
Misunderstanding Brings on First Meeting 2

Wang Renshu was dragged out for lunch with his sister Mu Suying. As they step out of the car outside of Suying's favorite noodles shop, Renshu realized his cousin had frozen. Looking in the direction of her stare he notice a couple sitting by the window inside.

Renshu could not have mistaken the man. He was of course Suying's fiancé. He had seen many pictures of Xue Ming in Suying's office before. He turn his gaze towards the woman sitting across from Xue Ming. She had long black wavy hair with porcelain skin tone. Her smile was what caught his attention. Her smile could be describe as the heavens smiling upon earth. Her appearance can even be appreciated from afar. Wang Renshu can only image what looking at that graceful face would be like.

The couple inside appears to be very close and cannot be term as business acquaintances. They were laughing and seem very close with each other. Seeing that scene, Wang Renshu could sense his sister's anger.

Suying had always been a calm and poise person but since she had been in a relationship with Xue Ming, she's had developed a possessive behavior. Maybe her past relationships have not been so good to her, so Suying would definitely not let history repeat itself.

"Shu ge, who do you think Brother Ming is sitting with?" Suying nervously asked.

Wang Renshu knew Suying is scared of the truth and was merely looking for assurance.

"Suying, don't be haste with your judgement," replied Wang Renshu.

Wang Renshu was sure that Xue Ming would not dare disrespect his sister and offend the Wang family let alone in the public. As stern as Wang Renshu is, he is not one to judge with what meets the eye. He did not become Wang Group's CEO three years ago by believing everything he sees and hear. Only did Wang Renshu not know but that would become the dark cloud in his heart in the future.

Before Wang Renshu can continue saying anything else, Suying had already stomped towards the entrance of the restaurant.

Li Shenfei had finished her delicious noodle bowl and excuse herself to the restroom. As she walk through the isle towards the front, she notice a man and a woman entering the door. The woman was pretty and bear a rich aura. She had light auburn shoulder length hair and makeups was on point. She was well dress and very elegant. Li Shenfei couldn't help but sense something was off about the lady's expression though. The man was wearing a custom mad black suit with a fitted blazer that show his physique. One can tell by looking at the man that he must have a strict workout routine. His face reminds Li Shenfei of a god-like emperor with dark black hair that's parted on the side and slick back. Shenfei agreed silently that this was definitely a handsome man. He can win the Mister Universe contest if there was such a thing.

Li Shenfei took a glance at the couple and didn't pay attention furthermore. She continue walking past them and suddenly felt something intertwining with her foot. She lost her balance and stumble forward.

"Ah," screamed Li Shenfei.

It happen so fast, she was trying to grab a hold of a table nearby but missed. As she tries to save herself from the fall she entangle her feet upon itself. She took a knee to the floor. Li Shenfei brace herself for the rest of a painful fall. But instead she felt a cold pair of hands embracing her arms. With her eyes close, she definitely thought this was her imagination. When she opened her eyes and looked up, what she saw will hunt her forever. A pair of dark brown almond-like eyes was staring back at her with a cold unconcerning stare. She was mesmerized but they glare of those dark eyes and found it hard to pull away.

Xue Ming was alerted by Li Shenfei's screamed and looked up. He saw Suying standing with her hands crossed her over chest looking innocently at Shenfei half kneeling on the floor. He jolted towards the trios, and pull Shenfei up away from the man.

Seeing her fiancé touched the arms of another woman only infused Suying's anger more. Thoughts of past betrayals came to Suying's mind. If anything she was more sorry for herself then being angry. She couldn't bear with the truth that history was repeating itself and without waiting, Suying stormed out of the restaurant.

Xue Ming was about to give chase after he helped Fenshei but Fenshei let out a yelp. He can explain the misunderstanding to Suying later but he has to make sure his cousin was ok first, it was after all his cousin's first return home after many years. Xue Ming turn to looked at his cousin's reddened face and teary eyes.

"Fei Fei, are you ok? Where are you hurt?" Xue Ming asked.

Li Shenfei looked at her right ankle and pointed to it. "My ankle is hurting."

Seeing the scene unfold before him, Wang Renshu can not believe what a vulgar person this beautiful woman can be. She must be faking and exaggerating to gain sympathy from his sister's fiancé. Wang Renshu gave Li Shenfei a disgusted look before turning to leave.

As Wang Renshu tried to catch up to Suying, she had already flagged down a taxi was was getting in. It sped away before he could reach her. Only Wang Renshu could understand the emotions his sister is going through.