
CHAPTER Eighty-Two


  I was patiently waiting for Gracie and Peter to arrive. I hoped that it went as well as she told me. I was sure it did, especially since he is coming over. I was happy he had finally been found and seemed to want to have Gracie in his life. But that hadn’t stopped me from worrying all day. It was only natural for me to be worried; though he was her biological father he was essentially still a stranger, and she was with him . I had made sure the place was tidy.

  I heard the front door open, followed by the sound of Gracie’s laugh echoing through the house, and then Peter laughed just as loudly. It made me smile hearing them.

  “Hey babe,” she chirped as she saw me.

  “Hey, my love. Things went well” I asked.

  “More than well. I have a little brother and sister. I am a big sister, Ryland. How great is that” she gushed.

  “That is great, sweetheart,” I said, meeting her enthusiasm.