
Chapter 80

'Fucking hell' Jack thought as he passed through the dark veil once more, and arrived inside the stone building.

"Well, it seems that you passed," Archie said with a large smile.

"Didn't you say that the organization couldn't hurt me when I signed the contract, what was all of that about then?" Jack asked as he walked next to the vampire.

"Ah, well technically you wouldn't be hurt, I can't tell you everything right now but at most you would have had your memories erased, the head you saw was just a trophy that the leader keeps with her," Archie replied as he continued to the outside of the stone building with Jack.

"Over there is the task management office, if you want to ask for help or anything of the sort, you make a request over there, and that's where you also take up requests to earn Order Points," Archie said and then turned toward Jack, before motioning toward the ring in his hand.

"Using that you can create a portal to here, all you have to do is say ' By The Order's will' and it will activate, you can use any language you want. If you use it here then it will make a portal to send you back to where you came from. And that's basically it." Archie said as he waved at Jack and started heading away.

'That's it?' Jack thought to himself, feeling an immense desire to release a deep sigh at the man's actions.

'I can't do anything about him either way, Let's just go ahead and check that place out.' Jack thought as he walked toward the task management office building.

Similarly to the large building that housed the portal to the president's office, it was also made of stone and its architecture deeply resembled the gothic style of centuries past.

Once inside, Jack saw a large counter to the right with four stalls of sorts where some young women stood, they wore suits and talked to the people who stood in line.

'I'm assuming that they accept tasks as well as give out points when someone completes a certain task.' Jack thought before turning his head to the left.

On the left stood a large wall with hundreds of brown paper posters, some only had text whilst some also had images on them.

All of them were requests from Order members.

Heading to the wall, Jack quickly glanced at the ones around him.

[ Help needed to gather mystical Herbs ]

[ Help needed to defeat a member of the city council ]

[ Espionage personnel needed for a task ]

Countless such tasks were plastered on the wall.

Some were merely mundane tasks whilst others dabbled deeply into the supernatural world.

There was even one asking for help in eliminating a camp of zombies.

Of course, there were also ones that seemed completely made up, however considering where Jack was currently, he felt inclined to believe that it was true.

An example would be a task that was plastered close to the ceiling.

[ Need help dealing with a poison dragon ]

'A poison dragon? If we go by myths then dragons are usually the highest class of beings, to think that they actually still exist and roam the world.' Jack thought before he finally released a sigh and headed out of the building.

'I'm still too weak, I'll first go back and evolve once more, after which I'll check out the requirements for evolution, and if I need something that I find hard to accomplish then ill do some tasks, gather points, and request help from the order.' Jack thought as he arrived near the edges of the plaza.

Facing a stone wall, he quickly wore the ring that he had been given and said the incantation.

"By the Order's will," Jack said, and immediately the ring on his finger gave a deathly dark aura which quickly became tangible and attached itself to the wall in front of him.

Forming a dark abyss-like portal.

Walking into it, Jack found himself in complete darkness for a split second before the surroundings changed once more and he was back inside his suite room.

'Seems like I'm back, alright with that done then I'll get this evolution over with and start my journey toward Colombia once more.' Jack thought as he walked to the king-sized bed and lay down.

'System Menu' Jack thought and instantly a holographic panel appeared before him.

Quickly maneuvering around the tabs, he found the evolution part of the shop.

Clicking on the Vampire Baron icon, he was presented with a familiar pop-up menu.

[ Vampire Baron Evolution ]

[ Requirements: Level 150, Vampire ]

[ Cost: 450 Shop Coins, 1 Drop of Black Blood, A milliliter of Demon Venom ]

[ Purchase ]

Deciding that he wasn't going to waste any time, Jack clicked on the purchase button, causing another pop-up to appear before him.

[ Do you wish to purchase Vampire Baron Evolution ]

[ This decision cannot be reverted ]

[ Yes / No ]

'Yes' Jack thought and the pop-up disappeared, instead a new red panel screen appeared before him.

[ User has bought the Vampire Baron Evolution, proceeding with the evolution in five seconds. Please Prepare yourself, the user. ]

[ 5 ]

[ 4 ]

[ 3 ]

[ 2 ]

[ 1 ]

[ Evolution has started ]

At those words, Jack felt his body start to change, compared to the previous times, the evolution was felt instantly however the pain was much lower than before.

'Or it might just be that my pain tolerance has skyrocketed since last time, it is also a possibility that the Gamer's mind skill is helping me in managing the pain.' Jack thought as he felt a numbing pain course throughout his body.

The feeling of his insides being enveloped in a slimy disturbing substance continued to increase as he gazed at the ceiling.

'This is pretty disturbing.' Jack thought absentmindedly.


Here's the daily chapter for Twilight Gamer.

The third evolution has now started.

Colombia is close and soon enough the Twilight Story will take a part in the story as well.

Lots of Love
