
Misunderstanding Brings on first Meeting

It was almost 4 in the evening when her plane landed at T City's international airport. It's been 4 years since she has last been home. Li Shenfei has been studying abroad and just recently graduate. Her parents demanded her to come back home. How can a young lady desert her family for so long. She was her parents only child. They missed her dearly.

As Li Shenfei stood at baggage claim waiting for her suitcase, her phone rings. "Fei Fei, where are you?" It was her close friend from junior college Xue Ming. Their family's have been neighbors for years and their parents are very close friends. When Xue Ming heard that his friend was coming back home, he volunteer to pick her up since her parents are busy.

"Ming gege, I just got my luggage. I'm on my way out. Where did you park?" Li Shenfei asked. She was excited to see her Ming gege after many years. They grew up playing together. They can be consider as close as brother and sister. After Ming gege gave her the infos, Li Shenfei finally found his car. Ming gege was standing next to his silver Volkswagen with the trunk open and ready.

"Ming gege! My goodness, how did you get so handsome? There must be many girls chasing after you." Li Shenfei exclaimed when she saw him. Xue Ming laughed and brought Li Shenfei into his embrace. He took her luggage and placed it in the trunk and opened the passenger door for Li Shenfei.

"Feifei, you still know how to joke. Tell me how have you been? Your flight wasn't too bad was it?" Xue Ming asked as he sat in the driver seat and start the engine. They haven't spoke to each other for over a year now. When Li Shenfei first went abroad, they kept in touch but a little over a year ago, Xue Ming was relocated to another country to help open a new branch office for his employer. They have become busy and lost track of how much time have pass.

"Ming gege, it's been long. I've really missed you and everyone here. You couldn't even send me an email?" replied Li Shenfei. She continue to narrated her life abroad to Xue Ming. As Xue Ming listen, he realized they both had been busy maybe that's why they stop contacting each other.

"Feifei, I know you must be tired and hungry from such a long trip. Let's go eat dinner first and catch up. I'll drop you off afterwards."

Li Shenfei nodded in agreement as she was starving. The airplane food was a joke and she miss all her favorite restaurants.

As they pulled up to one of their favorite noodle spots in Juilan city, Li Shenfei had flashback of happy memories. They went inside and grab a table by the window. After the waiter took their orders back to the kitchen, Li Shenfei looked at Xue Ming with curious eyes. She complained to him about still not being told what he has been doing for the last year or so.

Xue Ming gave her a smirk, "Feifei, I have someone that I want you to meet. We met when I was out of country for work and have been together since. She is the one." After hearing that, Li Shenfei was beaming with excitement. She was genuinely happy for her Gege.

"Ming gege, that's why I haven't heard from you," Li Shenfei joked.

They spend their dinner talking about their present and the plans for the future. Unbeknownst to them, a woman and a man took notice of them from a black Maybach parked outside.

Hi everyone, this is my first writing project. Let me know if there is anything I can improve on and give me your support. Thanks and stay tune for more release.

seriyang8creators' thoughts