
Chapter 6: Toru Hakagure

"Hey! Uh…Invisible individual? Unseeable person?…transparent female?…" Futari yelled with a lack of confidence. I don't know her name or her hero name! Futari thought to himself.

Toru turned around. Futari could tell her hands were on her hips by the indents that appeared on either side of her hips. "My hero name is 'Invisible Girl!' And my actual name is Toru Hagakure!" She yelled with a bit of irritation.

"Yeah, sorry. I only know like 5 people at this school."

"And I even know your name, Futari!"

"Well to be fair, I was on tv yesterday." She growled a little bit in annoyance. Futari continued speaking. "Uh, anyhow. I am not really sure how your quirk works; whether or not you can see yourself but I think you have a decent sized wound or several on your body that probably happened sometime yesterday. I can smell the blood and scar tissue. Are you okay?"

"Y-yes! I was home yesterday and I, uh, fell down my stairs. It hurt a lot but I'm ok!"

Futari wanted to roll his eyes so bad. The good old "I fell down some stairs" lie, huh? Why is she lying about her injuries? Futari wondered. "No need to be tough for no reason. You should go see Recovery Girl and get those injuries checked out."

"Uh, Yeah. I will after lunch. Thanks, Fu!"

"Fu? No. No. No. No. No, and… no."

"I think it's a cute nickname."

"I disagree. It sounds like a peanut butter brand."

She started laughing as she continued down the hallway saying "see you later!"

"Bye!" Don't think I don't know your lying about those injuries. That's highly suspicious. Futari thought to himself as she walked away quickly. He started walking down the hallway to Class 1A's homeroom. He opened the door. The class looked worn and beat down from their combat training. Deku looked and saw Futari carrying Eri with a huge smile on her face. It made him smile too. Futari put Eri down on the floor. "I won't forget about your caramel apple young lady."

She hopped with her hands in the air. "Yay! Thank you, Tari"

One girl is calling me "Fu" and now a younger one is calling me "Tari." Is a two syllable name that hard to pronounce?! Futari thought to himself with a fake smile. "Yeah no problem, Eri." Eri ran to Aizawa grabbing his hand to hold it. Futari and Aizawa looked at each other. "These students look like you put them in a sweatshop Aizawa"

Aizawa smiled a bit sadistically. "That is what the aftermath of good training looks like."

"Tsk. You enjoy beating up teens a bit too much."

"What do you mean?" Aizawa said still smiling.

"Do I have anything else to do?"

"No. Just hang out for the rest of the day and follow me around."

"Yes!" Futari pulled out his phone seeing that he missed a bunch of calls from reporters. He then opened up an ebook called"World's Deadliest Mammals" on his phone and began reading. At lunch, he sat at a table by himself still reading his eBook while eating a salad. Deku wanted to approach him and invite him to their table but he wasn't really sure how to do so. He didn't seem lonely but rather focused on what he was reading. By the end of the day, all the students went back to their dorms and Futari was sitting in Aizawa's office waiting for his dad. "Aizawa, what's my dad even here doing here? I haven't seen him all day.

Aizawa was grading papers. "Yes, he was. Don't worry about what he's doing right now. I might tell you what's going on soon but not here and not yet."


"Recall the saying that the walls have eyes and ears?"

"Should have been the English teacher instead of the homeroom one."

"Shut up."

Suddenly Futari thought about his interaction with Toru earlier. "Aizawa, what can you tell me about Toru?"

"Eeeeh? You are not dating her. I won't allow it"

"You really think that's the reason I'm asking? I can't even see her face and physical attraction is pretty damn important for a relationship don't you think?"

Aizawa wanted to laugh at that comment but he maintained his composure. "She is the student with the most absences in the class. Even after we moved all students to dorms, her father still calls her out of class often. It happened just yesterday actually."

"Hm. Okay." Should I tell him about the blood and muscle tissue? Hm… No, I'm sure Aizawa knows what's happening with his students. Honestly, she's probably just on her period and it probably started yesterday night, Futari thought to himself. Futari stood up. "Alright, I guess I'll be back tomorrow."

Aizawa looked up at Futari. "Oh, you will be."

Greaaat. Futari moaned to himself. Futari began his walk back home. A convenient thing about this situation is that UA is in the same city as his home. Futari got back home in about 25 minutes and walked into his house. Shukuchi wasn't there. There was a note on the fridge. "I returned at 1 pm but I have some ability assessments today. Will be back around 8 or so. Don't do anything dumb." I have to train anyway. Futari ate a snack and drank a few cups of water before walking back out to the outskirts of the city. The outskirts of the city had a forest of trees where Futari always opted to train in. He knew of a clearing about 15 minutes into the forest that he liked to train in. Today, he wanted to focus on honing his senses by meditating and focusing on his surrounds. Futari sat in the middle of the clearing, legs crossed, eyes opened. He began to think about what his senses detected. The birds are flying back to their nests, getting ready to sleep probably. My mouth tastes like the blueberries I ate earlier. The grass feels rough and somewhat sharp. It smells like flowers. I can hear wind blowing, birds chirping, and cicadas yelling. "Veins," Futari whispered. The black veins consumed his body. I can see each flap of the bird's wings and even some of their loose feathers. The taste of blueberries is now strong enough to almost make me think I am eating them right now. The grass is shaped like small arrows; some of the tips are poking at my skin and some are just lying against my leg. I can feel each individual pebble in the dirt on the side of my quad. I can smell so many individual flowers now. The Bush Clover, the Dianthus, the Bellflower and a few more. What's this other smell…human body odor? Not my own. Futari stood up slowly, remaining calm. I can hear the wind clashing against everything in my surroundings…. the tree trunks, the branches, the leaves, and… that empty space over there between the trees, or at least the seemingly empty space. Following the sound of the wind crashing into the person and the odor from this person, Futari approached the false empty space. "I know you are standing there, Toru." There was no answer. The only sound that could be heard was the Cicadas. She's about 5ft tall so..,. Futari thought as he quickly flicked her forehead.

"Ouch!" Toru mumbled.

"You have about 5 seconds to explain to me why you snuck out of campus and followed me home."

Why ARE you here, Toru? What are you doing here? Toru thought to herself. "I…I just wanted to see how you train because you are really strong."

A good liar…but still a liar. .Futari thought to himself frowning. "Why do you keep lying? What are you hiding?"

"I-I just…I'm sorry. I can't bring myself to say…"

Can't bring herself to say? What? Does she like me or something? Nah, this feels more serious… judging by the tone of her voice she isn't it here to hurt me. Let me just change the subject. "Wait, when I saw you either, I could see your clothes. Why can't I see them now?"

"Oh. Well um…"

Haha… you can't be serious. Futari thought to himself chuckling a little bit. "Are you…Are you NAKED?!"


"So, you followed me home from school and watched me train while naked? Pervert."

"NO! I didn't want you to find me so I used one of my signatures moves 'Full Invisibility!'"

"Pfffffftttt. That's trash. You can't call that a signature move. You stripped! That's like me saying taking off my shoes is my ultimate form," Futari said with his arms folding.

"That's…not exactly a proper comparison." Toru retorted.

"You know what I mean," Futari fired back.

"So, what were you doing anyway?"

"I was working on identifying things with my senses. As you can probably tell, the passive of my quirk allows me to have pinnacle senses and peak physical condition as long as I'm fit."

"One of the passives of your quirk? That sounds like a quirk in and of itself. I mean most people can't find me at all when I'm naked but you can find me easily."

"Well, that's because most people rely on sight. But I found you with my hearing and sense smell."

"Sense of smell?! Do I smell? Oh no!"

Futari couldn't even see here but he could tell she was probably holding her armpits. "Yes. Everyone has a natural smell. You don't smell bad. Calm down. I just recognized your scent because I smelt you earlier."

"So, like a dog?"

"Uh, yes. Exactly."

"So, then… what's your actual quirk?" She asked while leaning in.

Futari could tell she was leaning towards him because her voice got louder as she finished that sentence. "You can't tell me why you are here so I won't tell my quirk," Futari said while shrugging with a smug smile.

"That's not fair!" Invisible Girl whined clenching her fists.

"Actually, that's exactly fair. So are you going to put clothes on or…"

"I left without clothes."

"So, you are a pervert AND a nudist. The dynamic duo of disgusting." Futari said shaking his head.

"Stop it! I'm not either of those things!" She said in a high-pitched voice. There was silence. "Anyway, I'm going to head back before they inspect the dorms."

"Will you be okay? Do you need help sneaking back in? In fact, how does no one know you're gone?"

"Don't worry about any of that. I'm a professional sneaker! I'll see you tomorrow, Fu!"

"Stop calling me that."

"I think it's a cute nickname."

"It's really not."

She laughs a little bit then Futari hears her running away. Now that was extremely suspicious. She followed me home to watch me train…why? Creepy as shit but I felt no malice from her so was she just following because she has a crush on me or some other reason…hm, Futari wondered to himself as he went back to his meditation.

Toru was running as fast as she could ,taking any shortcut she could think of to get back to UA before the Dorm Inspection. She honestly had ample time to get back but all she could think to do is run. Tears were streaming down her face; tears invisible to the world around her. I couldn't tell him anything! Now, he probably thinks I'm a freak. But he's the only one who noticed anything about me…

About two hours went by when Futari finally got back home. It was around 8:30. Shukuchi, his dad, was finally home.

Shukuchi pinched his nose. "Yikes. You smell like dirt."

Futari looked at his dad calmly. "Well, two hours of meditation in a grass clearing will do that to you."

"How was your first day at UA?"

"Let's see…Aizawa beat me up and I babysat."

"Sounds about right. Take a shower. When you come downstairs I'll tell you what is going on."

"Ok." Futari ran upstairs and took a shower then changed into his pajama's. When he came back downstairs his dad had dinner ready for the both of them. Shukuchi had a very serious face something Futari hasn't seen often. Futari began to have a cold sweat.

Shukuchi cleared his throat and began by saying, "UA is the best hero school in Japan. This is a fact. No other school has produced as many top-notched heroes. It is also the most secure school in the country as well. The building itself is, essentially, a gorgeous bomb shelter with many, many strong pro heroes as teachers there. However, as you probably know from catching up on everything over the last year UA has been attacked multiple times by the League of Villians. Aizawa and his good friend Present Mic suspect that there is a traitor at UA that has leaked information about the school. They asked me over dinner yesterday to investigate this suspicion using my skills as the former head of the Espionage Unit in the Police Force which I'm not happy about. I quit the force for a reason but this is important to protect the students at UA and Aizawa is an old friend so I took the job. Much to everyone's dismay, it is true. UA has a traitor and this traitor would likely have a 5/5 or 6/5 in intelligence if I were to grade their abilities." Futari's eyes were wide open, shook to his core. His back met the backrest on his chair. "I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure if this traitor even existed. I have you at the school not only to learn that hero society isn't as corrupt as you might think but also so you can help investigate some of the students. I haven't narrowed down who the traitor is but it could very well be a student so if you meet anyone suspicious let me know. Futari's cold sweat got worse. Even the students could be the traitor? Would it be... Toru?... Should I tell him about my interaction with her today? No. Let me wait. I need to make sure the evidence is conclusive because honestly, it sounds more like she's in pain, Futari thought to himself.