
The Trinity System

Levels? Evolution? Fate had none of these. She got the short end of the stick and was born a normal human. Looked down upon due to not being a Trinity, a human with a system. Her goal? To get the hell out of her house and away from her crazy mother. She wanted to take one of the portals that lead to another world and live out her life. This was her plan. Until she was forced to go to Trinity Academy. Bullied and left for dead on another world, the nanomachines in her body were only able to save her by forcing her to evolve. What she evolved into was the first of her kind. *** Artwork, not mine!*** Will update when I get a custom cover. Join my Discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Show your support and buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/invayne Follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/

invayne · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Hard Lesson

"You two!" The sergeant pointed to a young man and woman.

Fate knew that he clearly had it out for her, but she still would not back down. Even with two students bearing down on her, Fate was not scared at all. She watched closely as the two tried to gather their power together and made a beeline for the one who was fastest at forming their ability. It was a girl with red fiery hair who was trying to form a fireball. With no care for the fairer sex, Fate rushed upon her, faking like she was going for the fireball in her hand, causing the girl to try to dodge, not wanting her ability to explode in her face. Fate smirked and then wrapped her arm around the girl's waist, hooked her finger in the waistband of her skirt, and pulled down hard, removing her skirt, exposing the girl's panties in front of the entire class.

"Now, this is pretty sexy. Hot pink! Whoo~!" Fate whistled as the girl screamed, canceling her ability, and immediately crouched down to cover herself, only to expose the back of her neck for an easy palm chop from Fate knocking her out.

"You fucking failure, eat this! Wind slicer!" Fate's other opponent, a young man, had finished his spell, firing it at Fate without any hesitation.

Fate chuckled and grabbed the girl who was now passed out, pulling her in front of her and using her as a shield. Three long gashes appeared on the girl's arms and stomach causing blood to pour from her wounds. Fate shook her head and clicked her tongue, dropping the girl to the ground, and rushed forward. She brought back her fist and thrust it forward, hitting the young man in the face square on. A crack was heard, then a spray of blood splattered on Fate's face as the young man fell to the ground holding his nose. Fate made sure to stomp on the young man's family jewels and ground them hard to make sure he would not get back up.

Fate dusted off her hands and wiped the blood from her face as she turned and looked at the Sergeant with a big bright smile. "Happy yet?"

"Humph!" The Sergeant ground his teeth. Right now, he wanted to smack that grin off Fate's face. He turned and looked at Fate's other classmates, and they all quickly lowered their heads. None of them wanted to be embarrassed by losing to a failure. Seeing this, the Sergeant knew these level 1's would not be able to do anything, so he looked around and caught the eye of a level 20 young woman practicing not too far away. He waved his hand to Lilth and whispered in her ear. Lilth let out a laugh before walking over to the young woman and speaking to her. She then began pointing at Fate, and the two began laughing.

Seeing the two giggling away angered Fate even more. 'If you got something to say, fucking say it to my face!'

Her anger began to turn to unease when she saw the young woman walking over to them, causing her face to go slightly pale. She turned and glared at the Sergeant: "You are really a piece of work, huh? Since you can't dirty your own hands to bully me, you get someone else to do it? Are you not ashamed of what you're doing?"

"Bully? No, no…. I am only teaching you, students, what happens when you get too full of yourself and end up in a situation where you can die. You just happen to be the one I have chosen to demonstrate what it means to be half dead. You should feel privileged that you, a failure, gets to teach the rest of your class a hard lesson!" Sergeant Greystone smiled as if what he was saying was for everyone's sake. As if he was doing a good deed by using Fate as the one to get beaten half dead.

"So this is the failure slut I heard walks around seducing all the men?" The young woman had long black hair that reached down to her knees. Her cat tail and cat ears complimented her well with her cute round face and cherry red lips, along with her big round black eyes. She wore a one-piece white dress that went down to her ankles. For her age, she looked to be no more than seventeen. What was amazing, though, was her being level 20 at such an age. There was no doubt that she came from a high-ranking family.

Fate was a little lost on how to fight this battle. She had never battled anyone who had evolved. Most trinities kept their human form until they reached level 10 and could evolve. Only those who were mixed blood with races of other planets would have non-human body traits from birth. The biggest problem was not just her race but the fact that she was level 20. All her stats were much higher than anyone in her class. The highest level she could fight was maybe a level eight, and that was if they did not know any hand-to-hand combat.

Unlike the two matches just now where these kids relied too much on their ability. People over level five begin to not rely so much on their abilities and learn at least some hand-to-hand combat or some form of weapon training. Even the level 6 she fought on the first day was able to throw a few punches before being brutally beaten after he tried to grab Fate's chest.

But now, with this woman who was level 20, it was as if she was staring down the barrel of a gun, waiting for the inevitable bang sound to be heard. She could only watch as the girl took her place and stood in front of Fate. "My name is Jean Zephyr. You can relax. I will not use my abilities just yet. I heard you were good at hand-to-hand combat and would like to see what a failure slut like you can do."

Fate heard the name of the girl and cursed every god she could think of. 'Why the hell is the Zephyr family genius standing in front of me!?'

Jean Zephyr has appeared in many different ability user magazines as the most powerful upcoming ability user seen in a hundred years. In her age group alone, there was no one who could match her. Her ability to almost instantly cast her wind abilities was just as good as those who graduated from the academy. Because of Jean, the Zephyr family known for producing many wind ability users rose to fame as of late.

Letting out a long sigh, Fate ignored the blatant insults and smiled bitterly: "Then let's see how good the hand-to-hand combat skills of the Zephyr family truly are."

Jean let out a laugh and charged forward. She thrust her fist out, which Fate quickly parried as she twirled her body around, sending a kick at Jean's side. Jean was not slow in the slightest as she sent a punch to Fate's left kidney while blocking the kick with her leg. Fate was not ready for such an attack and could only move her hip slightly to lessen the impact, but the force of Jean's punch still flowed into her body, causing excruciating pain.

Gritting her teeth and swallowing down a scream of pain, Fate grabbed Jean's hand with her right arm while sending an elbow towards Jean's head and at the same time sweeping Jean's legs out from under her causing the both of them to fall to the ground. When they landed, Fate could hear Jean letting out a grunt. But now, they were both locked in a strange position. Fate still had hold of Jean's right hand, and now Jean had hold of Fate's left arm, so neither of them could actually move at this time.

"Not bad! Not bad! It has been a while since I fought like this! And to think it was a failure who could fight me so evenly in hand to hand combat!" Jean's voice revealed how excited she was.

The Sergeant's expression was not good as he watched the two girls fight. He wanted Jean to bombard Fate with her ability until she had to be sent to the academy hospital. "Jean! What the hell are you doing! Stop wrestling with the failure and blast her away!"

Fate readied herself for the worst when she heard the Sergeant yelled at Jean, but to her surprise, Jean let out a laugh and let go of Fate, allowing her to get up and make some distance between them. "Sorry, Sergeant, not happening. You see, when it comes to sparring with hand-to-hand combat, there isn't a single person in this school better than this girl here. Failure or not, I have already decided to make her my sparring partner from now on. Of course, Miss Failure cannot deny my request, can you."

Fate's brows furrowed when she saw Jean wave her hand, and a ball of wind form in her hand instantly. 'Being a sparring partner was much better than getting beaten half dead.'

Fate really did not want to do this, but between the two options, at least this way, she might survive being seriously hurt today. "You're right. I can't..."


"Seriously! How can all of you weak shits even protect the pride of a trinity if you act like this!" Sergeant Greystone lost it and used his ability. Fate had no idea what had just happened. All she felt was something slam into her body, sending her flying sideways. She heard cracking sounds as her arm and ribs were shattered into pieces. The pain was so bad she instantly blacked out without so much as a scream of pain.

"Sergeant! You have stepped over the line! You know you are not allowed to touch the students!" The private behind him yelled out before he ran over to Fate.

"Humph! Report me then! All I did was teach some trash a lesson. Do you think I will get even a single demerit for beating on an arrogant failure?" Sergeant Greystone showed no remorse for his actions. To him, Fate was nothing but a waste, a bane on society. She should never have been let into the city or even step foot on the academy grounds meant for Trinities.

Even Jean frowned. Not because Fate was attacked but because now her training may be delayed. All of Fate's classmates were giggling and pointing fingers at Fate, who laid unconscious. The Sergeant's attack was a low-tier ability, but with his level, it was like hitting Fate with a truck. She was lucky to even still be breathing.