
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Sudden Conclusion

Atlas POV

When I entered through the castle gates, I heard Freeman sobbing. Whatever he talks to them about, I hope he can forgive himself. I need to turn my attention on the inside now.

The castle yard was littered with bodies. What is going on here? I get that it's the trained royale guards versus the Red Shanks but why does it seem like the battle was almost evenly matched?

Even though I was taking in my surroundings, I could still hear the battle go on inside. I don't know what is happening but whatever is killing the people here could easily overwhelm the regular citizen.

I run through the halls of the castle, no time to enjoy the beautiful architecture. The fighting gets louder the closer I get to the giant doors at the end of the hall. It reminds me of my time in the Draco Kingdom.

I push the door open but it was already too late. The battle had ended. Inside was a man with one arm that had scales and claws. He was drenched in blood. This must be Darren; the arm was a dead giveaway. On the throne was the unconscious King. He was a man in his 70s from what I've heard but he looked no older than 40. Next to him were two unconscious people.

Darren looked over at me when I walked through. He had a solemn look. He doesn't look like the ruthless and unforgiving killer like Freeman said. He looked more like a boy who was looking for a helping hand.

"Darren? Freeman spoke about you but you don't seem to the maniac I heard about."

"Blue hair, blue eyes… I only know one person with those traits. You've actually returned Atlas. I'm glad the boy could finally see you again."

This is a trap, right? This man seems like a normal person?

"You're looking at me like I'm crazy right? Probably shocked I'm not a crazed psycho killing everything in my way, right?"

"Yeah. Freeman told me what you did to him. So, I was expecting a lunatic that was only out for blood."

"Ha. Yeah, I guess that's what everyone has SEEN me act like."

Darren stopped talking and then ran towards me. I thought he was going to attack me but his arm changed back to normal. He suddenly hugged me and was sobbing.

"Please… tell my family that I love them… I wish I could see them once again…" I tried shaking him off but he wasn't letting go. "I don't know what happened Atlas, but the moment you opened those doors I gained control of my body back. Please, you must have some crazy power, right? Right?"

He started to ramble on and on. It was different but it felt very similar to how Prince Saul was rambling.

"That's enough now right Darren? Shouldn't you finish your job? The Advisor is watching."

A voice calls out to Darren. I looked around when I first came in here, everyone was dead except for Darren and the three royals. Who could sneak in here?

I looked at Darren but all the tears he had was gone. He pushed me away and walked back to the throne. He slowly turned around and this time he had a wicked smile on his face. His aura he gave off matched what Freeman was talking about earlier.

"Sorry about that boy. I was just a little off. Now, show me how strong you are! Someone blessed by my god!"

Darren suddenly rushed at me. His [Death's Aura] attacked me first, I countered with my own but he was close before I could react well.

Darren started off with a strong left jab. I harden my mana armor as much as possible but I could still feel the punch. He then hit me with a spinning kick and got my right side. The kick caused me to fly across and smack into a pillar.


What the fuck is happening?! Darren was crying about his family but now he's talking about Kai?

Darren's arms turned scaly and we once again started to brawl.

I strengthen the mana around my arms and legs and tried my best to keep up with Darren. He seemed to be enjoying the fight, he was laughing he though I eventually hit him and he started to bleed.

"That's it!! You are strong! Looks like Kai wasn't lying!"

I really need to know why Darren knows Kai; he talks about him as if he knew him. Darren punched me hard enough to push me back again. He gave me a sinister smile that made my skin crawl.

"Protect yourself boy. I don't want you to meet with the Kai too soon."

I suddenly felt the mana around him enter his mouth. The mana stopped and started gathering in his throat.

'Ceto! Please tell me you have a lot of mana stored up!'

'Of course, sir! Take it! You need to prepare to block the incoming attack! It seems to be a fire spell that he is going to launch.'

I feel the mana around me increase as well. I prepare the most powerful defensive water spell I can think of.

Darren released his attack.

[Fire Dragon Roar]

A huge fire blast came my way. I don't how strong it was but I felt sweat dripping down the closer it got. I need to stop this.

[Waterfall Horizon]

I created a giant waterfall that stretched from wall to wall. When the fire touched the water, a loud sizzling sound could be heard and the room was filled with steam. The I focused on the mana sources just in case Darren tried to launch a surprise attack. There was no movement from the other mana sources but I could hear Darren clapping.

"Well done. Truly worthy of being Kai's hero."

I might be able to get some answers from him now. It seems like he is willing to talk a bit.

"How do you know Kai? How do you know he gave me his blessing?"

Darren just smiled.

"I can't tell you everything but I will tell you what I can."

I'm still trying my best to understand everything. One moment the Red Shanks was leading a coup. Now I was speaking to Darren, the Red Shanks leader, as if he was a normal human being.

"You might have guessed but I am not Darren. My name is Haco. I am a fire dragon spirit that was forcefully merged with Darren."

"Was it you who took our church or was it Darren?"

"Darren didn't do anything. That poor boy is just a victim of those shitty gods."

"What do you mean? Which gods?"

"Sorry, I can't say," He sticks out his tongue. I can see three black claw marks on it. "This mark shows that he still has control over me… Even though I made sure to block them out."

I look around and notice what he means. The steam from earlier had formed a sort of barrier around us. I guess this was Haco's doing.

"The eternal slave mark… so that's what you mean when you said Darren was just a victim."

"No, that's not what I mean. Darren… he was a summoned hero."

"Summoned hero!?!? Is he from… Earth?"

"How did you know?"

Shit, can I really say it?

"Don't worry, what is said in here will stay in here. It's supposed to stop all outside and inside force from coming or going. No one will be able to hear us even if they were standing outside."

"Well… if that's the case… I came from Earth." I don't know why I said it. I feel a strong since of security and trust with this spirit. I haven't even told anyone from my own group!

"Hahaha! Kai actually did it then? I guess we all should have listened and stayed neutral."

"Wait, what do you mean by that? Earlier I also felt a strong amount of trust towards you? Why is that?"


"Looks like Kai really didn't say anything to you. Well, you feel a certain amount of trust to me because I'm a dragon. You are the Dragon God's hero. Is it that shocking to have a certain amount of trust amongst ourselves?"

'It makes sense I guess…but I also want to know why he was doing all this.'

"I can see it on your face. I'm sorry Atlas but I can not tell you why we are doing this since the mark is restricting me. The only thing I can say is be weary of the Eastern Continent. If they accomplish what they are trying to do, then the world will end."

"The Eastern Continent again. I will do what I can Haco."

The steam barrier began to disappear. Haco sighed. Damn it. Don't tell me…

"Our time is up Atlas. This is where our battle ends. Thanks to you coming here, I could regain control of my sanity and end both mine and Darren's suffering."

Before I could say anything, his eyes seemed to lose focus for a moment. He then speaks to me again but this time it was Darren instead of Haco.

"I'm glad that I could meet someone from Earth who wasn't under control of that monster. Atlas… please, save everyone you can."

I couldn't even answer him before he burst into flames.




Third Person POV

While Atlas stood there. Trying to remember the little information that was given to him. Two voices were speaking to each other very quietly.

"It would seem that the Dragon God's Hero is finally here. What do we do Advisor?"

"We have to stop our operations here on the Western Contient now. The damn Hero will calm the minds of all the dragons we send to this place."

There was a moment of silence before the voice spoke once more.

"I will be taking my leave back to the East. I have other things to do. You will stay here and continue your role as the God of Gluttony. I will contact you again once its time to move."

"What about the Nova Kingdom?"

"Forget the Nova Kingdom, the King will cause the downfall of this kingdom soon anyways."

"If you say so Advisor. Safe travels."

And just like that, both voices stopped and the room had two less people present.

Original I had more backstory revealed here but I didn't like it so I'm moving the dragon backstory to the Elven Arc and the summoned heros backstory to another later arc.

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