
the turnout

the turnout is a story with exciting, thrilling and unexpected turnouts

Sweet_Favor · Teen
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32 Chs

chapter seventeen

yes one of them was shot dead and there were screams every where

" shut the heck up" the guy in green said

"so who started the whole thing, still no answer, should I kill you second or maybe you" the guy in red asked pointing gun at the teachers and they were shaken

"you! step forward now" the girl in black said as she dragged one female teacher out

"I guess you're next to die" the girl in black said

"no it was him" the teacher said pointing to another teacher

"oh, good girl but you answered too late" the guy in red said and shot her

there was silence everywhere,

"we told you this time we don't play nice so be fast when you are asked to do something" the girl in purple said

"so you started the whole thing, interesting, actually that was brave of you, you can go back to your sit" the guy in red said

"now the four of you, sorry but you have to die, that is for not using your brains and waiting for someone to think for you" the guy in red added

"now you parents out there this should be a warning to you, this could be your ward, you have time to save them, so just send us our money" the girl in black said angrily

and then I saw the other four teachers died, they were lined up and shot right in front of us and we could just watch on and do nothing, now did I want to be in their position the answer was no, I didn't want to be in that position, staring death right at the face and not being able to anything, what will be my fault, it will be for not thinking for myself and that position I did not want to find myself in.