
The Two Strongest in MHA

This story is about two friends chosen for reincarnation. They reincarnate in My Hero Academia as Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen and Uchiha Madara from Naruto. Not only that, but they're also twins. Follow the two brothers on their journey through the world known as My Hero Academia. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently 28.59K words. Don't hold back on the reviews. The credit for the cover goes to the original owner.

Fushii · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Entrance Exam

Having entered the U.A. building, the friend group had been led to an assembly hall, where they took their assigned seats.

It didn't take long for the crowd to grow more excited than before after a Pro Hero took the stage, explaining the rules behind the practical exam.

A point system in which four different types of destroyed robots yielded four different amounts of points. Though most candidates listened carefully so they wouldn't miss something important, two candidates couldn't care less.

Madara and Satoru were bored out of their minds, though Satoru was the only one visibly expressing it. Nothing Present Mic was saying made any difference to them.

"Hey Madara, how about making a bet?" Called out in boredom

"On what?" Madara questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Who will get the most points in the practical," Satoru said with a wide smile.

"What's the stake?"

Satoru's face turned super serious before opening his mouth…


Aki was growing more and more anxious the closer the bus was to where the practical exam was to take place, Battle Center E. Aki was taking deep breaths while trying to cancel out any outside noise.

"Dude, I'm so hyped!" one of the candidates sitting behind her said to another teen sitting next to him.

"I know, but what's the deal with that zero pointer?" The other student asked. "I get placing obstacles and such, but shouldn't we get some points for passing them too?"

"I don't know, all I know is that if it's a robot, I'm gonna crush it." The guy smacked his fists together, strangely making a metallic clang. Aki chalked it up to being a quirk.

Aki tried to calm down, but she couldn't; her heart was pumping faster than usual, and she felt like throwing up.

"Are you okay?" a calm voice called out to her.

It was the person she'd been seated next to on the bus. A girl with green hair made out of thorns who had a calming aura surrounding her.

Aki nodded and regained her composure. "Thanks."

"I'm Ibara Shiozaki, a pleasure meeting you." The thorn-headed girl said.

"I'm Aki Akanabe, nice to meet you too." Aki smiled and then paused.

Wanting to pass time, she began talking to Ibara. "How did your written exam go?"

The thorn-headed girl thought, "Well, I'd say good, however, I'm unsure of how I did compare to others."

From there, the two began to have light talk which soothed Aki's anxiety. Aki found herself enjoying the girl's calm atmosphere. It was a nice change of pace for her, considering how most of her friends were boys.

It was when the two exchanged names that she found out her name was Ibara Shiozaki. A last name she recognized because it was the same name as a flower shop she'd visited with her parents before.

They spent what Aki estimated to be 10 minutes talking before the bus came to a stop, stopping right before the gates to the Battle Arena.

All of the candidates stepped out, standing in a half circle and listening to the instructor listing important things to remember.

The gates would open in around 2 minutes time and all students could do to prepare was to stretch and hype themselves up.

Aki's hands heated up. She gathered her confidence and remembered how her quirk had been refined these past few months thanks to Madara- and Satoru's support.

The instructor began to count down. Aki looked at Ibara, who in turn looked at her. Without saying anything they nodded, wishing each other luck in the exam.

The countdown had reached zero and the gates opened. Aki wasted no time and ran forward with everything she had.


Madara's hands came together to form a hand seal. A one-pointer swung its arm at him just as Madara finished the hand seal.

The very next second the robot was blown to bits in a fiery blaze. The fire covered the battlefield and Madara leaped out of the fire, landing on a two-pointer which he promptly slammed to the ground.

'24 points' Madara counted as he leaped off the smashed robot and silently landed on a balcony of one of the buildings.

Scanning over the area he noticed some students struggling with a three-pointer. A bit further there were a pair of two-pointers and some one-pointers scattered around.

'Playing the way I am now won't guarantee my victory on my brother's bet. I'm going to have to improve my effectiveness.'

Leaning off the ledge of the building, Madara put his idea into action. In quick succession, his hands came together in a blur, forming a hand seal.

A few seconds later the roof of the building was filled with Shadow Clones, who all leaned alongside the original Madara.

There were a few who looked up and saw the army of clones. Before they could get more attention the Shadow Clones dispersed faster than an untrained eye could handle.

They spread across the Battle Center and began attacking every robot that came in sight.

Still standing on the building Madara sat down with an indifferent look and leaned his face on his hand.

Madara mentally tailed his score as the sound of destruction and metal being ripped became more frequent. Unintentionally, he let past a smile— wondering how his brother would play this out.


Satoru was less bored than before thanks to the bet, but he was still bored.

He moved his hand at the incoming robot, which cleaved in a half a second later. The robot's splits slid beside him due to their retained momentum.

He kept his unamused expression on while looking around at the other candidates struggling with their robots. Sadly none of them were two- or three-pointers, which made the idea of kill-stealing a worthless effort.

Satoru sighed, 'They're likely sending them out in bursts. But I'll lose if I wait for them to come…' He thought about it for a second before a smile rose up his cheeks. 'Though they are coming from the same direction.'

A three-pointer tried to fire at Satoru while he was walking and deep in thought, but to no avail, as his Infinity negated the damage.

Satoru just did a 'shoo-shoo' motion with his hand which the three-pointer didn't acknowledge and just kept firing away at him. Some candidates even stopped by in surprise at the sight, but Satoru paid no heed.

After finishing his monologue, Satoru destroyed the robot.

A few minutes later a new wave of robots rushed in. Most candidates jumped into action and began to destroy them but Satoru— Satoru ran, going against the stream of robots, crushing some that came in the way.

"Who the hell cares about ants when there's an anthill!" Satoru's hands glowed blue as he approached the building where the wave of robots came out.


A surge of fire was blasted at a two-pointer and fried it from inside.

'I am almost out of energy.' Aki thought while barely keeping up with her breaths. Most of the heat energy she'd saved up for the exam had been depleted by now.

A loud bang was heard like metal crashing into concrete in the street next to hers. Aki, who was trying to catch her breath, instantly reacted to the sound and started moving toward it.

Making her way towards it she saw the girl she met on the bus. Ibara was in the middle of fighting 4 robots. A two-pointer and three three-pointers. Aki recognized that Ibara was fatigued from the drawn-out fight.

Knowing she still had some energy to spare, Aki decided to help.

"Ibara do you need a hand?" Aki yelled as she was getting herself into position.

"Aki? E-ehm, yes, that would be nice!" Ibara screamed with slight confusion at the appearance of Aki.

Noticing the positioning of two of the three-pointers, she decided to use her special move with the last bit of heat she had left. Aki thrust out her arm and focused all her heat into a stream of concentrated white fire.

The steam of fire penetrated two of the three-pointers, destroying them instantly. With two of the robots destroyed, Ibara, who was in a disadvantageous position, had her hair wrap up the remaining two-pointer before crushing it, leaving the last three-pointer remaining.

Aki and Ibara looked at each other and nodded as if they were reading each other's minds. They approached the last robot, with the hopes of finishing it off. Aki wielded the last of her energy, a flickering fire.

But just when Aki and Ibara were about to attack, the three-pointer was crushed by something large. The two looked up in surprise as they instantly recognized what it was. It was the arrival of the zero-pointer.


"I know, let's get out of here," Ibara said with a pale face as they were evacuating the area.

Although Aki had a hard time keeping pace she still couldn't help but wonder how the others were doing.


Madara, who was in the middle of rampaging through the city destroying every robot he could find, was interrupted by the appearance of the zero-pointer.

As Madara was face to face with the towering robot he could hear the screams of the other contestants who were running away in fear from the zero-pointer.

"Eh! What the hell!"

"Run for it!"

Madara watched everyone run away from the robot and sighed. "What a bunch of cowards," Madara whispered to himself as the Sharingan was forming in his eyes.

Madara stood his ground as the zero-pointer stepped closer, its metallic legs extended and ready to strike. But as the robot closed in, Madara stepped to the side with lightning-fast reflexes, dodging the attack effortlessly. The attack had destroyed the street Madara had just stood at.

The zero-pointer was powerful, with advanced weapons and armor that would dominate any opponent his age, maybe even pros. Madara smiled because he was no ordinary opponent. With his Sharingan blazing, he moved with incredible speed and precision. He effortlessly ran up to the robot, striking it with a series of devastating blows that quickly began to take their toll.

Although he lacked any kind of real weapon, Madara made up for it by infusing chakra into his arms and legs, increasing their physical prowess. He viciously cut down everything that came at him with only his arms.

As the battle raged on, the onlookers could only watch in awe as Madara seemingly effortlessly dodged the zero-pointer's attacks and countered with devastating jutsus of fire. The robot tried to adapt, changing its tactics and equipped weapons in an attempt to gain the upper hand, but it was no use. Madara was always one step ahead.

Finally, with a burst of chakra, Madara unleashed a final, devastating attack that destroyed the zero-pointer completely. The robot exploded in a shower of sparks and debris, leaving Madara standing victorious in the midst of the wreckage.

The other contestants stared in disbelief at the spectacle before them, amazed at Madara's skill and power. Some were even a little frightened.

For Madara, however, the victory was just another step on the path to becoming the strongest. He turned and walked away, his Sharingan still blazing with power.


Satoru, who has been spawn-killing robots, observed some contestants fleeing from something. Already knowing why, he stopped what he was doing and started running towards the place the other contestants were running from.

When he arrived Satoru was greeted by an enormous robot.

"So this is the zero-pointer." Satoru stared at the zero-pointer, sizing up the massive robot with a critical eye. The other contestants were running away in fear, but Satoru wasn't intimidated in the slightest. He casually cracked his knuckles, then took a step forward, ready to take on the machine.

The zero-pointer swung its massive metal arms at Satoru, but he easily dodged them with a graceful dance, as if he were simply avoiding a clumsy child's playtime. The robot continued its attack, but Satoru simply weaved around the blows with ease, his movements almost comical in their effortless elegance.

Frustrated, the zero-pointer fired a barrage of missiles at Satoru which exploded into no-lethal pellets in front of him. Satoru smirked through the smoke as his Infinity shielded him.

With fast speeds, Satoru charged at the zero-pointer and jumped, aiming for its head. The giant robot retaliated and swung at Satoru who was still mid-air.

"Don't think we're on the same level," Satoru stated, hands glowing blue. Before the zero-pointer could hit Satoru its arm was ripped off and crushed, leaving the zero-pointer open.

His 'Lapse: Blue' had the ability to create a vacuum in the world's existence, one which the world would always correct. Naturally, this caused all matter to be pulled in towards the vacuum in an attempt of correction, ignoring what would be ruined or broken along the way.

By applying 'Blue' near the arm he had essentially forced the world to pull itself and brutalize the arm in an act of self-preservation.

"What are you going to do now, Robo-boy?" Satoru teased. He extended his hand, one finger out. The point above his finger began to distort and glow a bright red.

In a final act of desperation, the zero-pointer activated a powerful laser, firing a beam of energy straight at him. Just as the beam came at him Satoru stretched out his finger, pointing the red accumulation of energy at the incoming beam.

"Know your place." Satoru teased.

The laser and Satoru's ability both collided, resulting in a large explosion that shook the entire battle center. Following that was the zero-pointer which was thrown back through buildings at high speed. Its body was mingled and dented, but most importantly it was non-functional.

"Easy peasy," Satoru chuckled to himself, dusting off his hands as if he had just finished a light warm-up exercise.

Though that zero-pointer was worth exactly nothing, Satoru felt sure of himself that dealing with what was supposed to be an obstacle would net him some points with the teachers.

Feeling happy with himself, Satoru headed towards the exit as time was about to run out. He walked away from the destruction he'd caused, feeling good about his job well done.


"Times… up…" Present Mic screamed while sirens went off indicating the end of the entrance exam.

As the sirens blared, signaling the end of the entrance exam, the exam takers quickly made their way out of the exam arena. Some were elated, confident that they had done well and secured their spot in the prestigious U.A. Others were less certain, plagued by doubts about their performance during the test.

Those who had no medical injury were allowed to exit the arena where they were greeted by the sight of their families and friends waiting. The exam takers eagerly scanned the crowd, looking for their loved ones, hoping to see a proud smile or an encouraging nod.

Madara and Satoru had left the arena and met up and exchanged looks of confidence. Without saying anything else the two went to find their parents that had been waiting for them.

"How did the exam go?" Tajima asked proudly, waiting to hear of his sons' accomplishments.

"It was interesting, but not that challenging." Madara shrugged. Though he had to admit that it felt great being able to let loose a bit of his power.

As they moved away from the crowds of people, hoping to find a calmer place to talk, Satoru and Madara overheard some candidates talking about them.

"It was him, he took all of the robots from me."

"He destroyed all the robots, I didn't have a chance to get any points."

Madara and Satoru turned and were met by teenagers from their exam arena pointing at them while talking to their parents.

"Aren't we popular." Satoru sarcastically said, bumping his shoulder against Madara's.

Madara who was scanning the crowd saw Aki, whom he'd found with a quick use of his Sharingan. She had gotten ruffled up from the exam but seemed to be fine. Aki looked toward Madara and waved with an enormous smile. Madara, taking it as if it went well for Aki during the entrance exam, smirked and waved back.


Izuku, who had just gotten healed by the school nurse, left the arena feeling dejected and disappointed by his performance during the entrance exam. Leaving the arena he was greeted by his mother waiting for him with tears streaming down her face.

Izuku's heart sank as he saw his mother's tear-stained face. He had always tried to make her proud, but he knew that his poor performance during the entrance exam would only add to her worries.

"Mom, I'm sorry," Izuku said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I messed up."

In response, his mother pulled him into a tight embrace, holding him close as she wiped away her tears.

"Izuku, I'm so proud of you," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "You're my hero, no matter what."

Izuku felt a wave of relief wash over him.

"Thank you, Mom," he said, hugging her back. "I promise, I'll keep trying my best, no matter what."


The week following the entrance exam was a slow and anxious one for Satoru- and Madara's parents. Despite their best efforts to remain calm and collected, they couldn't help but feel nervous about their children's future.

They had heard from their kids about how the exam had gone, but they still didn't know the results. It was their job as parents to worry for their children. Even if they knew by heart that their children were strong they couldn't help but wonder if their children had done enough to earn a spot at U.A.

As the week dragged on, the parents tried to keep themselves busy, but their thoughts kept drifting back to their children's futures. They couldn't wait for the results to come in and provide them with some much-needed clarity and relief.

While Madara and Satoru had done well on the exam and were confident in their own abilities, they couldn't help but feel concerned about their friend Aki. She had chosen to take the entrance exam, and they couldn't help but wonder what that meant for her chances of getting accepted, as Aki never tried to enter U.A. in the original story, like Izuku.

Despite their worries for their friend, they tried to stay positive and focused on supporting Aki. They knew that she was talented and passionate, and they believed that she would find a way to pursue her dreams, no matter what the outcome of the entrance exam.

In the days leading up to the announcement of the exam results, Madara and Satoru reached out to Aki to offer their support and encouragement. They talked about their own experiences during the exam and offered advice on how to prepare for future challenges.


Then the fateful day finally came. Tajima had checked the mail and noticed two packages with Satoru's and Madara's names with a U.A. stamp.

"It's here!" Tajima ran into the living room where Madara and Satoru were.

Their mother peeked in from the kitchen. "Their U.A. letters?" She asked excitedly.

They all quickly gathered in the living room where the two twins were given their letters. While Madara carefully tried to open the letter, Satoru just pried it open. A metal disk fell to the ground that Satoru picked up, just as Madara extracted his own from the letter.

"So, how do these things work?" Satoru examined the disk for any buttons, pressing random places.

"Hm, there's a sensor on the bottom." Madara noticed after flipping his own disk.

Seemingly understanding where this was going both Satoru and Madara placed their disks down on the table beside each other.

Suddenly, the disks began to glow blue while making a start-up sound. Out from the top of the disks shone light which created a holographic screen.

What was surprising though was that both disks seemingly provided light for the same projection. Before they could voice their opinions the holographic screen changed to show a figure.

Both Madara and Satoru looked with interest as they recognized the figure of who was supposed to give out the results.

"That's…" Satoru snapped his fingers, trying to remember the name.

"Ehm, isn't that a mouse?" Tajima asked.



Wow I actually finished a chapter I can't believe it!

Welp enjoy it guys. And tell me what you think about the all the scene skips. I tried to make it as entertaining as possible so let me know your thoughts.

Comment what you thought about the chapter and 'hopefully' there will be another chapter in the future.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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