
Chapter 7: Stain's Ideology? Utter Nonsense.

It was the next day at UA and Futari was still bothered by everything that happened yesterday. So many questions swirled around his head that it gave him a slight headache. His father parked the car and walked into UA with him but split off to go review some things with Aizawa in a secure location. Naturally, Futari arrived in the classroom before Aizawa and before homeroom. It was still 20 minutes before homeroom started anyway. Futari opened the door and saw all the students all goofing off except for Iida who was trying to control the class. Why does this kid chop when he speaks? And seriously, 20 minutes before class and he's trying to get them to stop talking? Pretty nerdy, Futari thought to himself with a straight face.

Iida turned and chopped at Futari. "Ah! You're the assistant teacher! Please get them to stop talking!"

That's true. I am, technically, the assistant teacher even if it's a coverup, Futari remembered. "Look, there are 20 minutes before class starts. I'm sure when Aizawa gets here they will stop talking unless they want to do some insane workout. Relax, man," Futari calmly said to Iida.

Iida gave him a salute. "Yes, sir!" He yelled. Way too intense, Futari thought to himself. Iida marched to go sit down in his seat so Futari took his place at the podium in front of the class. He looked around and saw her, Toru. He couldn't see her face but he could tell that she was looking in his direction. He awkwardly waved at her. She waved back with a lot of enthusiasm saying "Hi, Fu!" Still calling me that huh? Futari thought to himself annoyed. He looked around the classroom to see who he recognized from the articles he was reading. Iida is one of the kids that helped take down the hero killer Stain in the Hosu incident. Todoroki, son of the number two hero, Endeavor, was also apart of that incident. His quirk is super ridiculous. Izuku Midoriya, the kid who, also, helped take down Stain and beat Overhaul, leader of the 8 Precepts of Death. This guy seems genuinely nice and is quite the beast. Bakugo, the guy who won the UA Sports Festival but was kidnapped by the League of Villains probably because of his trash attitude. Futari noticed that Bakugo was glaring at him. Here we go, Futari thought to himself with a sigh. Futari looked back at Bakugo and decided to be direct. "Bakugo, you are staring at me like I have an ugly pimple on my face. What's going on?" Deku and the rest of the class heard Futari's comment and you could hear the collective "oh no" groan.

Bakugo stood up and walked to the podium. Futari's face remained relaxed. "Yesterday, you said you didn't want to be here and yet here you are the next day. Why? An assistant teacher is a something you chose to do, right? You don't seem like you like heroes much. In fact, you seem like a Stain supporter. You being here makes me mad. I hate people who half-ass things."

The class became silent watching the confrontation.

Deku stood up. "Bakugo st-"

Futari reached out his hand in Deku's direction. "Nah, it's okay. Let me speak." Futari put his hand down still looking at Bakugo right in the eye. Can't say anything about the traitor investigation, Futari reminded himself. "Sounds like you made a bunch of assumptions about me, Bakugo. Let's get this Stain accusation out of the way first." Futari began to chuckle a little bit. "Sorry. Just the thought of supporting that bastard's philosophy makes me laugh. Here's my problem with Stain's philosophy. Simply put, it denies basic things about human beings and his ideal hero society could not function. Stain seems to have forgotten that good people can do bad things and bad people can do good things. He believed that heroes must be inherently good to be qualified as heroes. But he himself is a direct contradiction to that." Futari points at Deku. "That boy would be a nomu right now if Stain did not save him. He did a heroic act even though he is a mass murderer. So, if he can be a murderer and good then why do you have to be inherently good to be a proper hero?" Futari puts his hand back on the podium. "It's a cool ideal but simply not possible. In every job, you have people who are motivated by different things. It's a simple fact and part of human nature. Some people want money, some want glory, and some are born into it. Saying heroes all have to be inherently heroic to be heroes is like saying everyone who works in retail have to be inherently subservient." Futari starts laughing. "It's such a dumbass thought. Then. there's the fact he doesn't want heroes to be paid for what they do or get glory for being heroes. How would the heroes' function in society if they aren't paid? Heroes work full time to make sure the populous is safe but then they would need a side job to live in society and not be a broke hobo on the street? Stupid. Even nonprofit organizations need to break even in order to function. Heroes are no different. And, OF COURSE, heroes will be glorified in society because glory doesn't come from within, it comes from others around you. You are asking society to not appreciate people who go out every day and risk their lives and the lives of their families? Utter nonsense. Of course, civilians will appreciate heroes and naturally that appreciation will lead to glorification and frankly, I don't think that's wrong in the slightest. As for why I'm an assistant even though I don't want to be here, it is not any of your business, Bakugo, but know this, I will not be half-assing anything I do here." The class was shocked at Futari's detailed response, but many of them began to respect Futari's realistic philosophy.

Toru stood up at the back of the class. "You are kind of awesome!" She yelled clapping her hands. Many of the students began clapping too. Deku had a wide smile on his face. This guy is pretty cool! Deku thought to himself.

Bakugo's angry face became a straight face. "Hmph. Maybe you are not so bad," Bakugo said quietly.

Futari smiled. "You're not so bad either...just kind of an asshole but in a good way." Futari reached out his hand. Bakugo looked at Futari's hand and slowly reached his hand. They shook hands. "You got to work on fixing that attitude to be a proper hero, Explodo-Man," Futari half-joked.

"My hero name is LORD EXPLOSION MURDER! AND DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO." Bakugo said angrily.

"A terrible hero name for many reasons."

"Ehhhh?! I'll blow your head off."

"That's not very heroic."

Aizawa walked into the classroom. "Bakugo, I will put a muzzle on you if I hear you down the hallway again." The class began laughing at Bakugo's frustration.

The day continued without much happening. At lunch, Futari got himself a salad and sat alone at a table reading a book he brought about birds, specifically reading about Peregrine Falcon, the fastest bird in the world. About 15 minutes into lunch. Toru approached him at his table.

Futari looked up seeing floating clothes. "Sup, nudist."

She growled. "I'm not a nudist."

"You ran across an entire city twice with no clothes. What am I supposed to call that?"

"Hey idiot, don't talk about that too loudly," she said while covering his mouth. "And it's called using my quirk correctly!" She uncovered his mouth.

"A solid excuse."

"Seriously?" She asked while sitting down next to him.

"Nah I'm kidding. I get it. Don't you have friends to sit next to you?"

"We aren't friends?"

You are more like a stalker as of now, to be honest, but let me not say that. Futari thought to himself. "Never said we weren't, but you've known the students here longer."

And yet you know more about me than most of them… Toru thought.She looked at his book. "You like to read about animals?"

"Yeah, it's a hobby of mine," Futari answered. It's also a form of studying. Futari thought to himself.

"Wow. I didn't think a nice tough guy like you would be into animals."

"Nice tough guy? Nah, I'm a monster who looks like a human."

I think he's joking, but he sounds serious. Toru wondered to herself. "That's a weird joke." Too bad that joke isn't completely false,. Futari thought. Just then Midoriya, Urakaka and Iida all sat at the table.

"You don't mind if we sit, here do you? Deku thinks you are really cool and wanted to talk to you." Urakaka said to Futari.

Deku looked stiff and really nervous. "U-Urakaka!" Deku looked at Futari. "I, um, just think your outlook on hero society is respectable."

Futari looked at Deku. "I'm honored that such a strong guy thinks I'm cool."

Deku was taken back. "Strong?"

"Yeah. You helped stop Stain and beat the head of a huge Yakuza gang. You are definitely strong."

"Thank you!" Deku said with the brightest smile on his face.