
The Two Set Dungeon

Two men die and reincarnate into dungeon cores. Can they build a proper dungeon while working together?

Cookie_Cookie_9475 · LGBT+
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33 Chs

Chapter 17

Lia Pov:

I waited until around midnight, and left my tent carful not to wake MarMar.

As I exit, I give a glance around. Found em. Not the sneakiest spy, assassins, spysassins, out there huh.

I give them another glance and my eyes widen in shock. Their messing with the beast ward! If that breaks not only MarMar will be in danger the entire town will. I was originally going to remove these people for daring to wish to harm MarMar, but now it's even more imperative that I do.

I quickly rush to the beast ward getting in between the spysassins and it, drawing my sword as I do.

These spysassins are really unguarded for as soon as I am in range, I put the light haired one in a hold with my sword across their neck without struggle or major resistance.

"Who sent you."

"Woh, Woh, we can talk this out can't we?" The light haired one says quickly while under my hold

"Y-eah I-i know you d-don't know u-s but th-at doesn't m-mean you c-an th-th-threaten Neil." The dark haired one says in a soft stuttering voice, and continues with a softer"And w-hat do you mean by w-w-who sent u s? Nobody d-d-did"

"Who. Sent. You." I push my sword harder against the light haired one's neck some how not drawing blood "You better talk now. Or else your elimination won't be quick."

As I once again press harder against the person's neck, I suddenly sense movement at a tremendous speed. I have to drop my sword and dive away to avoid the object, if I didn't have such good senses I probably would have had my bones crunched, the worst part is that the object barely made a sound.

Once I get up I see the dark haired boy wielding my sword, not well mind you but my focus was not on him nor the blonde one behind him. My focus was on the metallic bunny, resembling the one from the kids report and the small manikin that looked like a smaller version of the ones in the dungeon.

I may have just messed up big time. Good thing I rewrote my will when I married Mara.

"Is he… the dungeon host?"

My apologies if anything is badly formmated in this chapter I wrote this at 11:50 on an iPhone. Please let me know if anything is weird or off in the chapter and I hope You have a good week!

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