the corner of the van the four of them backed away with a cry of fear. Holding my hands up, with the palms open to try and calm them down. "Shh shh calm down I'm not here to hurt you, I knocked out the guys that brought you here."

Thinking for a second on a solution to calm them. "I'm going to slowly back away with my hands up in full view and you can see if I'm telling the truth."

Slowly taking the first step back they start to calm down, with one guy getting up and looking around the van as soon as I was twenty feet away. With him telling the other���s, leading to them taking a look. At first I couldn't understand them in the language they were speaking in, after a minute though the speech slowly began to change to English.

'How the hell do I-, oh yeah universal translator.' Feeling like slapping myself, I hesitantly ask them a question. "You guys okay now?"

They whip their heads toward me with faces full of surprise. The oldest among them, a guy that looks like he's in his forties, says with surprise. "You can speak Japanese?" After I nod he continues on. "I want to thank you for freeing us from these scumbags."

"You're welcome, is it okay for me to approach and get those ropes and collar's off you guys?" The guy looks to the others and they nod to him, allowing me to approach. As I start taking the restraints I start a conversation with the guy. "How long have these guys had you four?"

"It's hard to say with us staying inside the ship, but I would say at least a minimum of a week and a half."

Taking that in I ask the next question. "Do you know why they kidnapped you and brought you here?"

"They were taking on a satellite phone I think, about how with this shipment," pointing between him and the other three" would last them for the next few months with the payment for us. All I know is that they were meeting people here from a group called Mech."

As soon as he said the last word my brain went into overdrive, feeling like I heard of this before. 'Where have I heard of Mech before?' Digging through my memories, I took a glance at the Ultimatrix thinking and the memory of Transformers came up, specifically Transformers Prime. 'That's where I remember it from, Mech sought to create a "New World Order" through the application of cutting-edge technology including Cybertronian technology and biology.'

Thinking for a second, I thought of something that may be useful, looking at him. "Give me a sec." I headed over to the human traffickers tied up and began to empty their pockets of money and their cellphones.

Going through their phones, I found in the van driver's phone a prepared route to 3035 Jackson Bluff Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32304. 'Look what I found here.' I thought with a smirk.

Heading back to the van, while thinking of what Mech would do to make sure that they were in the loop the whole trip. With a startling thought I head to the drivers side of the van and open the door, looking in and seeing a dashcam with a red blinking light.

"Fuck!" Slamming my hand down in anger on the seat, knowing that they got me on footage. But on the upside and downside, only in cybertronian form and this means they're going to try capturing me to take me about to learn of the technology and biological secrets of myself.

Ripping the wire powering it out and then getting out of the van, throwing the dashcam on the ground and crushing it under my boot. "You okay there?"

Looking up at the guy I was previously talking to had come over to me. "Yeah, it's just that the people that had them take you," pointing over to the tied up group "from your homes was just watching that whole thing through the dashcam."

His face darkens with some rage shown on it. "So what's going to happen now?"

"I'm going to use one of their phones to call the cops to alert them of this, after that I'm going after this group called Mech." Bringing one of the phones out, not the one with the address, I dial the cops.


2 Hour Later (11:00pm)

Over the past hour after the phone call, I gave the rest of my water bottles and snacks to them. After that I said goodbye to them and headed to a small three story apartment building across the street, using Ravage to climb it to have a look out. Making sure the cops showed up, providing relief to the victims and arresting the human traffickers.

Once that was done and over with I headed back to my hotel after catching a ride on the last bus of the night.

To Be Continued...