

  I smiled, “Yes.” and I placed my hand over his.

  “So, when are we doing this again” Ashley questioned, staring over at us.

  “Soon, real soon.” I replied brightly. It had been a great day and night.

  “Great! We should make plans before you leave to do it soon.” Ashley grinned.

  “We should have a BBQ before classes start. You can bring Lola and Ben. Ryland, you can invite your mom, Jack and his kids if they can come down. There is plenty of room here for them to stay,” Dad suggested.

  “Yes. I love the idea. We should do that, and they are more than welcome to stay here. It can be a celebration of everything to come, everyone blending since we are going to all be in each other’s lives for many years to come.” Ashley sounded extremely excited with the idea. I loved it too; it would give everyone the chance to know one another.

  “Find out dates your mom and Jack are free, Ryland, and we can take it from there,” Dad smiled.