
Chapter 56

'I'll just come back and get the diploma when I'm strong enough and don't fear that I'll be in grave danger' Jack thought elated at the news as he nodded his head at Henry.

"Alright, could I hold the exam right now?" Jack asked, he wanted to get out of this town as quickly as he could. It was just too dangerous here, he already knew more than three supernatural groups and he didn't want to find more or let them find him.

Henry nodded before turning around and rummaging through some files and folders before he made an 'aha' sound and turned around with a set of ten papers that had been clipped together.

"I'll be overseeing your exam, please leave your backpack and everything you have here and go sit over there, here's a pen as well," Henry said as he motioned to a small table and a couch that was reserved for guests if they were to come before giving him a blue pen and wishing him luck.

Jack nodded before sitting on the couch and getting started.

"You have two hours to finish the exam" Henry notified Jack before he got back to his own work, occasionally stealing a glance at Jack only to see him go through the questions at an incredible speed.

It looked like the only thing that was limiting him was the speed of his writing rather than the questions themselves.

'Is he just trying to fail on purpose?' Henry thought before shaking his head lightly and turning to finish the rest of his daily tasks.

It took Jack twenty-six minutes before he was done and placed the finished papers in front of Henry.

"I am done sir," Jack said before placing the blue pen on the table as well.

"All right, I'll have the professors of each class take a look and grade it and then we'll let you know if you passed or not, could I get your number since you aren't going to be in town or your parent's number?" Henry asked before Jack nodded and gave the man his own number.

His mother had changed her number a while back and never told him the new one so Jack didn't even know how to contact her in the first place, not like he would have even if he had her number.

"All right, with that, it's done and you can go ahead," Henry said with a smile, which Jack returned as he grabbed his backpack and headed out of the office, walking directly to the exit of the school.

Once outside, Jack didn't wait at all and simply walked off school grounds, his destination was the bus station and from there he would be heading to Port Angels.

'Port Angels huh? It's pretty close to Forks and it's a bigger city so finding criminals to take advantage of would be quite a bit easier.' Jack thought as he walked toward the station.

Forks was a calm city on the surface with a population that was low enough that practically everyone knew everyone.

It was both something nice as well as annoying to Jack, you could never have a moment only to yourself where you could go somewhere and nobody would know you, somewhere that if you did something then the entire town wouldn't know it by the next morning.


'I don't think ill miss this shithole, however,' Jack thought as he arrived at the bus station.

Thankfully it seemed he was lucky today as just when he arrived, the bus heading to Port Angels parked itself in the station.

Walking to the bus, he headed inside, and soon enough the bus took off toward its next destination.

Looking out of the window, Jack's thoughts were a mess, similar to some kind of typhoon, as he remembered all the memories he had of this place.

'It's not like I'm saying goodbye forever, I'll be comming back, stronger than ever' Jack thought as a smile erupted on his face.

The bus continued its drive and after a few hours, it finally arrived at Port Angels, stopping at a bus station located right in the middle of the city.

Paying the ticket, Jack got out of the bus and walked for a while before arriving in the center plaza of the city.

He had a simple backpack that was filled mostly with clothes on his back, and a wallet that had seen better days.

'I'll have to find a way to get money by the end of today otherwise I'll have to sleep on the street and I can't grind and leave my body unprotected.' Jack thought before looking around and soon his eyes spotted a casino in the distance.

'It would have been nice however I'm not old enough to gamble yet and neither do I have the money to even gamble in the first place.' Jack thought annoyed before turning his attention elsewhere.

Everywhere around him there were tens of hotels with varying degrees of luxury however currently he couldn't afford even the worst one.

'I guess I'm going on Batman duty already' Jack thought as he released a sigh and started walking off the center of the city, heading to the less frequented streets of the city.

'Usually, crime rates are higher in these parts, and considering I'm an outsider then I should be getting mugged soon enough.' Jack thought as he started wandering around.

Thankfully since he was a vampire, he never got tired and so he continued to wander until it was almost nighttime, the sun already starting to set but no muggers in sight.

Just as Jack was about to give up and simply head to a bar where he could steal some money, he felt something press against his back as an arm snaked its way around him and made it so that he wouldn't be able to move.

A voice whispered next to his ear.

"Take out everything valuable that you have if you wanna live, ya got it?" The male voice behind him said.

And thus, Jack's fate turned, his expression brightening as happiness took over his slight depression.


Here's the daily chapter, Jack is officially outside of Forks, and I've got some pretty cool stuff planned for this arc.

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Thanks for the amazing support everyone, really!

Lots of Love
