
Chapter 72

"Lumain" The first man who Jack had turned answered.

A petite woman next to him was the next to reply.


Next was a burly man with tattoos covering his arms however he looked like a kid with his entire face covered with tears and snot.


The fourth person was next, he had short blonde hair and a small goatee, and he looked handsome enough to be a model.


And lastly was a young woman of what Jack assumed to be around twenty-five years of age with long luscious blonde hair.


All of their eyes were blood red and fangs were protruding out of their mouths.

'I wonder if there is a way for me to have a peek at their stats?' Jack wondered and quickly started uttering words in his mind, hoping that a menu would pop up however no such thing happened.

'Seems like I won't be able to, maybe it's a perk skill or something similar.' Jack wondered before turning around and motioning for the five minions to follow him.

As the group of six moved through the jungle, John got curious and asked Jack.

"Uhm, what's your name sir?" His voice shook lightly, clearly afraid that his question would cause Jack to react badly.

Turning his head slightly, Jack gazed into Johns's red eyes before answering.

"I..." Jack said before stopping and turning his head back around to face in front of him.

'What is a cool name?' Jack thought to himself.

Calling himself Jack was not good, he needed something to hide his true identity even if these guys were his slaves for all of eternity now.

Silence engulfed the group for a few minutes.

If John and the others were able to sweat then they would have already been drenched entirely.

They expected Jack to turn around and massacre them at any moment.

"I" Jack finally spoke up once more.

He had only uttered a single word however the attention of the five had already been trained on him.

"I have no name" Jack finally finished his sentence.

"You have no name?" John spoke out of reflex, before putting a hand in front of his mouth merely a split second later.

The four around him turned to give the man a scathing glare.

"It's all right, I won't kill you," Jack said before releasing a small chuckle.

"You can call me No Name I guess, there isn't a single name that fits me better in a sense," Jack uttered, the jungle had started losing some of its dense foliage as they got closer and closer to human civilization.

'I've already lost sight of who I used to be, Jack Sparrow? That guy is already dead.' Jack thought as he furrowed his brows and continued, with his new minions following after him looking like some lost ducks.

Finally, after more than an hour of walking at fast speeds, the group arrived at a human city.

Heading into it, the group walked to a hotel straight away.

Ironically Jack had randomly picked the direction and luckily he had managed to find his way back to the same hotel that he had been kidnapped in.

Heading inside, Jack had a large smile on.

The group behind him was confused at his change of expression but they didn't dare question the monster.

The receptionist lifted their head up and looked at Jack.

The realization was quick as their eyes widened and they stood up in alarm.

Right, Jack was still almost entirely covered in human blood.

He looked like a demon straight out of hell.

"So we meet again," Jack uttered with a toothy smile as he came to stand before the reception counter and crouched so that his face was right in front of the receptionist women.

"How..." The woman muttered quietly, shock clearly displayed in her expression.

"How? Well, you see I'm quite strong, I simply tore them all apart with my hands." Jack said as he closed his eyes and gave the woman a closed eye smile.

"Now, how about you bring me to the rest of your group? I don't like waiting. Chop Chop." Jack said as he lifted himself up to stand straight.

At his words, a door behind the woman opened up with a bang and a group of three armed men arrived.

They were all pointing their guns at Jack.

"You bastard, I'll kill you." It was the one who Jack had almost bitchslapped into death.

"Show me your abilities," Jack said aloud, before turning his head slightly to gaze at the group of newly turned vampires behind him.

"Yes," It was Lucy who answered as she ran toward the three armed men at supernatural speeds.

Before the men could even utter a word in surprise, Lucy was on them as she used her hands as if they were hand blades and clearly severed two of the men's arms.

Loud screams erupted however Lucy didn't stop, she merely continued to slash at the men as if it was the only job that she was capable of doing. 

As if it was her favorite afternoon hobby.

'Did the transformation increase their violent tendencies or is this a part of the enslavement skill?' Jack wondered as he saw Lucy finally stop.

In front of her were mangled body parts, they could even be considered corpses considering how much damage they had sustained.

"Good job, though try to be less gory next time, wouldn't want to leave a mess everywhere we went," Jack said to her before turning to look at the receptionist woman once more.

Her face was pale as a sheet of paper.

'She's going to faint.' Jack thought before he saw the woman lose consciousness the very next moment.


Her head hit the wooden floor of the hotel.

'I knew it' Jack thought with a sigh before crouching next to her and using one finger to pierce her forehead and brain, killing the woman instantly.

'This is what you get for kidnapping me, fucking sons of bitches.' Jack thought as a smile erupted on his face.

If there was one thing that he despised beyond anything else in this world then it was getting kidnapped.


Hey guys, here is the daily chapter for Twilight Gamer.

I wanted to show how his first kidnapping left a deep scar on Jack's mind and how it can cause him to almost rampage, this was the main reason why Jack caused all of that carnage without any concern for human life. When I wrote this two weeks ago I was quite pleased with it but I'm kinda iffy now, still I'm trying to Improve every day.

I also think it would be pretty cool to have him slowly start building his own personal force so I decided upon that course of action.

I hope you enjoyed reading and thanks for all the support.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead check out my Patreon at:


Lots of Love

White Author