

I gave her everything she ever wanted. My only wish was she got to live and enjoyed the life the way she ever dreamt. I was brave but broken, brave but scarred. I was brave but wounded. Nobody knows anything about the saddened smiles. Isn't it funny how the one we called the safest place left us homeless? Funny how people have guts to do it. Killing the one they love and executed it perfectly with no atom of remorse. The bleeding wounds that refused healing. All my laughter says the same thing: This isn't how it supposed to be. All my grief repeatedly yelled out the same thing; this isn't how it supposed to be. How did she do it? How do she find fun toying with the feelings she said she cared and cherished more than her life? Did she find it amusing watching the one she loved go back and forth like a pathetic dog on a leash, awaiting freedom. Like a creepy freak, she discard me like a used syringe. She humiliated me. Leaving me in the darkness to fight off the demons she created. How did she do it? Writing lovely poems and not meant any single phrase? There are some kinds of pains that externally clung on us, like a stubborn stain on a white fabric they refused to wash away. They are scarred and bruised. Just when i thought i was feeling better, i felt myself falling again into the dark abyss. I will burn all the letters i wrote, i will burn all the poems i wrote about you, all the happy moment we spent together collecting wishful stars, dreaming and building our future together. I will burn every memories of us and I hope you follow the smoke, it will lead you to the heart you broken. I hope you realized how cruel you are to shred into pieces the only heart that cares and adores you. Was I right? The first time I saw you, you smelt like trauma awaiting to happen but I ignored my instincts now I'm lost in my light. I don't know the demon you are running away from, you better stop and face them because when they catch up with you, it won't just be you who gets caught up in the fallout.

Hobified_Bbensplen · Urban
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28 Chs

CHAPTER 14: I'm Trying But He is Hot


I walked back to the practice room, haven wasted almost thirty minutes crying my ass out, whilst regretting my life decisions.

Judging from the atmospheric change, I knew they already concluded the step 1 moves; maybe I will join the step 2."

As I entered, I saw Ho-Seok talking to one of the female staff and laughing with her. I watched as the female staff whispered something stupid to him and he laughed, then flicked her forehead causing the female staff to playfully pushed his shoulder and the both laughed.


The weather wasn't favorable this time and I wasn't with my cardigan as usual ', Bella and always forgetting''

Despite the cold weather and not coming with my cardigan none of this discouraged me, I wanted to do something for myself, anything just for fun. I was standing at the entrance of the studio contemplating if I should visit the game world or if should I go shopping or the recreation park just anywhere to spend quality time for myself and to escape some thoughts.

I was still contemplating when a 

Bugatti Centodieci – $12M: The car

horn, pulling me out of my thoughts as it parks in my front. I moved aside without minding who is inside the car.

"Hello Bella"

My brain frozen at that familiar voice, whatever air remains in my lungs is expelled violently from the sound of my name in his voice, and it suddenly feels as if my skin is vibrating.

"Ho-Seok" My eyes widened in shock, I watched, almost hypnotized as he stepped down from the car, removing his facemask and smile beaming on his face.

Seeing him alone makes me happy, I have this feeling, this urge to hug him. It took me tons of self-control for me not to rush him, wrapping myself around him." Is this how much I miss him? I muttered inwardly.

"Hey, it has been a long, how are you doing?

He asked a small smile on his lips without saying another word lean towards me.

"Do you perhaps see a ghost?" He flickered his fingers on my forehead, snapping me out of my thoughts. He laughed at my expression, a pure light-hearted sound, unlike the dangerous rumbles I'd heard from him before.

"Hey! Hey!! hey !!! I stuttered, taking a moment to think of what to say.

"How did you know this place," I asked and he chortled.

"Bella I choose this place remember" He snilled, looking into my eyes and I fidget under the intensity of his gaze. He is so handsome.

"Woaw!!! I must have forgotten, yeah that's true you choose this place...." I murmur. Even though my voice is strong and steady that doesn't stop him from laughing at it.


It hurt seeing those bittersweet moment of his because what he does to her was my favorite most precious thingy of him. Flicking my forehead whenever I does something silly or being stubbornly nosy.

It'd been years since I saw him laugh and that really hurt me because the minutes our eyes locked, he expression changed, the once happy face switched to burning coal.

He stopped laughing and I could see the daggers shoot at me before he turned his attention back to the female. And that, did something to me.

Ignoring the tears that were forming, I smiled at my dancers and waved at them before going to them.

The video director pulled me into a chair and replayed the step 1 moves, expecting me to know and master the steps before joining the next practice but who am I kidding? My mind wasn't there. The fact Ho-Seok ignored my gaze and turned his attention to the female staff made me stupidly angry and now I sat on this extravagant chair, staring at his perfect dance moves whilst pretending to understand a thing. What a fuck up.

"Do you understand the dance steps?? Kwame, the video director questioned and I let out a fake smile, nodding like the Agama Lizard I wasn't.

The Hobified-Mind crew and K25 crew already joined and I know something big was about to happen when Ho-seok left his seat and walked straight to the huge mirror, that was when I noticed his bulging biceps as he took his jacket off, straightening and cracking his muscles. My God!!! My eyes nearly left their sockets. Just when did he start going to the gym?

"Heaven have mercy! Did you see that? Juana shivering whispered to me. "Those biceps, Kathy, I want to be trapped in them so bad." She squealed dramatically and I shushed her up instantly.

Oh gosh! Here goes Juana drooling and falling for Ho-Seok's hypnotizing charms and auras. What if the two ended up having a fling or probably dating? Oh God! Please, don't let it happen. The thoughts alone was enough to break me

Why did he have to be so fucking good looking, his hair was fixed up, hair-strands falling here and there,and I know he would really smelled undeniably good, but I'm not going to let those gets to my head. He can't fool me with those good boy stuff. Sometimes you need to remind people that you can be an asshole too.

The dance kicked off once Ho-Seok signaled to the dancers without tearing me a glance. That to me sounded like a condescending act to my ego and I'm never going to let that pass.

I stubbornly moved to the middle line when I should be at the last line because that was Hobified-Mind crew choreography and I didn't join their first steps, but who cares, Dir. Kwame, already played the first video steps for me, which means I'm fixing myself in, whether Ho-Seok likes it or not.

"Please, to the back." He insistently scowled at me, but I ignored his expressionless face and that alone irked him badly. I looked away from him, not wanting him to see how much pain I was in because I realized my eyes can't lie.

"This is not time for this."

I know what he meant by that, his eyes narrowed me and I could tell how angry he was and knowing who he is, made it even funnier. For a multi-talented gifted, outstandingly hardworking and as someone who hates anything that disrupt his working periods, I know what I was doing was stepping on his ego.

He took a step forward, his eyes filled with anger, and hurt and I felt my heart racing. I did that to him. If it was to be the former Ho-Seok and Bella, it would have been romantically amusing but this particular Ho-Seok was withholding himself from breaking something, from breaking me.

My heart was pounding and I wondered if he could hear it too. And I hope not because I don't know how to explain why my heart was racing like Lagos highways buses everytime Ho-Seok was around.

He crossed his hands at the back, his glowering eyes steadily not leaving my face, and with every steps he took, I felt the heats creeping through my limbs, paralyzing me that immediately he drew nearer, I speedily ran off to the back where I was initially supposed to be to the amusement of my backup dancers.