
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

The First Prince's Army

Once I reached the arena, I checked all the cells. In total there were only 13 subjects left alive. I gather them all in the middle of the arena.

"Who are you? You're not the regular guy that makes us fight each other. Also, it's usually just one on one but you released all of us at once. Are we going to fight each other at once?"

One of the younger ones raised his hand and started asking me questions.

Are you really that eager to kill one another?

"My name is Atlas. I was once in your position as well. All of those who were brought here at the same time as me were killed by me."

All 13 of them released their Death's Aura. It would seem that my statement has made them all feel threatened. Well, I rather not fight them but if they want to then I don't mind. I then release my own Death's Aura.

"I would appreciate it if you relax. I'm not your enemy. I won't make you fight each other. I won't make you kill anyone. Today is your release day. Leave this facility and never talk about it. If you are from the Beast Kingdom then I would recommend you to not return."

The 13 retracked their Death's Aura, I do as well. They are all confused, for years they were told to train and raise their Death's Aura. Now someone shows up and tells them that they aren't needed anymore.

"What do you mean? We can leave? You can't expect us to believe you right?"

"It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. The First Prince's Army has found this place. You will all be eliminated if you don't leave. I will also be leaving this place. So do what you want."

I released all of them, now my conscious will be cleared. I won't have any regrets now. What they do is up to them. With that, I leave the arena and heads towards the facility where they hold new subjects.

The group stands together. Most of them were between 15 to 17. They thought they would die in the arena and never see their families again. Now a stranger appears and sets them free.

"What do we do now? You don't think this is a test, right? Let's check around the arena, maybe there's something that we are supposed to do."

The group walks around together. But they didn't need to search long. The moment they walked out of the arena, they could see the bloodbath that had occurred before Atlas released them.

"Who?... Did that Atlas do all this? These are all the facility members though? There's no way he could take them all on."

The kids look at one another. Trying to comprehend how one person could do all this. Then, the boy who was asking Atlas questions earlier finally remembered something.

"Ah! I remember now, Atlas, he was one of the first ones brought here when this place first began. He was 10 years old and learned to control and manipulate his mana to near perfection. When he was 15, he also trained in the arena until General Killian stopped him. With his Death's Aura at 30% before turning 18. That makes him one of the youngest and strongest Death's Aura users. That's at least what I heard all the facility members say."

The group stood their silently. Everyone has heard of the facility members talk about Atlas as well. A bead of sweat could be seen on each of their foreheads. They thought they could take on the man incase he had attacked them. Now seeing the dead facility members and realizing who he was, they were glad to just be still breathing.

One of the older kids let his thought be known.

"Let's leave. There's no reason for us to be here. If we meet Atlas in the future then make sure to thank him again you hear?? Let's all head towards the Nova Kingdom, we will figure out what to do after that."

Just like that, the group leaves behind their gruesome past and leave seeking out a brighter future for themselves. Hoping they could thank Atlas again someday.


Soldier POV

On the orders of the First Prince, we were to raid the facility that housed many unknown items that belonged to the ill King. According to the first prince, The King, Second Prince, General Killian and General Abe were kidnapping and selling our own citizens to other kingdoms. This facility had proof of their crimes. We were order to raid it and destroy it; we couldn't let something this embarrassing be known to the world.

With the help of the beastkin, we were able to quickly locate the general area of the facility. It won't be long before we find it now. I hope we finish this up soon. I was promised a huge pay once this finished. I can finally rest after this, maybe even settle down and get married.


Atlas POV

As I head towards the facility, I see the army going towards the same facility. It would seem as they've reached here sooner than I thought. The sun had just set.

How should I approach this? I can't confront them head on. There was more than 200 people there. I can't let them see the other subjects. My body acted before I could form a concrete plan.

"Hey! What are you folks here for?"

The army stops and all heads turn my way. They all stopped right before the entrance to the facility. Someone who seemed to be the general, walked forward.

"We were ordered by the First Prince to investigate this facility and everything around it. State your reason for being here or we will be forced to take action."

The air tenses. I raise my hand to show them that I mean no harm.

'So aggressive, well if they are under the First Prince then I don't mind taking them out. As long as they don't attack me first, I could try to convince them.'

"I want no trouble. I am just one of the subjects here that was captured years ago, I wanted to set the people in the building free."

The general listens to my words carefully, his facial expression changing every so often.

"The King brought us here to be used as soldiers against the First Prince when he usurped the throne."

"I heard the First Prince took the throne; I just want to release these innocent people. They have no purpose anymore and they are not citizens of your kingdom, meaning you should have no problem with letting them go."

I speak truthfully to the general. Abe said that the First Prince was the problem. So, my only target is the First Prince. Anyone else killed would just be unnecessary.

"So Atlas, you're saying that the King brought you here to train you as assassins to take out the First Prince? And there are more of you? I could sense the mana from inside the building. There's only four in there. Are there more of you?"

I contemplate if I should let him know that the others already escaped. In the end, I decide to tell him the truth. In hopes that he can see my sincerity and that I don't want to harm any of them.

"Yeah, but they already left. They didn't want to die as tools for the kingdom."

The general nods and then turns to his army.

"You hear that! Not only was the King and his group kidnapping and selling citizens! He was turning people from other kingdoms to assassins to take out our Prince! We must not let anyone live! We must hunt down all who escaped from here!"

Come on… the First Prince tricked all of these guys.

"Hold on! We aren't assassins! We were forced to become tools for these people here! You can look around, I killed all of them already. You don't have to worry about anyone coming after your Prince. Just let these people go!"

Shouting desperately, I didn't want the subjects to be killed just because they happened to be here.

"Nonsense! Even if the people in charge of this place were killed by you and the others, there's still nothing stopping you from taking the prince out one day!"

As he finished, a group of soldiers came forward and charged at me. I could see them gathering their mana as they swing their swords at me. I must do what I can so that more innocent people don't die here.

'Mud Chains, Air Scythe.'

My chains keep the group from further advancing on me. The air scythe is used to kill the unfortunate soul that is closes to me. He sliced horizontally at the waist. He will be used as a warning for the others.

"Listen to me! I don't want to kill you guys. Abe told me the First Prince is the cause for all of this before he died. I don't know what the prince did but I trust Abe to not lie to me."

The soldiers begin to back away. It may seem like they were listening to me but I was sure they were just waiting for the general's orders.

"What are you waiting for? Stop listening to him and attack!"

With those orders, the general pushed the soldiers forward again. I must take him out, these soldiers were scared to go against the general. The humans in the rear began casting spells while the beastkin rushed at me, adamant in tearing me apart.

'I'm sorry.'

I cast an air prison and water prison on those who began to cast spells. The air prison trapped only their heads in a space where there is no oxygen available, slowly suffocating them. The water prison traps the head and drowns them. They can do nothing to stop it.

With that surprise attack on those in the back, others were hesitant to provide any cover for the beastkin. While I launched the surprise attack on their rear, the beastkin rushed to the soldiers still stuck in the mud chains. Breaking the chains in one swipe, the human soldiers run back to get away from the battle. The beastkin continue their charge towards me.

'Ceto, I need you to take over my mana control, block any attacks coming from the humans. I'm going to try to stop the beastkin soldiers without killing them.'

'You're to kind sir. I promise this spirit will protect you!'

Ten bearskin soldiers are coming at me. I stand at a fighting stance and prepare for the incoming assault.

"Get the human! He may be good with magic but he can't stop all our claws at once!"

The first beastkin. A lion demi human thrusts forward with his claws that are coming out of his human hands. I narrowly dodge them by stepping to my left. As he flies by, I grab his wrist and pull it towards me. In the same motion, I punch at his elbow, the sound of bone being forceful broken could be heard.

I let go of the beastkin as he yells in pain and drops to the ground. Facing the others, they stand in a formation. Four in the front with five in the back. The four look really strong.

'I need to take out the back row first, they must be weaker so they wait in the back for the chance to kill me if I leave an opening for them.'

'Golem hands.'

Five pair of hands reaches out of the ground and holds onto each of the five beastkin's legs. They try to break free but it's already too late.


With a command, the golems grab onto the knees and shatter them with one squeeze. With this they all fall down. They shouldn't be able to move anymore. Now all I need to do is take care of the four left.

The remaining four look at me. I guess they are taking me more serious now, they all release their Death's Aura. All of them being between 25 to 27 %. I release mine to the max as well, which is currently at 32 % after killing the facility members.

I feel a slight shiver down my spine but other than that I can still move well. The other four however felt as their bodies became much more difficult to move.

I prepare for the four to attack me. The four then move their feet and come at me.

There were two male lion demi humans and two female cat demi humans. The cat demi humans, being more agile, jumped into the air to distract me as the other swiftly runs at me. I don't think I can stop them without killing one of them.

I gather a huge amount of mana and aim it at the sky.

'Air Scythe'

I gather enough mana to cover a large area of the sky, making it impossible for the cat demi human in the air to dodge it. I then raise my right arm to block a kick coming from the other cat demi human. As the kick landed, I suddenly felt mana leaving her feet. I quickly have Ceto release a mana shield to block the mana I felt coming.

I forgot, beastkin can't use magic but this is balanced out by their strength and natural mana control. That almost costed me.

I suddenly felt someone coming at me from my blind spot. I immediately duck down as an arm swings by. One of the lion demi human tried to take me by surprise.

But I had forgotten about the other one. The last of the four, the last lion demi human appeared to my left and kicked me away. Not completely prepared, I take some damage to my arm.

As I rolled away, I hear a scream and see some chunks fall to the ground. Looks like the cat demi human jumped to high and couldn't dodge the Air Scythe.

My arm isn't broken but it is bruised up. I have Ceto cast a healing spell on it while I look up at the remaining three. The cat beastkin looks at me with remorse. Maybe wishing they hadn't attacked me since her kin is dead now. The lions also look at me with a similar look. Using the chance, I speak up.

"You can take your kin and leave, head towards the Forest of the Elves or anywhere else. Don't return to the Beast Kingdom until you receive news of the First Prince's death."

The remaining three beastkin looks at each other and silently agrees to leave. Abandoning their mission and purpose here. Standing before them was a foe that could almost match them in strength and could even kill one of them. As they pick up the others and leave, the general begins to hurl insults and threats at them.

"You damn traitors! You think your family will be safe once we get back? I'll make sure the First Prince sell them off just like the other beastkin!"

I see, so this general seemed to know what the First Prince has done. The beastkin turns towards the general and looks back at me. The humans all begin to whisper among themselves. It seems like they didn't know either.

I answer the general back.

"So, you knew what the First Prince did. Yet you still supported him? You let your own citizens be sold off for what? Aren't you human? Don't you have any remorse for tearing those families apart?"

The general only gives me a smirk.

"Why do you think I did it? The Prince has sided with the Eastern Continent, where human supremacy reins. Of course, I, a human, would do whatever the dumb prince says."

"He's the true idiot in all of this. He's a lion beastkin. He betrayed his own people, poisoned his own father and even betrayed his siblings by either locking them up or executing them. For what? A bit of extra money from the East and ruling over the Beast Kingdom as a puppet while humans take over? Humans will finally rule the Beast Kingdom!"

The general then begins cackling like a lunatic.

I'm sure Abe and General Killian are turning in their graves now. They were both humans and still cared more for the Beast Kingdom than the First Prince.

The three beastkin and the remaining humans from the army were in tears. The beastkin weren't the only ones sold off into slavery. Humans were also sold off as well. They had all thought the King betrayed them but the one they looked up to the entire time was the one behind it.

To end their pain of hearing the general, I grab him with my mana and unleash a full body water prison.

'Majestic Water Show.'

A bunch of piranhas appeared in the prison with the general.

'Attack him.'

With a command, the piranhas begin their relentless assault on the general. The general seemed to feel no pain as he laughs through the entire ordeal.

Once done only a puddle of water and blood is left.


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