

Her father, the supreme alpha king, mother, the supreme sorceress. She was born on a full moon becoming the chosen one. Also, born by an Alpha king and supreme sorceress, she became a hybrid, possessing immense powers. But on the day of her birth, her power thirsty uncle, brother of her mother, Liam, ambushed them, trying to abduct her and use the powers in her to rule the underworld. But her mother the supreme sorceress ran away with her child, she got to the human realm through a portal and found a desperate childless couple, she gave them her child but before that, tied an enchanted bracelet on her wrist, asking them to take care of her and never take the bracelet off of her wrist. Then the supreme sorceress ran back to the kingdom to help her husband. And although the supreme alpha king was powerful, he couldn't defeat Liam who had awakened the ancient dark sorcery, he was killed and the supreme sorceress, imprisoned by her own brother. The king's child, the chosen one, now lives amongst human with the childless couple .........WILL SHE FIND OUT AND SEEK VENGEANCE FOR HER PARENTS, AND TAKE OVER FROM THE EVIL HANDS OF HER UNCLE AND BECOME THE TRUE LEADER? FIND OUT AS YOU DIVE INTO A WORLD OF FANATSY........... "Uhmm, congratulations your highness, I...its a baby girl" One of the park doctors told Lucius while handing the baby over to the him awkwardly. The supreme alpha king took the baby and went to the Luna, supreme queen Naomi. They both looked at the child with admiration but it quickly turned into shock as the baby started glowing a bright purple, a white crescent then showed on the side of her wrist, almost like a tattoo but it was glowing. Her golden brown hair turned a mesmerizing silver and her azure eyes suddenly turned a beautiful purple making her look like a goddess.............. NOTE, THE NOVEL IS STILL UNDER UPDATE, SO PARDON MISTAKES, LOVE YA'LL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS-----CHECK MY IG PAGE 4 IIMAGES OF CHARACTERS IN ALL MY STORIES[ serene_author] and my FACEBOOK PAGE TOO[Treasure Sunday].......

Treasure_Sunday_4274 · Fantasy
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56 Chs



Today is Jason's coronation. Every body was getting prepared for the coronation. The maids were scrambling here and there trying to place everything in order. Selena was very nervous because Jason said he would introduce her as the Luna officially after he was crowned Alpha. The beta(Damien) and gamma(Kyle) were doing a great job welcoming other Alphas, while Allison and Mila were busy dressing Selena up. Mila worked on her hair while Allison worked on the dress. It was a traditional dress, white indicating purity and long lasting peace, while Jason wore a gold robe adorned with different rubies, indicating strength and superiority.....

"Come on Mila she needs to put on her dress" Allison walked over to the vanity where Mila was arranging Selena's hair.

"I know, I know, I'm just adding the final touches" Mila picked up golden colored earring, placing them on Selena's ears, then grabbed the necklace which was also gold but adorned with different gems. It looked really expensive.

"Woah, woah, woah. Don't tell me you wanna place that bondage on my neck, are you trying to remove my neck from my shoulder!!??" Selena exclaimed seeing the huge necklace with several gem stones.

"Oh come on now, Selena. The Luna said its an heirloom so you most definitely have to wear it" Mila urged bringing the necklace closer to her.

"No, no, no, absolutely not. That thing looks like it could....no it WILL bring down my head once I put it on" Selena persisted looking at mirror.

"It does look heavy....but we can't let the Luna down....So put it on...." Allison persuaded, taking the necklace from Mila.


"NOW!!!" Allison interrupted suddenly, startling both Selena and Mila.

"Fine, fine" Selena reluctantly agreed avoiding the look on Allison's face.

"Okay, there we go...it looks great Selena...Fantastique...Mwah" Mila faked a French accent making all of them burst into laughter.

"Yeah but it feels like I'm carrying the weight of every problem in this world" Selena joked and they laughed again.

"Okay enough with the laugher, come on Selena, let's get you dressed" Allison brought down the white gown as she helped Selena into it.

"Wow, fits you perfectly" Allison commented, arranging the dress.

"You look so pretty bae" Mila complemented, all smiles.

"Thanks guys. I want to look at the mirror" Selena turned towards the full length mirror but was awed at what she saw. 

"Guys where did Selena Woods go and who is this gorgeous lady?" Selena asked, her voice breaking as she scanned herself and the dress that was shinning with all the beautiful stones.

"Selena Woods stepped out for a while. This is our soon to be crowned Luna" Allison stated as she bowed slightly, followed by Mila.

"Come on guys, don't do that, please, and help me put on my shoes" Selena walked over to the chair and sat down.

"Yes.....your majesty" Allison and Mila chorused and Selena glared at them playfully.....

They were done dressing Selena and had gotten dressed themselves with Allison wearing a slim fitted red wine colored dress paired with black heels and a red purse, she styled her blonde hair in a beautiful messy bun, her lips covered with a glossy red color and some matching jewelries. Mila, on the other hand was rocking a shiny black knee length dress that was fitted at the top and free at the bottom, with a big bow in the middle of the dress, positioned at the back, she wore a pair red high heels and paired with a black purse. She styled her hair in a neat high pony tail and lastly simple jewelries and they were ready.....

"Girls? Are you done? Its time" The Luna informed, Allison opened the door and the Luna gasped in shock.

"Wow, you look even more elegant than when I wore it. Come my daughter, the guests are waiting" Luna Mabel said as Selena stepped forward and took the hand of the Luna, Allison and Mila following behind.....

They got to the hall room where the coronation is being held. Selena's heart was pounding so loud that she could hear it.

"Selena, my dear, calm down okay" Luna Mabel softly said to Selena. She was about to reply when they heard the announcer.


"It's time my dear. Keep your head high and don't rush it okay?" Luna Mabel reminded while Selena just nodded. They elegantly walked into the huge hall room filled with hundreds of wolves. Jason was already standing besides the royal seer. Selena raised her head and immediately caught Jason's emerald eyes. Jason was enthralled by her beauty. Luna Mabel finally got to where Jason was standing and handed Selena to Jason who seemed impatient.

"You look breathtakingly gorgeous, babe" Jason complimented with a look of adoration.

"Thanks, you don't look bad yourself my handsome Alpha" Selena whispered.

"Thank you my gorgeous Luna" Jason smirked as they both turned to the seer and the rituals began with the seer cutting the palm of Jason who didn't flinch and telling him to repeat after him....



The coronation was finally over and Jason was officially the new Alpha of blood moon pack. Selena was also crowned the new Luna and on their heads were their respective crowns. Jason picked his new Beta and Gamma which of course were Damien and Kyle. And after everything, everyone started hailing their new Alpha and Luna and then the celebration commenced....




Grand lord Rokai has awakened and was already given a mission...


"Yes and if we can open this safe, I bet we will be able to open that coffin" Linda said turning to Liam who was looking at the lock on the safe...His eyes turned red suddenly and he walked to the safe. He took the lock and started transferring a black mist into the lock which later engulfed the whole box....The rest of the watched in anticipation as the black mist turned blacker......The chains started vibrating as the mist turned red....after much anticipation, the lock clicked and opened and almost immediately, the coffin started opening ever so slowly and soon the coffin and the safe were opened.....Liam took the red crystal, eyes matching the bloody color of the red crystal as he started chanting some ancient words...it almost looked like he was under someone else's control...almost....He took the crystal and walked to the demon's now exposed body and placed the crystal on the whole matching the shape of the crystal...his eyes went back to normal...THE DEMON OPENED GOLDEN YELLOW EYES.....GRAND LORD ROKAI IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

Everywhere started turning red immediately he opened his eyes. A heavy wind suddenly started blowing creating a somewhat tornado( Yh I know.....a tornado under water). There were lightnings cracking here and there. They could barely see anything. The wind was getting too strong that Linda had to make a shield that covered them....Like a force field that shielded them from the heavy wind...well except Liam who was not a bit bothered by the wind....After what seemed like a million years, a pair of shining red eyes were seen amidst the heavy wind and almost immediately, the heavy wind stopped as though there was no wind at all. Lord Rokai looked around and roared out loud shaking the ancient catacombs making it look as if it would collapse any minute.......He was huge almost reaching the upper rocky covering of the catacombs. Lord Rokai said something but in the same ancient language they have been seeing and this frustrated Liam.

"Urghh, is it every where I'll see or hear this language. Linda interpret" Liam shouted as he watched Linda respond to the demon in the ancient language. The demon shouted something again and Linda seemingly tried replying when it shouted again, this time preparing a huge red energy in his hand and blasted Linda so hard that her body left a huge crack on the aged rock of the catacombs, it was approaching Linda and only then did Liam intervene. He did something with his hand and suddenly the demon froze and could not move. Liam went over to Linda, not caring of her state, he asked...

"So what is it saying?" He looked over to the demon.

"It says that he doesn't bow to anyone. That he is the Grand Lord and will not listen to anyone" Linda managed to say as she struggled to get up.

"Is that so? Well fortunately, I am not just anyone. I am Liam" His eyes turned blackish red as he grinned mischievously. He raised his right hand and his dark grimoire materialized at the top of his palm, floating and oozing out black and purple mist. He touched the grimoire and it started flipping it's page. It stopped at a page that was filled with different drawings and some foreign words. Liam let the grimoire float as he faced the demon, he raised his both hands as he started chanting some foreign words. Nothing seemed to happen at first but later, the demon stopped struggling and seemed to focus on thin air. Ever so slowly, the demon's eyes turned thick black followed by the red gem on its forehead......After sometime, it looked at Liam and bowed.....

"MASTER" It said as Liam smirked.

"Good. Now you will immediately go to Blood Moon pack and attend the party, if you know what I mean" Liam smiled evilly.

"Yes Sire" Rokai replied still bowing.

"Nice. So there's this girl with a white hair and purple eyes. She is my long lost niece and I miss her so much. So kindly bring her back. And a little hint, she has dark powers in her that feed on anger, so finish the task before any of that happens. We will go back to my castle and I'll give you some soldiers to accompany you to the party" Liam instructed as he signaled Seth to come closer. Seth fearfully moved closer and Liam placed his hand on his head and again transferred black mist into his head. Seth stilled as a portal opened and they all left........... 


" Now you will go with these ones and cause as much chaos as possible. Destroy their land and bring me that girl" Liam commanded and then the creatures of the dark and Lord Rokai started disappearing one by one.......

"Sire, sorry to disturb but there is something I want to discuss with you" Linda informed Liam.

"Urghh, what now Linda? Can't I have peace?" Liam complained as he sat on the couch as they were in the living room.

"S...sorry Sire but it is very important" Linda persuaded.

"Fine...What?" Liam asked crossing his legs as he sat elegantly on the couch.

"Well Sire, you've not been to the pack house for a very long time now and the council has started talking" Linda cautiously informed.

"But I told them If they have any issues, they should come here and I will peacefully resolve the matter" Liam stated as he played with a black smoke.

"Y...yes I know that Sire but....." 

"But what Linda?" Liam cut her short as he looked at her.

"Sire If I may suggest?" Linda asked to which Liam nodded.

"I suggest you go to the pack house and at least know what is going on, even if its just two hours...You are giving yourself a bad name Sire" Linda tried to persuade Liam but he suddenly looked at her making her bow immediately.

"........Okay, fine, I'll go but someone has to die and I don't want to kill you. You still useful to me" Liam stood up and looked at Linda.

"Thank you Si..." 

"For now" Liam finished making Linda raise her head quickly.

"Prepare my coat, we are going to Blue Moon pack" Liam lazily stated.....



Everything was going smoothly until they heard someone scream...

"Allison stop eating the sausage rolls, you'll finish them" Mila warned but Allison paid a deaf ear.

"Babe you look really beautiful today" Jason admired Selena. She was about replying when they heard a lady scream......

"Who could that be" Jason whispered but his expression changed when he caught a whiff of the air......."MONSTERS" He whispered........
