
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Dragon God Kai's Blessing

Doctor POV

My hands are tied. I heard what the General was putting poor Atlas through. I was away from the facility because my wife had just given birth to our daughter. Once she was rested, I came back and learned about what had transpired. I had begged the General, over and over again to let me talk to the boy. I knew I could convince him but the General didn't tell him everything.

"Why didn't you just tell him the truth?! You know what the boys been through! We've all been through that, and now… if we don't gather more help, the citizens will suffer. He's already one of us!"

"You weren't there Abe! When I saw how strong the boy was, I ended up thinking of those old tales we were told as kids. A human strong enough to fight dragons, a human strong enough to fight along side the Hero, a human destined to ascend to godhood! I let those old thoughts come back to me and got carried away. I knew we had to convince him but when I saw the look in his eyes, no matter how noble our cause is, he would never aid us. We've gone too far in his eyes. I thought the only way we could control him was for him to submit to us through pain…. It's been an entire month! He still hasn't given in. Do you truly think he'll listen to you? He may hate you for not telling him about our true purpose."

I couldn't help but sigh. He's right. I know he is. What if the boy hates me? I spent five years training him. I may have talked about myself a bit but I've never told him our purpose, I only focused on training. Some may say our relationship didn't go further than teacher and student but when he finally landed a hit on me. I felt proud. Seeing how hard he worked and finally seeing the success, I was proud. It's how I imagine I would feel if it was my daughter in his position.

"Damn it. You always lost yourself when you talked about those stories. You even let it affect the project. THE PROJECT! We spent years working on this! THE KING HAD US DO THIS! This entire project is only known to those here and the King."

My angry grew and I couldn't help but shout and smack Killian. He may be the General but he was like my brother and like a good brother, I must let him know that he messed up.

The room suddenly became a shouting match.


The room became a lot tenser than it probably should have. The General and I just stared at each. After a few moments, the General breaks the silence.

"Listen, I will give you the yearly reports on Atlas. Just go spend some time with your family. It's better if you aren't here for a while."

"Fine. If the boy gets worse then I will come back here."

"Okay okay. Sure. Leave now."

And that is how my conversation with the General went.

Atlas – Year 1 – Age 16 – Year End Percentage of Death's Aura: 20 %

Yearly report. Currently reading over the report section that contained information on subject Atlas.

It has been one full year since Atlas' training began. The first year was focused on him raising his Death's Aura. When Atlas wasn't strapped and tortured due to the General's orders, he was forced to fight in the arena against other subjects. After half a year, he had raised his Death's Aura to 20 %. The General deemed it unnecessary for him to continue for the rest of the year. For the last six months of the year, the boy was constantly tortured using the thunder cores. By sending shocks throughout his body at uneven intervals, it would keep his brain constantly guessing when the next shock would be. After three months, the boy became unresponsive. Abe was informed and rushed back to check on the boy. After hours of checking all vital signs, Abe had stabilized the boy but he had gone into a comatose state. By the end of the year the boy was still in the same state as we had been two months' prior.


Atlas – Year 2 – Age 17 – Year End Percentage of Death's Aura: 30 %

Yearly report. Currently reading over the report section that contained information on subject Atlas.

Four months into the New Year. Atlas had woken up. Due to the situation that happened to the boy, Abe and the General had come to an agreement that the boy would no longer be under the thunder core torture. After another week of rest, he had returned to the training. After three months of constant death battles, the boy had already risen his Death's Aura to 30 %. The General stated that this was impressive progress and that he would no longer need to take part in the battles for the rest of the year. No one had ever progressed their Death's Aura this quick. At this point, the next time Atlas had to fight, it would have to be with criminals and bandits since their Death's Aura were the only ones capable of matching him. The General allowed for him to roam the facility, as long as he had four guards with him at all times. After a month, we got word that Abe was executed by the First Prince on charges of treason. General Killian was distraught and we were told to inform Atlas. Atlas seemed to be unbothered by the news. Almost as if he had known. *END OF ATLAS REPORT*

In the final month of the year, we had received reports that the Second Prince and General Killian had been executed by the First Prince on charges of treason. The Princess is currently guarded 24/7 and the King has suddenly fell ill. We are still looking for a new leader to fill in the void that was left behind.


Atlas POV

Wow, I'm in the dark. Where was I?... Oh yeah. That general. He kept those thunder cores running for so long. It seems like my body is dying. I don't want to die though… there's so much left I need to do. I need to keep my promise to Lily. I need to go back to the Nova Kingdom. I still need Liza to take me on a tour. Ahhhh. What can I do?

'AH Atlas my boy! It's been some time now. It's been… 16 years?'

'Kai? Is that you?! Why didn't you tell me you were a god from this world? No forget that. I've been suffering ever since I came to this world. Are you sure you aren't the Death God?!'

'Woah slow down, we haven't seen each other in 16 years and I don't even get a "Hi" from you?'

This guy. I'm probably going to die soon and he still wants to joke around!

'Relax Atlas, you aren't going to die. Your body just needs to be revived. That doctor who trained you is trying to bring you back right now. Let me explain what's happening to you right now.'

'You can read my mind… of course you can.'

'Ya damn right I can, now listen alright. I'm going to explain what is happening in the real world.'

'My blessing is going to awaken within you soon, so your body went into a comatose state to prepare for it. You remember right? I told you my blessing wouldn't affect you until you were 17.'

'Once you wake up, you'll be able to gain three things from me. One, you will gain the shadow affinity. Two, you will gain the ability to see the dead and three, you'll appeal more the Dragons and Fallen Dragons.

I was surprised. Abilities once used by the Dragon God himself. Will I even be able to use it properly? The third one will defiantly be helpful later.

'Of course, you can. You will be able master it all. You are the hero that I've chosen to represent me. Well, no one will believe it anyways. Eos hasn't heard from Salina or I in nearly 100,000 years. I doubt they'll believe you even if you tell people.'

'Don't worry about learning shadow magic or anything like that, the knowledge of the spells is passed down. So, you'll know every spell that has to do with the shadows. You just need to train it and perfect it like you've been doing with mana control.'

'The shadow affinity means a lot to me. My brother passed it down to me so I'm passing it down to you. Make sure you put it all to good use. Now, the ability to see dead people.'

'It's not really the ability to see dead people. It's the ability to see those who stayed behind because of their regret. It was given to me by Salina. It was meant for me to help clear their regret and guide them to the cycle of reincarnation. I know it might not mean much to you but I saw how you were willing to help that girl Lily, so I believe this is perfect for you.'

'You don't have to constantly look for those who are left with regret. If they appear before you, then that means you were meant to guide them. The only way to tell them apart though is their soulless eyes. You'll know what I mean when you meet one.'

I try to speak but my mouth doesn't move. Damn it! I wanted to ask him some questions.

'Sorry Atlas, I sealed your mouth so that you could listen to me. Besides, I am not the real Kai. I am just a small personality implanted by Kai after your first meeting. Kai left me the necessary information to tell you so that you could be prepared for the blessing. Any questions that you wanted to ask; I wouldn't be able to answer.'

I listen very carefully to the voice. Holding onto every word he says and repeating it so that I won't forget once I return.

'Looks like you'll be waking up soon. I guess this is it. Just so you know, the words that Kai spoke of are true. No matter what choices you make, know that he will always be on your side.'

'Oh yeah, one more thing. When you get back to the real world, think of ability you always wanted. Something that could help you. You're lucky. It seemed that the Dreamer as taken a liking to you and blessed you.'

With those final words, I open my eyes and see the white ceiling of the room again. Surrounding me were a team of doctors.

"After nearly six months, he's finally awake! Go get the General now!"

Six months? It took that long for my body to prepare for the blessing? One rushes out of the room and within five minutes, he returns with General Killian.

"You're awake. You need to train your Death's Aura to 30 %. After that you're free to roam around the facility. You no longer will undergo the thunder core treatment."

With that the General turns and leaves. He didn't even look at me in the eyes once.

I could get some practice with this shadow magic in the arena. Maybe I can even see some dead people walking around. Maybe Lily as well…

After three months, I finally reached 30 % Death's Aura. Just like the General promised, I was free to do roam around the facility as long as I had some guards with me.

Finally free for the rest of the year, I look for a place to practice. It will be hard since the guards are always close by. I look through the facilities. I found portraits of Kings, assuming the Beast Kingdom's king since they are all beastkin. I wasn't allowed to enter the areas other subjects were living at. So, I was never around the arena or cells belonging to others. By the end of the day, a day full of exploration, I discovered a library building. I knew this was the place I could train alone. Only one door meaning one entrance and one exit. After some convincing, the guards agreed to wait outside as I explore it. Going in, I prepared myself to learn the shadow spells left behind by Kai.

After two weeks, I had a visitor. It was the doctor that had trained me. Walking in, his hair was a mess and he seemed to be in a rush.

"Hey doctor! I haven't seen you in so long! It was that day you taught be about Death's Aura, right? How have you been?"

The doctor stops and stares at me. With a strange look in his eyes, he says to me.

"You can see me boy? That can't be?"

I was confused, was he conducting an experiment or something? Was I suppose to pretend that I didn't see him?

"Yeah, I see you. Are you alright doctor? You don't seem to well."

The doctor nods and says to me.

"I'm okay boy, let's sit down and talk."


I offer him a chair; he puts it next to mine and sits down.

"So boy, what have you been doing lately? Why aren't you training?"

"I finished my training for the year. The General made me reach 30 % Death's Aura and once I did, he allowed me to explore the facility."

"Killian did that? Good for him. He finally took my advice to stop your torture and let you free."

"That was because of you? I'm very grateful you know. I don't know if I could have lasted any longer doing that!"

I couldn't help but chuckle. I was very close to giving in but the doctor put in a good word for me. But something feels strange. The doctor defiantly looks a bit paler. Is he really sick?



We both speak at the same time. I had looked at the doctor's face and he had also looked right back at me. That's when I see it. His eyes. Lifeless, tired and soulless. I remember Kai's words.

"No… doctor… you're dead? How?! How did you die?! Who did this?!"

The doctor is dead… another person I've known is gone again. Someone I cared for. Looking back at him, he only stares at me.

"It's weird that you can see me boy. You're right. I'm dead. The First Prince executed me yesterday on the grounds of treason."

"First Prince? Of the Beast Kingdom? What is happening over there?! I find it hard to believe that you would commit treason."

The doctor just sighs. He looks so pitiful. The sense of authority and determination he had before was gone. He just looked like a man who lost.

"Boy no, Atlas. You said that your grateful to me, right? Could I ask of you to do something for me? Please?"

"You can depend on me. You helped me for the first five years I was here. The least I can do is grant you your final wish. Name it doctor, I will do anything for you."

The doctor looked relieved. He knew that he could go onto the afterlife once he told Atlas his biggest regret.

"My wife and daughter were sold off into slavery. Actually, more than 50% of the citizens in the capital alone were sold into slavery. I want you to save everyone, promise me Atlas! You'll try your hardest to save everyone… that's what I want you to do but… I'm only human and I want you to put my selfish request above it all…"

I could see the doctor's lower lip begin to quiver.

"Please! Find my wife and our daughter first. I want them to be safe above all else. The world could burn for all I care, as long as those two are safe then I'll be fine, Please Atlas."

Looking at the doctor, he didn't resemble the man I remembered. Proud and arrogant. Prideful and cool. That's what I thought when he trained me, now he's groveling at my feet.

"Okay doctor, please get up. I promise to you. I will save them. I will do whatever it takes."

The doctor looks at me. Smiles and suddenly begins to glow.

"Please call me Abe, not doctor. Also, you've become so strong and dependable. If I had a son, I would have wished for him to turn out like you."

"Thanks Abe, I guess in some way you raised me this way so I wouldn't be surprised if your son ended up like me… I hope you find peace and move on happily into your next life."

"I will."

Before Abe completely disappears, I hear one final thing from him.

"Watch out for the First Prince, it seems like he's planning to usurp the throne. The Second Prince and General Killian should have already heard of my death. They will both go back to the capital. Until you leave. Get stronger."

I only nod as the last bit of Abe's face disappears into the glowing light.

Then I hear the giggle of a child coming from behind me.

"Hehehehe! Would you like my help?"

You will see Atlas use shadow magic soon. Next chapter will have a bit more on the Dreamer's blessing and then we jump into complete carnage!

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