
The True Vampire Bride

Kaida Endo has always felt different to not only herself, but others as well. Ever since the True night prowlers decided to show themselves, humankind has become little more than nothing but an asset, and an indispensable one. Most humans have long since been rounded up and basically caged behind enormous walls and treated as breading stock by most vampire lords. There are very few humans remaining in isolated pockets that have not been found, Kaida Endo exists within one of these few isolated pockets with her fam-ily. There are not many pockets of untouched humans left that have not been found, free from the vampires. Most of the pure bloods had long since lost most of themselves, due to the loss of the queen’s direction, turning more and more humans into lower end vam-pires. With the death of the previous queen, the majority of True Vampires have long since forgotten that they cannot rule the world, or they will face extinction when blood runs out. Trying to live off animal blood alone proved fatal for many, leading to fits of blood lust that were unstoppable in many cases. Now with the situation getting a little worse, the true bloodlines are now in a fight to find the one who is to be destined to be-come queen of them all. She does not realize that her family’s blood is truly special, she is part of a bloodline that has been dormant on the vampire abilities for generations upon generations. Essentially making the bloodline mortal until bit by a pure blood. Only with her presence will the over population of mindless Lesser vamps be put to an end. Her blood and hidden abilities will ensure all survive. With one bite from a true bloodline member, they will awaken. Will she be able to withstand her own fated, yet unwanted destiny? Can she bring them all together, or will they fight for a control that is not theirs to have?

SinisterGoth1977 · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The True Vampire Bride Ch 5 Part 3

Kaida Endo: "Yes it appears so. I could not stop myself from doing it. I must finish it, or the clairvoyance vision may loop on me. I am not taking the chance. I still have to absorb everyone else's abilities."

Looking at her with a look of concern, he simply nodded his head. Once she was finished with the sketch, she placed it inside the carriage and lightly stretched. Looking over with a look of satisfaction, she returned to where the lords had been studying the map she drew. Looking to Botan, she placed her hand upon him and began to absorb the elemental abilities he possessed. Tilting her head back slightly, her body felt like it was on fire as each of the five elements began to stir within her. Looking to her left hand, fire flames danced upon her fingertips. Looking at herself in awe, Botan was pleased with how much she was able to do so far. She then walked over to Kano, placing her left hand upon him, she began to absorb his weather altering abilities. Finishing the absorption, with fire dancing upon her right hand, she took her left and waved it sending a rolling fog bank through the area they stood in.

All the gasps coming from the lords were of absolute surprise as they watched her wield three completely different abilities at once. No one other than the queen could do so. The only two left to add in were the bio kenosis and the time travel. Kaida decided it was best to wait momentarily on the bio kenosis. Going forth with the other lords, Kaida proceeded to help with the first phase. Confusing the enemy with the fog bank. With Kano's help, once the area was covered, the five lords and their squires proceeded to head to the middle of the hill where the biggest cave was. Going through the cave system using the map Kaida drew, she sent them all down separate sections and had them converge in the middle.

Being the most open in the system, it was only logical that they would hold up in the biggest section. Managing to make it far enough in, the rogue lords had finally been spotted dragging some of the humans to a caged area. Sensing the rogues, Kaida's anger began to flare up. Trying her best to keep calm, she got a little closer, sending in a fog to try and mask their presence. Everyone waited a few more minutes as the fog blanket covered most of the central area. Moving in slowly, Botan neared the caged area and melted the bars on the cage using his fire. He was far more skilled and could control it better. Being sure to have the people be quiet, he had several underlings escort them through the fog and head toward the entrance. While they were being carefully snuck out, the rogue lords were beginning to panic wondering where the fog was coming from. The rogue lords knew there was clearly something wrong since none of them could wield the abilities of their party. Due to the echo's it was hard to pinpoint where they were screaming from. Only their voices could be heard.

Rogue Vampire: (Frantically running around in the fog…) "I do not understand what is going on here. None of us here knows how to control weather, has the fog gotten so thick outside it has come in here?"

Rogue Vampire 2: "I do not know; can anyone see anything in here?"

Rogue Vampire 3: "Is it another vampire who can control weather? Where are the cages at? Can anyone see?"

Rogue Vampire 4: "I do not know either. Can anyone find their way toward the entrance to check outside?"

Rogue Vampire: "I will try to find the way out and see if the fog has gotten thick outside too. It is always possible that we are overreacting to the natural weather patterns."

Rogue Vampire 2: "You are right. Should find that out before we get over worked about it. It could be nothing more than weather. These caves are near a river after all."

Carefully making his way toward an exit, the rogue vampire finally made his way out of the caves, seeing the fog all around the cave entrance and beyond. He finally turned and hollered back inside the cave entrance letting the others know the fog was just as bad out here as it was in there. It had appeared to be nothing more than natural occurrence. Kaida smiled as she gave herself a silent pat on the back for a job well accomplished. They believed the lie put forth, as Botan neared her letting them know that the humans had been led safely out, she sighed heavily in relief. Her only thought now, "I can finally let loose on these rogues".

Botan snickered to himself as he knew that look in her eyes. Once all four rogues were back in the central part of the cave, Kaida gave the signal to move in and surround them. Walking near Dai, Kaida placed her hands upon him and began to absorb his bio kinesis ability. With four abilities now surging through her, her presence was now impossible to mask as the four rogues were frantically running about the central cave. Coming across one of the rogues, Kaida placed her hands upon the first rogue vampire. Sending a pulse through his body, she stopped his heart in an instant. She then switched up methods and burned him where he stood before his body could even go limp; shaking the soot from her hand, she sneered at the pile left on the ground. Turning to the side slightly she hollered at everyone to proceed.

Kaida Endo: "Alright, one down. Three left to go. You guys fan out and kill them on sight. I do not care how."

Botan Date: "No problem, we will get the others you wait and see."

Kaida Endo: "I want all their followers destroyed as well. If you run into any of them, kill them as well. No mercy will be shown upon them."

Dai Haku: "Well now, that was an impressive use of the powers combined. I do not even think he knew what hit him. By the way, there is another close to my position."

Making use of the clairvoyance afforded her thanks to Tsubasa, she easily found one of the other vampire rogues. Stealthily working her way through the fog, she created, she repeated the same action upon each of the remaining lord rogues till they were all ash on the ground. Once the leaders were all taken care of, Kaida yelled out for all the underlings to be disposed of.

Kaida Endo: "Alright men, I have taken out the last of the masters, go through and wipe out all his underlings. If you find any changed humans, put them out of their misery, we were at least able to save some."

A loud cry rung out simultaneously as everyone answered at once, "Yes my queen!!!" All that could be heard were the death screams of many underlings as they were killed off one by one. Raising her hands, she quelled the fog she had created to give a better look around the cave system. Once the cave systems had been thoroughly checked, they finished heading out of the biggest entrance and back to the carriage on the hill. Kaida climbed back inside as she leaned back in the seat, she sighed heavily as she began to lightly nod her head. Overly exhausted, she had pushed her limits to their fullest, not only making use of Tsubasa' s powers, but Botan and Dai's as well. Three major power groupings had been held within Kaida at once. Not to mention the clairvoyance to guide them all. To wore out to stay awake anymore, Kaida began to fall asleep. Noticing this Tsubasa got overly worried.

Tsubasa Endo: "Is that normal? She just passed out. Is she going to be fine?"

Botan Date: "She will be fine, after all, she spent more energy than one of us could. I was rather impressed with how many powers she was able to absorb and use. It was like nothing I had ever seen in my life."

Dai Haku: "No kidding. She did not even leave any of the lord rogues live long enough to run into any of us. I kind of feel left out."

Haruko Ikeda: "Is it really that bad, she did a most impressive job. I cannot believe how much she was able to absorb before she went to Dai."

Kano Nishio: "I was not close enough to be able to see what she did. I am assuming from the way you are all acting, it was quite impressive indeed."

Tsubasa Endo: "I hope she will be fine. There is no telling how long she plans to sleep now with so much power used. Hopefully, it will not be too long. Anyway, are all the stragglers dealt with now?"

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