
The Tyrant's Replacement Bride

Sebastian Leodegrance was fated to bring about the world's end, his path irrevocably marked by the three scars etched across his left eye as proof of his unholy contract with Ardalas, the Evil God. His insatiable thirst for power would have been enough to conquer all, even without the infernal blessing, but now not even the divine intervention of the Goddess could thwart his ambitions. With purposeful strides, he marched toward Cassiopeia to claim the hand of the renowned Princess Ava Cassia, a woman whose veins coursed with the blood of greatness. But as he drew closer, he discovered that the Princess had been exchanged with her Lady in Waiting. "Yes. I am the replacement. You have been fooled!" *** "From now on, Isla, call me Elder Sister." The person in front of her was the brightest constellation in the world. Ava Cassia... the Princess who was even prettier than the Nereids. But it was like looking in the mirror. She looked exactly like her. "Maybe the Goddess sent you to me so we can become Sisters. How about it, my dear Isla? Would you call me Sister?" Her most cherished treasure; her Elder Sister, Ava. "I'm sorry, Sister... this is the only way." "You must replace me. Because if I bear his child... this world would perish..."

Rossita Saga · Fantasy
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191 Chs

The Musicians

It turned out that buried alongside Kisara's mountains of treasures was an ornate acoustic guitar she got from Leonis' war spoil. Adam took it out of its case and saw how well-maintained it was.

"A guitar? Hmm, I've never learned how to play it," Kisara said. "But I think I can improvise. I'll follow you with my Koto, so play whatever song you want."

Adam chuckled. He agreed that this girl was a genius, but Western and Eastern music scales are different. However, he still sat there and started tuning his guitar.

He didn't expect her to start tuning her Koto the moment she heard him testing his own tune. Was she serious?

She was.

Adam started his first chord.

In the midst of the encampment, he skillfully strummed the chords of the acoustic guitar, unleashing the familiar melody of the song.

The infectious rhythm reverberated through the air, catching the attention of the weary soldiers and displaced individuals gathered around.