

Her father, the supreme alpha king, mother, the supreme sorceress. She was born on a full moon becoming the chosen one. Also, born by an Alpha king and supreme sorceress, she became a hybrid, possessing immense powers. But on the day of her birth, her power thirsty uncle, brother of her mother, Liam, ambushed them, trying to abduct her and use the powers in her to rule the underworld. But her mother the supreme sorceress ran away with her child, she got to the human realm through a portal and found a desperate childless couple, she gave them her child but before that, tied an enchanted bracelet on her wrist, asking them to take care of her and never take the bracelet off of her wrist. Then the supreme sorceress ran back to the kingdom to help her husband. And although the supreme alpha king was powerful, he couldn't defeat Liam who had awakened the ancient dark sorcery, he was killed and the supreme sorceress, imprisoned by her own brother. The king's child, the chosen one, now lives amongst human with the childless couple .........WILL SHE FIND OUT AND SEEK VENGEANCE FOR HER PARENTS, AND TAKE OVER FROM THE EVIL HANDS OF HER UNCLE AND BECOME THE TRUE LEADER? FIND OUT AS YOU DIVE INTO A WORLD OF FANATSY........... "Uhmm, congratulations your highness, I...its a baby girl" One of the park doctors told Lucius while handing the baby over to the him awkwardly. The supreme alpha king took the baby and went to the Luna, supreme queen Naomi. They both looked at the child with admiration but it quickly turned into shock as the baby started glowing a bright purple, a white crescent then showed on the side of her wrist, almost like a tattoo but it was glowing. Her golden brown hair turned a mesmerizing silver and her azure eyes suddenly turned a beautiful purple making her look like a goddess.............. NOTE, THE NOVEL IS STILL UNDER UPDATE, SO PARDON MISTAKES, LOVE YA'LL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS-----CHECK MY IG PAGE 4 IIMAGES OF CHARACTERS IN ALL MY STORIES[ serene_author] and my FACEBOOK PAGE TOO[Treasure Sunday].......

Treasure_Sunday_4274 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


"Who could that be" Jason whispered but his expression changed when he caught a whiff of the air...."MONSTERS" He whispered.....


*Dude you can smell that right?* Kyle asked through the link as they walked outside and scanned the area.

"Jason? Is something wrong?" Selena seeing the weary look on his face, questioned him.

"Yeah...." He whispered looking around and that's when he heard a woman screaming. Every one looked towards the sound and alas, it was a demon.....a monster. Every one started shouting when the demon disintegrated a young man. The demon suddenly turned to Selena and grinned evilly.

"Well, well, well, who do we have hear, its master's long lost niece" The demon walked closer to Selena who has already stood up and it continued.....

"Sorry to ruin the party Alpha, Luna, I guess I'm just a party pooper.....Now 'Luna', come with me peacefully and I might not destroy everyone and everything" The demon grinned mischievously.

"Who.....what are you? And what do you want from us?" Jason said pushing Selena behind him as the demon's eyes were still on Selena.

"What now? Am I not allowed to attend a party? I just came for some fun and her" The demon pointed at Selena who was still behind Jason.

"You did not answer my question" Jason glared at the demon.

"Oh sorry for my manners.....I am Grand Lord Rokai and I'm here for her" Lord Rokai announced, pointing at Selena.

"And enough of the talking, LET....THE....FUN....BEGIN" Rokai whispered the last part and then laughed as several creatures started started materializing into the park grounds.

*Damien alarm all our warriors now.....Kyle, get all the wolves into the safe house, then come back here immediately, also call some pack healers* Jason instructed through the link.

*Yes Alpha* They chorused as they went ahead to do what they were assigned.

"Jason what's going on?" Selena whispered looking confused.

"I don't know, but he is not here to party" Jason looked back at the warriors running towards them, some in their wolf form, some human and some pack healers.

 *Pack members are secured Alpha* Kyle reported, seeing Jason's eyes turn bright gold.

"I suggest you give up now and give her to me" Lord Rokai turned to Jason who was already in half shift.

"You are wasting your time demon" Jason said through gritted teeth, Damon, Kyle, Selena and the former Alpha were besides him, although Kyle was already in his wolf form, the warriors standing strong ready for battle.

"Well then, have it your way. CREATURES OF THE DARK ATTACK...LEAVE THE WHITE HAIRERD GIRL.....SHE'S MINE" Rokai roared out loud and immediately, all the creatures charged.....

"ATTAAACK!!!" Jason battle roared and they also charged....The both sides clashed and a war began....Jason jumped and shifted mid-air, followed by the Mark(Former Alpha) and then Damien before the warriors started shifting....

Selena was a bit troubled as she was still in the traditional dress. She was still figuring this out when Rokai came from nowhere and attacked her, taking her unawares....She flew a good meter away and landed hard on the ground. She grunted and ripped the dress making it shorter, she also ripped the sleeves and took off the jewelries, while whispering a silent apology to Mabel(Former Luna) who was probably at the safe house with the other pack members, she also loosened her hair....She turned to Rokai who was suddenly in from of her as she blocked the blow given by Rokai by crossing her hand, though she shifted a bit, but when she got her balance she looked up, her eyes burned with anger as she conjured a sword entirely out of her purple fire...

"Let's dance demon" She whispered as she charged towards Rokai who chuckled and smirked.

"Bring it Luna" Rokai replied as he also charged.....


Meanwhile Jason was tearing apart the creatures as he fought ferociously. He was busy with two of the creatures, and he didn't notice a creature coming from the back, intending to attack him from behind and just when it was about to claw Jason, Mark suddenly pounced on the creature, tearing its head from its body. Mark turned to Jason who just finished the two creatures and they looked at each other in understanding...

Damien and Kyle on the other hand were working together perfectly, destroying anything that comes their way, their fangs and claws covered in blue and black blood. Some of the warriors who were still in human form were using weapons like swords and axes, shields and daggers. They used it to eliminate their enemies, while the rest fought in wolf form...

Although Jason's pack was winning, most of the warriors still got killed. The once beautiful and peaceful pack turned to a land of massacre with different bodies everywhere...


Selena and Rokai were still battling, Selena's once white and elegant looking dress now covered in blood and looked tattered, different bruises and cuts on her delicate white skin, her hair now scattered flying here and there with some blood stains. Rokai on the other hand was also bruised all over but still looked strong....The battle continued.....

Selena created several darts out of fire as she directed them towards Rokai who merely blocked them with water. 'Urghh do you have to do that every time' She thought as she made her fists flame up. The flames increased and she again charged, delivering fiery punches which he simply blocked, he was about to attack when Selena suddenly disappeared, leaving Rokai confused for a moment.

"Oh Luna where are you?...You can disappear but you can't hide from me....Come out, come out where ever you are...WHERE ARE YOU?" Rokai blasted a tree into two.....

Selena materialized in an unknown bushy area but she could still hear the battle meaning she was not so far. She sat down and held her head as she whispered

"Aunt Clara, I really need you right now" Then buried her head again...It wasn't long till she heard her Aunt's voice.

"My dear you called.....I thought it was the coronation...wait is there a war going on?" Clara said in one go.

"Oh thank the goddess, yes there's a war but I'll explain later, but I really need your help. Do you know any thing about a water demon Lord Rokai and please be fast, he's searching for me right now" Selena hurriedly questioned.

"Y...yes but he was defeated years ago, why are...Wait don't tell me he has been awoken" Clara stated in disbelief.

"Yes he has but that's not important, tell me somethings about him" Selena again urged her.

"Okay okay. He is a demon of water and can dodge attacks excellently, If you want to defeat him, you have to beat him at his own game. Firstly he is very fast, so give him an element of surprise. Secondly, he is very powerful and you cannot defeat him with fire, you have to match his power or better go higher, use your dark magic. Lastly, he has a weakness, notice the gem on his fore head? That's his weakness, destroy that, you destroy him, but if you destroy only his body, he will heal so aim for the gem. Got it?" Clara asked to which Selena nodded.

"Yeah, speed, gem and dark powers. But what if I can't control it?" Selena asked and Clara was about to reply when Rokai threw a blast.

"Found ya 'Luna'. Why did you run away? I'm not done with you" Rokai approached them.

"Aunty go and help the others, I've got this one" Selena said as she closed her eyes reluctantly summoning the evil energy in her. She started floating as her hair glowed and then black and purple mist started oozing from her. She opened her eyed and they were no longer purple but black...Rokai threw a blast at her but she caught it and redirected it. She threw several energy blasts which he barely dodged.

Back at the war grounds, Clara was effortlessly finishing off and destroying the creatures...She just disintegrated two of the creatures when five move surrounded her, but she suddenly chuckled, unfazed by the situation. "Oh please" She whispered as she conjured lightening which struck the monsters one by one orderly. 'Who's next' She thought as she materialized to where Mark was tearing apart some creatures. Dozens of creatures were running towards them....Mark was about charging but Clara said to him, "Leave this to me" And Mark, understanding her, nodded as he ran off in the opposite direction. Clara focused on the creatures running towards her and then ever so slowly as though she was savoring it, she bent down and placed her hands on the ground. And suddenly, pointed rocks started coming out from the ground, killing the creatures instantly, though not all were killed, so she stumped on the ground and a huge boulder popped from the ground, she sent it towards them without touching it and it instantly crushed them...she turned and conjured daggers made from fire as she ran off to continue the destruction, tearing or burning the creatures...............


"I see the little princess has powered up, well it's my turn" Rokai's black eyes turned blacker and he charged again. Selena suddenly did something surprising, she split her self into three different versions and they surrounded him and at the same time fired series of blasts which destroyed Rokai's skin but it immediately healed. Rokai suddenly turned into water, surprising Selena, he appeared at her back and kicked her so hard that she flew a good distance away hitting a tree, creating a dent...Then he released blasts that destroyed almost half of the trees, fog covering everything due to the blast, but once it cleared, Selena, who was a purple shield made of fire, was revealed...Selena stood up and angrily said....

"This is over" She then created a water like black goo and placed it on him. The goo began draining and sucking the essence off him, his skin began to dry up. But when Selena released him, he started healing and that's when Selena conjured her fire sword, she created a dark smoke that held him in place as she ran and dug the fire sword into his fore head, cracking the black gem stone and only then did he start shouting and writhing in pain but the black smoke held him making it impossible for him to move. The gem cracked and Selena came closer, she spread her palm over the cracked gem and began absorbing the dark energy from it until the gem stone dulled in color as she drained the power from it. Rokai on the other hand, having lost his source of power, started disintegrating until he turned into nothing but ash. Selena smiled as she vanished and materialized on the battle field. She looked on with her black eyes and released a black mist from a hands, the black mist flowed and entered into the heads of the creatures. They started grunting in pain as they fell one after the other. The black mist started flowing back, but it brought something along with it. The essence of the creatures. After she was done supping their essence and destroying them, she flew higher....her eyes seemed to be switching between black and purple, she seemed to be fighting with her self as others watched with fear. She suddenly screamed loudly, holding her head and after what seemed like hours, she opened her eyes which turned purple as she started falling...Jason shouted

"SELENAAAA!!!!!" As he rushed towards her in his human form, catching her in his arms. Clara appeared and looked at Selena saying to Jason that she'll be fine and Jason let out a sigh of relief.....

Mean while, the healers were doing their jobs, healing the injured while some pack warriors gathered the bodies...They howled at the loss of the members but still they emerged victorious.....

"Let's take her in" Mark said to Jason to which he nodded....

"Clara help me burn these creatures but leave our members, we have a tradition" Mark instructed and then followed Jason inside the pack house.


Liam was still at the pack house at Blue Moon pack, unaware of his defeat.....