

Day 1

Melody Pov

Thank God I'm off today. My body hurts from all the exercise last night.

I'm a soldier in the Atlanta military. My dad was sergeant major but he got shot in the leg and the wound got infected so they had to remove the leg (from the knee to the foot)

That's how I got into the military.

My dad was my Sergeant till he got shot.

I'm 25 years old.

I go to my parent's house every night so I can do some training with my dad. My dad still helps me even if he can't walk.

He works in the Atlanta police force at the desk but he still helps with cases.

I'm busy making something to eat when my phone starts ringing.

"Hey dad, what up"

"Melody, honey did you see the news?"

My dad asks with panic in his voice.

"No...why," I ask confused

"Look... something isn't right, there are people, sick people eating each other."I feel the panic, that my father feels.

I put the Tv on, I change the channel to the news.

All I see is people running for their lives and the news lady panicking while talking.

"Dad what does this mean."

My dad says the one word that makes my blood run cold.


"The military will call you honey. Please be careful when you go, I and mom will go to the save house we will meet you there".My dad says with sadness in his voice.

"Oh okay, dad...I Love you be safe, see you soon." I'm still in shock about the whole thing.

"I love you," my dad says.

There was silence.

I walk to my room and start packing my things.




medical things


My phone rang again.


"Melody this is Jake, We need you at the station, now!."Jake yelled

"Yes sir, I'm on my way"

I pack my things in my truck and drive to the station.

Everything was a big fuck up.

People running for their lives.

I stop at the station. Everyone is running around to get information.


I turn around and see Jake in the first group of soldiers

"Yes sir"

"You are going to be in group two. You are going to help get the people to safety that are not infected. Shoot the infected.No mercy, you got it?"

"Yes Sir" I salute him and go to my group.

Fuck, sergeant dip shit is in my group.

Sergeant McGregor is a pain in the ass.

"Oh right soldiers, we are going to take the people to safety. Kill all eating mother fuckers so we can get on with our lives."

"Yes sir" ....dip shit

We moved out. There are so many people. How do you shoot without killing the non-infected?

This is going to be very interested.

. ........

Hey my lovely weirdos

oh snap what a chapter

I hope you like it😊

Any thoughts???
