
The Tyrant’s Cherished Flower

At the ripe age of 119, the legendary war veteran, Kalliste Vespera, finally entered her eternal slumber. However, it seemed that even death was not meant for someone like her. Opening her eyes, she found herself in a strange land. A world where magic, knights, demons and monsters existed. Soon enough, she realised that she somehow entered the world of a war fantasy-romance novel that she used to read as a child. The strange part was that, she was someone who never existed in the book. Given a new life, she now had the chance to correct her past mistakes, and live the life that she had always wanted. However, destiny had other plans. *** “You only belonged to me! I can lose everything, but you would never escape me. I would make sure that even your soul would be binded with mine!” *** “I almost lost you twice. This time, until the last star in the vast sky dies, I would never let you go!” *** “If I am given another chance, I would choose you. Even in a thousand lifetimes. A thousand worlds, and in every versions of reality. I would always find, and choose only you.” *** “What in the world is wrong with them? I just wanted to enjoy my second life so leave me alone!”

Daoistxn98by · Fantasy
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25 Chs

24: Saying Goodbyes

On this night, the natural darkness hugged the land likea mother would her newborn. Billions of stars exploded as they shone brightly under the full moon. They served as a serenade for midnight velvet. They sung in endless patterns, akin to choirs. The darker the night, the sweeter the song.

That fateful night, Rowan rode the fastest horse in his arsenal as he sped out of his palace. He traversed the hillsides, which had transformed into a monochromatic splendor of constant dimensions and never-ending puzzle.

It only took an hour and a half before he finally reached the foot of the Macaram Forest and was immediately welcomed by the endless darkness. A path that seemed like a gateway to the Underworld became visible in front of him. However, Rowan only stared at it with a stoic face. There was only one thing on his mind right now. 'I needed to return to that cave.'

"Hyah!" Without any second thoughts, he quickly gave his horse a kick.

With a loud neigh, the horse quickly sped off upon its master's command. The two passed the dark, giant, dark trees with overhanging limbs that almost reached the ground. The shadows of bushes, where Rowan barely saw any visible black trails, snaked through the undergrowth.

The howling cold autumn breeze would sometimes slam through the foliage, making it rustle up above. Even he was not spared by its brutality. However, even a storm would not stop him from reaching his destination.


It was only another hour before Rowan finally stopped. However, what he saw made him dejected. The Abysmal Caverns. One of the strongest and most perilous dungeons that have existed in their world was nowhere to be found. Not even its mighty entrance could be seen. Instead of the dungeon, there was a huge chasm. Rowan could not even see the bottom, as it was covered with endless darkness and thick fog.

With a loud bang, Rowan sank on his knees. He ignored the tiny pebbles and dirt that hit his skin.

"No! This could not be true! Kally. Are you really…" Rowan trailed off. The bereavement that he felt travelled through every fibre of his being and instantly drained him of energy.

A thicker flow of tears came from his eyes than when he had cried for his own mother's demise. His wails echoed around the woods. They emanated from a person who had lost all hope. He could not even imagine her buried in the cold ground, bereft of any warmth.

For what felt like an eternity, Rowan cried his eyes out, as if his brain was being shredded from the inside. The emotional torment that he felt was as palpable as the frigid winter wind. It flowed out of his every pore. He could only grasp onto the small stones to alleviate his violent shaking.

It felt like the whole world had vanished before his very eyes. Now, only grief was left behind. It was enough to break and change him beyond recognition.

All of his previous hopes had now become a tiny flame that could flicker away at in an instant. In that moment, Rowan felt blind and utterly lost. It was like he swam in a pit of endless abyss. Just then, he felt like something constricted his heart; this made it difficult to breathe.


Rowan had no idea how long he spent there. It felt like hours, but he did not care.

After awhile, he finally moved. "Why did it have to end this way? I am sorry! I should not have left you there that day. This was all my fault! Why her? Why my Kally?" A dry sob escaped from his mouth, but this time, no tears fell from his eyes.

Though they only spent a short time together, being with her felt like everything was perfect. He would even give his life for her. She was the only girl for whom he felt a powerful surge of electricity coursing through his body at the slightest touch. The sole individual who profoundly engraved herself in his heart. She became a permanent resident in his mind, heart, and even his soul. But she was gone now.

"I might have lost you today. But not forever. If this was fate's cruel attempt to play with me, then so be it! I would not let them have their fun!"

With that said, Rowan quickly gathered himself up and slowly stood.

Taking a deep breath, he ambled towards the edge of the giant pit.

"Goodbye for now, my Kally. Please do not be afraid; my heart and my soul will be with you as you journey towards Nirvana. Don't worry about me, either. I would not stop until the worst judgements fell upon those that caused your death." Taking a deep breath, Rowan's face instantly hardened.

Without any more words, he quickly turned around and walked towards his horse. Toward a new chapter of his life.


The night was already deep, and the Emperor was having a good night's sleep when he felt a presence enter his room.

His eyes snapped open, and out of instinct, he flipped over and glared at the dark corner of his room.

"Show yourself!"

As the shadow moved, he prepared himself for any attack. He gripped his sword tightly as he narrowed his eyes on the small figure.

"It's me, father."

When the Emperor heard his son's voice, he let out a loud sigh. He relaxed for a bit before putting away his weapon.

"What are you doing in my chambers this late at night, Prince Rowan?" he questioned.

Despite being father and son, the Emperor resented any invasion of his privacy. Especially in his own room. He also felt the boy's presence too late. If it was another assassin, then he would have been dead already.

'Am I getting rusty?' he could only ask himself.

"I only came to bid goodbye, father."

The Emperor was taken aback by what he heard. Even the tone that he used felt even colder than yesterday. "Surely you do not mean today?"

"It is."

"Why don't you take your leave tomorrow? Or even at dawn? It was still dark outside." The Emperor rationalised.

"Take care of yourself, father. Beware of the serpents. Do not let them accumulate enough venom before you decide to cut their fangs."

"What…" The Emperor did not finish his sentence when the boy suddenly vanished in front of him.

"An after image, huh?" He sighed. He already knew what the boy meant by his words. However, he needed solid evidence.

Walking towards the open window, he saw how the dark, murky clouds slowly covered the giant moon. At one glance, he already knew. A storm was coming. At that moment, he felt an imminent danger that could decide not just his fate but the whole Empire.

His face hardened. 'The show has just begun.' With a flip of his long-night robe, the Emperor left his room.


Meanwhile, Rowan sat impatiently on his chair. His chin rested on his hands as he stared at Porteur in front of him. The man, who at the moment looked worn out, was full of wounds and bruises.

"I would give you two choices. Do you want to live? Or would you prefer to embark on an early journey towards Nirvana?" He spoke with emphasis on every word.

Instead of answering, Porteur just laughed. His cackle echoed throughout the small room.

"Third prince. Do you think I am afraid of death? In fact, I would be extremely grateful if you were to grant me an early death. That way, I would no longer need to stain my hands with my own blood." Despite his situation, Porteur continued to laugh.

"You know what I hated the most?" Having fed up with his words, Rowan finally stood. He walked toward Porteur and bent his head to look him in the eye.

"I hated liars and cocky people the most. But I would give you another chance. Since I do not have anything against you, I would let you live."

"What are you planning to do?" This piqued Porteur's attention. In a situation like this, he knew that there would always be a hidden agenda.

Instead of answering, Rowan just gave a smirk as he slowly stood. "You will know later." Walking out of the dungeon, Rowan finally gave his orders.

"Release him."

"Yes, Your Highness!"


After nightfall, Rowan found himself strolling along a dimly lit alleyway. Looking up, he saw the wind-torn sky, allowing the cold breeze to whip across his face. The clouds writhed, intertwining masses of black and grey, briefly illuminated by the flashes of lightning that boomed across the horizon. He was surrounded by dilapidated buildings and peasant shanties that looked like rat-chewed doll houses. He did not mind it, though. 

He stepped forward without looking back, adjusting the large hood to cover his head.

Soon enough, he arrived at a small tavern at the end of the alley. "This place never changed." Rowan lets out a small smile as he observes the place.

From the outside, it looked nasty, depressing, and dark. Bricks and well-crafted wooden beams make up most of the building's outer structure. The small, curtained windows made it impossible to see outside, yet the gloom and discomfort emanating from within were palpable.

Without wasting any time, he finally entered the tavern through the old, hard-wooden door and was immediately welcomed by whispers, a few groans, and a horrific scent.

The bartender was talking to a customer and made no effort to acknowledge his presence.

Rowan looked around. The interior was just as horrifying as the exterior. Stone beams supported the upper floor as well as the sconces attached to it. A thick layer of dust covers the walls, making it nearly impossible to discern the meaning of the few paintings on them.

Ignoring everything, he ambled towards the counter with confidence. Finally, the unusual old bartender, with his muscular body, acknowledged him.

"What can I do for you, boy?"

"I am here for the elder, who would cause the destruction of nature, and the red child, who shall mark a new unity under the heavens."

An endless gasp echoed across the small space as soon as he finished speaking.

Rowan could feel the heated glares from all the people behind his back; however, he gave it no mind. He focused his gaze on the elderly bartender in front of him, who was currently wearing a serious expression.

"Tell me! How did a little brat like you learn the secret code that was only exclusive to our organization's elite members? Are you a spy?"


Rowan's expression darkened. The shrill sounds of blades aimed at him intensified his dark mood.

"Move out of my way!" As soon as the words escaped his lips, dark and potent mana suddenly enveloped his whole body.

Though he had not done anything, the pressure was enough to overwhelm everyone in the room. One by one, all of them dropped to the cold ground; either their knees were crushed upon impact or they fell flat to the ground.

"Release us!"

"Felix!" Before anyone could act, an authoritative voice suddenly echoed throughout the room.

All of them turned to look at the newcomer.

"My liege? What brings you here?" As soon as the man stepped out of the shadow, the crowd instantly dropped their weapons. Even the old bartender had no choice but to acquiesce.

The one standing in front of them was none other than the man who controlled their organisation. All of them immediately kneeled. They all knew just how ruthless the man could be.

"It has been a long time, Amell."