
Chapter 13: To Valor's Refuge

The next ten seconds felt like days.

In Enya’s mind, the arrow traveled through the air so slowly. So much so that she kept screaming in her head, “Move! You have to move!”

But she couldn’t.

The arrow had her entranced in its gaze. The metal triangle at its head reflected her face in a warped manner, dripping off the metal was a strange yellow liquid.

Poison? But why? Surely the arrow would kill her by itself. Unless they wanted to make sure they got the job done.

She cast a last, parting, look toward Jeremy. If she was going to die, she wanted his face to be the last she’d see.

At least, that’s what would have occurred, if Valor had not flung himself between her and the deadly projectile.

Using his enhanced speed and reflexes, he placed himself between Enya and the arrow. But without his blade, had no choice but to take the arrow’s full impact.

The head sunk into his chest.

“No!” Enya screamed.

She caught before he could fall backwards.