
The Tyrant’s Cherished Flower

At the ripe age of 119, the legendary war veteran, Kalliste Vespera, finally entered her eternal slumber. However, it seemed that even death was not meant for someone like her. Opening her eyes, she found herself in a strange land. A world where magic, knights, demons and monsters existed. Soon enough, she realised that she somehow entered the world of a war fantasy-romance novel that she used to read as a child. The strange part was that, she was someone who never existed in the book. Given a new life, she now had the chance to correct her past mistakes, and live the life that she had always wanted. However, destiny had other plans. *** “You only belonged to me! I can lose everything, but you would never escape me. I would make sure that even your soul would be binded with mine!” *** “I almost lost you twice. This time, until the last star in the vast sky dies, I would never let you go!” *** “If I am given another chance, I would choose you. Even in a thousand lifetimes. A thousand worlds, and in every versions of reality. I would always find, and choose only you.” *** “What in the world is wrong with them? I just wanted to enjoy my second life so leave me alone!”

Daoistxn98by · Fantasy
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25 Chs

23: The Prince new goals


Rowan snapped his eyes opened when he heard the melodious voice. Ignoring the pain that felt like crushing his bones, and twisting his insides, he immediately looked around. Only to realise that he was once again in his room.

A sense of dejavu flooded his whole being as he slowly got up from his bed. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. It was followed by Somir's voice.

"My Prince. His Majesty, the Emperor wished to come in."

Rowan narrowed his eyes. He wished to be alone at the moment, however, it seemed that time would not permit.

"Enter," he responded with a cold voice.

When the door opened, the Emperor, as well as his two personal guards came in.

"Leave us." With a wave of his hand, the two guards bowed first before walking out of the room, closing the door behind them.

When they were finally left alone, a pregnant silence circulated in the air as the duo just stared at each other. If there was a contest for staring at each other longer, then they would surely be the champion.

After awhile, the Emperor finally sighed. No matter how grave his son's sin, he would never let anything harm the boy. However, it would not be fair for the other party if he did not give any kind of punishment for what he has done.

He narrowed his eyes. In front of him was the same little boy who came to see him just a few days ago. However, looking at his eyes, he knew that something about him was now different. Gone was the boy that he knew. The one in front of him reminded himself of someone who had gone a massive change in personality.

"Do you have something to say?" The Emperor asked in a monotone voice. He needed an explanation and he would not walk out of there until he was satisfied with his son's answer.

Instead of answering, Rowan just stared at his father with a blank face.

"Speak. What am I going to do with you now?" Seeing the indifferent look on the boy's face, the Emperor inquired. He wanted to figure out what he was thinking at the moment.

"It would be your choice, Your Highness." Rowan stared intently at his father. "If you wanted to claim my life as compensation, then do it as soon as possible before I changed my mind. I really do not care. However, ultimately, I valued my words like my life. Once I said something, then I would travel to the ends of the world just to fulfill it," Rowan replied flatly.

The Emperor could only stare at the boy with wide eyes. He definitely did not expected to hear such answer from him. Taking a step forward, he tried to reach him out, however, Rowan quickly dodged.

"What happened to you, my son?"

"It's simple. I stopped being a kid and finally realised what I truly wanted to do with this life."

The Emperor's brows raised. "And what might that be?"

Instead of answering, Rowan ambled towards the open window. Not minding the cold breeze that smashed on his body, he continued to stare at the blankets of endless stars that stretched to infinity.

"Your Highness, as you stared into the vast sky, have you ever asked yourself about the most powerful magic that this world has to offer?"

"What?" The Emperor was definitely taken aback by the sudden question. He had no idea as to where this talk would lead them, however, if he wanted answers, then he must finish this conversation. The answers to his questions might be somewhere in between the lines.

"Was it, time? No. Wait. The most powerful would be to possess the five main elements. No one could beat you if you have them," he randomly replied. He really had no idea as to what his son wanted to say.

"You are correct, at the same time, incorrect. While it was true that controlling all of the elements would make you the strongest, it would have a lot of drawbacks."

The corner of the Emperor's brows slightly rose. Just then, he felt a wave of chuckle rise in his chest. However, he quickly restrained himself upon seeing the blank face of his son.

"Ahem! You are saying?"

"As I was saying, the greatest magic lies within your own heart. A lot of things might change within the long period of time. However, when you have a firm heart, you would be indestructible."

The Emperor now listened attentively with his eyes widened. He definitely did not expected what he just heard. A time worn emperor he might be right now, he felt like a junior in front of his barely ten years old son. Walking towards the window, the Emperor thought about the boy's answer. This conversation actually piqued his interest.

"If I might ask, how could one truly become powerful just by having a firm heart and beliefs?" he questioned. A note of incredulity still lingered in his voice. Taking a a quick peek on the boy, the dull look in his eyes got him worried.

"Your Majesty. No one was born with a will of gold and a firm heart. To achieve the greatest power, required an immovable heart that had experienced passages of time, and endless tribulations. There was no shortcut. The journey towards this goal was ardous and full of unimaginable sufferings. Not everyone could succeed. Only those who do not forget their most primal desires would be able to stay firm and finally achieve godlike powers." Rowan looked at at his father and answered nonchalantly.

By this time, the Emperor took a hard time carving the words into his mind. Such words had deep meanings, and only the wise old men could understand. However, his young son could easily say something like this. He was rendered speechless as he stared at the boy.

"How… what…" He wanted to say something, however, no voice came out of his mouth.

Seeing his father's expression, Rowan continued.

"A lot of people praised me for my excellent talents and achievements at such a young age. However, compared to a true veteran, I am still too young and far too inexperienced to actually achieve such ardous pursuit. For now, my new goal was to have an unswayable heart to be able to refuse all temptations and resist my inner demons. I wanted to be able to battle despair and perils as I tread forward with my own path without looking back."

The Emperor's mouth opened, as though he wanted to say something. However, his mind was blank, making him shut his mouth closed.

He grabbed on to the edge of the window to support himself from falling.

Listening to his words, he actually had a moment of reflection. Somehow, he slowly saw the edges of the sun that has long been hidden behind the storm.

When he was still young, his father, the previous Emperor, would sometimes talk about the ultimate power there was. He often heard him talk about the indomitable and immovable heart being the most powerful thing that this world has to offer. However, he was naive and full of arrogance back then. He firmly believed that a mage having a twelve mana rings as well as a level ten swordman was at the apex. When he finally became an Emperor, everything changed. Before his very eyes, the world seemed to get bigger than he actually thought. At first, he had a hard time ruling his Empire. Failed decisions one after another, he resorted to tyranny in order to have a complete control.

The Emperor carefully absorbed all of the informations as the two stared over the horizon.

"What do you plan on doing now, my son?" After some time, the Emperor questioned with a tinge of emotions. With what he understood by the boy's words, then he probably wanted to leave.

"I wanted to find and create my own destiny. I wanted to experience what this world has to offer in order to achieve my ultimate goal. There were a lot of things that hindered my potential in this place. I do not know how long I would be gone, but I would assure you that the next time we meet, I would no longer be the same Prince that you knew."

The Emperor gently sighed after hearing this. Knowing him, he would do as he pleased even if he did not permit to it. He gently patted Rowan's shoulders.

"Then you have my permission. Do know that as long as I still had a breath in me, then I would always be here to support you with whatever your decisions in life. And I am sure that Princess Ophelia would be so proud of you right now." Though he wanted him to stay, he did not want to become an obstacle for his son to achieve his dreams. He pondered for a bit before asking, "When will you leave? I would ask Captain Barrion to accompany you in your journey."

"No. I do not need any assistance on this trip. For my goals to become fruitful, then I would have to face everything on my own. If I failed, then I shall face the consequences alone."

A small smile suddenly etched on the Emperor's face. 'Are you watching this, my Ophelia? I do not know what happened, but our boy has really matured.'

"Your Majesty, if you may, I am still tired and wanted to rest before preparing for my trip."

"Of course. Then I would leave you to your thoughts then."

Rowan was taken aback when the Emperor suddenly hugged him. For the first time since he was born, he had never received such gestures from this man.

With a slight nod, the Emperor finally made his way out, leaving Rowan with a slight wide eyes as he stared at the back of his father.

"What was that?" Rowan quickly shrugged his shoulders. He once again focused his attention towards the horizon.

"If only you were here with me, my Kally. Then I would take you to see the most beautiful places, and experience a lot of things that this world has to offer. I would also make sure that we create endless memories with just the two of us." A bittersweet smile etched on his face as he imagined her smiling face. The most gorgeous and enigmatic girl that he had ever met.

He sighed before going back to his stoic demeanour.


"I am here, My Liege." With a loud thud, the door suddenly opened. It revealed Somir with his formal attire.

He quickly walked forward and kneeled in front of his Prince.

"What are your orders, My Prince?"

"Go and get me the fastest horse."

"Where are you going at this hour, My Prince?" Somir could not help himself, and asked.

Instead of answering, Rowan stayed silent. He just continued to stare at the horizon.

Seeing this, Somir already got the message. "Then I would have it ready in 15, My Prince." Without wasting time, he quickly walked out of the room with only one thing in mind.

'Why am I worried? I almost forgot that the kid was also a monster!'