
The Ultimate Being System

Lucas Veridant is an orphan boy who has always been bullied since young and died. He wakes up in another body with a voice in his head calling its self the Ultimate Being System which will help the host become the strongest being in existence. Along the way his journey to become the strongest so he can never become the victim again he gains handsome companions who he can trust and confide like no one else before. A Handsome butler and summons who are loyal to him and handsome monster men who are obsessed with him. Lots of Smut Reverse harems Ps This is the first time I wrote a story so comments appreciated so I can improve on my skills Also I wrote this because I hope their can be more stories where are more BL harems stories with overpowered mc instead of the usual harems so I hope more of these stories can be made and enjoyed Thank you :)

Truckkunisbest · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: Let’s hunt (R18)

"Can I do it to you as well?"

"Lucas I am yours. You can do what ever you want to me."

When Hans said that, driven by lust and curiosity I unzipped his fly, suddenly his penis covered by his black boxers sprang out. I reached out my hand and grabbed on to his cock which felt incredibly stiff. I looked up and saw Hans' face turning red from lust. His eyes staring at me with anticipation.

I took off his boxers and was met with a sweet musky scent. His penis was like a work of art. His tip was engorged and pinkish,red. Going down his penis was white like porcelain with green veins sticking out which only helped to personify its beauty. Underneath were his hairless sack and on the base of his penis were short black pubes standing out from his white skin.

The tip was leaking a lot of precum and made me wonder how it would taste. I give it a lick and was met with a sweet,salty taste. I put my hand on his cock and it was as soft as marble. When I compared the size to mine I would say mine was a bit bigger by a few centimetres.

I put his whole tip inside my mouth first licking his pee hole to taste more of his nectar like juice. As I was doing so, I could see Hans becoming more red and letting out seductive moans. I began to take it deeper, all the way to the base. Where my nose met with his scratchy pubes. I could smell more of Hans scent like a forest, which matched his jade eyes ,mixed with a musky scent, making me more intoxicated.

From the base to the tip I licked every part of his rod. I then reached upon his sack and put one of his balls in my mouth. Hitting me with a more salty taste. This then allowed me to hear more of Hans moans, bringing out my sadistic side. On my tongue his sack was soft as silk making me wish to never leave them.

"L-Lucas I'm gonna-!!"

Hearing Hans reaching his limit, reluctantly I let go of his sack and put my mouth over his tip ready for his cum.

Moaning loudly, hot cum began to squirt inside my mouth. The taste was addictive as it tasted sweet and flavourful. It made me want to savour every last drop which made me lower my mouth to make sure no cum spilled making Hans groan even more as cumming probably made him more sensitive.

After taking every last drop I parted Hans now limp cock away from my mouth. After a couple of seconds I realised what I had done and was about to apologise when Hans began to talk.

"Lucas that was amazing! You are a very kind master. I promise to follow you to the ends of the earth."

When I heard that, my guilt faded away as I saw Hans puppy face. I think it may have been the atmosphere or out of impulse but I blurted out a question which I have never asked before.

"Would you be my friend!?"

"Friends! Really!? I would love to if it means I can be closer to you!"

At that moment I felt my heart begin to warm up and felt happiness that I never had. I vowed to myself that I would protect Hans and any new friends I would make along the way!

I started to put on my boxers then pants. Noticing how sticky I was I told Hans I was going to take a bath however before I could go I felt a white glow surround me. The stickiness and musky scent on me disappeared!

"Was that magic!?"

"Yes! That was a spell called Purification."

When I said thank you Hans face began to glow up. 'Does me saying thank you really make you that happy' I thought.

"I'm going to go hunting outside. Do you want to come with me"

"Of course!"

As we began to walk about of the house I took out the longsword from my inventory. As I took it out Hans took out two short swords from nowhere. The blade was silver and the handle was black. The blade,like my sword, has rune inscriptions engraved on it.

As we walked across the empty forest full of trees and strange plants I have never seen before I began to use Appraisal on the nearby plants hoping to level up the Appraisal skill.

As I appraised the 10th plant I gained a notification which gave not only one but two surprises.

[Congratulation host for upgrading the Appraisal skill Lv1-Lv2.]

[The system recommends the host to use 'Status' to read the status of the host and the experience needed to upgrade skills and the hosts level]


I thought about seeing my Status and out of nowhere a tab like the other tabs before appeared before me with my status written on it.

Name: Lucas Veridant

Age:18 Rank:F

Level:0 Exp:0/5

Health:50(+10%) Mana:1





Appraisal Lv2(0/20) Inventory Lv1(5/10)


Battle butler (Hans) Rank:S


When I looked at my stats I was surprised that Hans was S rank. I turned to look at him and all I saw was a handsome man in butler clothes looking at me like a puppy. I realised I was weak and the reason my stats are in the double digits is because of the armour I'm wearing.

I tried using Appraisal on my sword again and I saw more information written it.

[Basic longsword: 10% sharpness]

[Upgrade the Appraisal skill to gain more information.]


While I was deep I though I heard Hans calling me. I looked at his confused look and smiled at him which made him red for some reason.

As we carried on walking in this never ending forest, we saw a glowing crimson light which indicated the 1km mark where the system says the monsters don't pass.

We walked to the edge of this line and I looked back at Hans who was staring at me with a happy smile.

"Hans, I am going to hunt monsters here so I can become stronger. Can I trust you to give me advice and watch my back for any monsters that may sneak behind me."

"Of course! I will protect you with my life!"

'You don't need to go that far' I thought to myself. When I was going to say that I saw his determined face and new he probably wouldn't listen.

I turned around to the red boundary and walked past it with a serious face, tightening my hold on my sword.

"Let's hunt."