
The Tribrid and Her Reflection {Book Two - Complete}

With one secret solved and Hope's memories returned, another threat unveils itself. A mysterious cloaked man is on the hunt, and Hope Mikaelson must be prepared to do what is necessary to save herself and those she loves. Hope must face herself as well as the danger that lurks around every corner at Hogwarts. **Book Two of The Taming The Tribrid series

Em_Dot_1864 · Movies
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To Love and Let Love

Chocolate can heal most wounds.

Hope took another small sip, letting the rich goodness warmly cover her soul. The guilt eating away at her since she'd woken from death was finally being soothed. Newt and Albus were like a balm to her burn, helping her at her weakest moments.

They always had, she supposed.

The thought made her smile.

"Hm, I love that," Newt murmured.

Glancing over at him, Hope tilted her head to the side. What did he mean?

"Your smile," he bit his lip, "I've missed it…"

Swallowing a little more hot chocolate, she glanced over at Albus. "I still don't understand it. What I did was…"

"Terrible," Albus nodded, pursing his lips, "but not unforgivable."

Hope sighed and tucked her hair behind her ear. It had grown since having it cut, and she was happy for it. She'd missed high ponytails.

"I brought something evil back to life-"

"Love." Albus finished for her.

Hope gave him a look. "Weakness."

Not only had she disturbed the forces of nature, but she may have set loose a crazy evil thing in a forest on the outskirts of a sleepy little town in Alabama.

"You weren't in your own mind, Hope," Newt argued with a slight frown, "you were drunk and depressed. You wanted your family back and were willing to break the rules to accomplish it. It was…unfortunate what happened as a result, but let me ask you this. If you had been in your right mind- if you hadn't been drinking or turned your humanity off, would you have still done it?"

"Of course not," Hope scoffed, "what's dead should stay dead. I know that."

"Exactly. So then there's no question. What happened was terrible, but…"

"I know that, Newt," Hope sighed in exasperation, "I know I wasn't in my right mind, but I chose to drink from the bottle. I chose to never ask for help and then push it away when anyone was willing to offer it. If anyone dies from that thing, I'm responsible for those deaths."

Newt frowned now and moved closer. "You chose to drink. You didn't choose to feel the way you did that led to the drink."

Hope clenched her jaw. "I don't want you to defend me."

"Too bad."

Hope blinked in surprise. This Newt differed from the one she'd edged that night in New Orleans. That Newt was submissive and took what she said. This one…was actually arguing with her.

And he was winning.

"Who are you, and what have you done with my squishy Newt?" Hope eyed him suspiciously.

Newt grinned in response. "Still squishy, as you say, but…" he eyed her with a frown, "watching the light leave your eyes made me realize I needed to be stronger than I had been. I want to…protect you too. Even if you can do so yourself."

Hope bit her lip and sighed but smiled softly. "The guilt isn't going to go away, though. You know that, right?"

"Well," Albus nodded, stroking his beard, "technically, since you haven't been born…no one has died by your hands yet. Well, let me rephrase that," he chuckled, "no one from your time has died by your hands yet."

Hope paused and stared at him. "You're right," she made a face, "that's trippy, but you know time travel should definitely not be a thing." She sipped her mug again. "Back To The Future taught me that."

"What?" Newt asked.

Grinning, she shook her head. "I'll explain that later. For now, there are other things that I'm sure you'd like to know." Hope glanced at Albus and smirked. "I can see the curiosity you're desperately trying to keep inside."

Albus chuckled and shrugged. "I have many questions but don't want to bombard you. You've already shared so much, and I think…we could all use a break." He held his hand out to her, and she frowned as she handed her half-empty mug to him, thinking they were going somewhere, but where?

Oh, she was very wrong, and she realized this as he moved forward and crushed his lips to hers.

Hope hardly had time to gasp in a breath before trying to keep up with his hungry mouth.

"Do you remember," Albus murmured as he pulled away just enough to snag her chin with his fingers and gaze into her eyes, "when I said this mouth is mine?"

Shuddering, Hope nodded and let her eyes flutter closed while a pulse pounded between her legs. She remembered that morning vividly.

"Answer me…"

Hope smirked and slowly opened her eyes. "Yes, sir."

With a grin, he stroked his thumb along her cheek. "Tell me, is this what you need?"

Her nails clawed into his sides, and she dragged them down as she caught his mouth again, her fangs holding his bottom lip between her teeth.

"I think that's a yes," Newt chuckled.

Tingles stroked her spine as Albus brushed his lips down her throat. Her eyes rolled back, a throaty moan escaping while goosebumps rose where his beard touched.

Pulling back, Albus wrapped a hand around her throat and carefully laid her back, holding her down against the pillow. He gazed down at her while her chest heaved in anticipation, a fire igniting in her stomach that reached her eyes. 

Hope was starved of their touch. 

Lifting herself up, she let her shirt come off with ease. His fingers stroked along the line of her bra where her cleavage met the silk. Albus' hands reached behind her, unhooking the bra, and slipped it away. Letting it fall to the floor.

Now, her chest bare to him, her nipples hardened with the cool room and the prospect of being touched. Her eyes rolled back as the pad of his thumb caressed her hardened tip, rotating his thumb in a slow circle.

Hope released a soft breath and watched as he leaned his head down, taking her right nipple into his mouth, but just as he did this, Newt moved forward and took her left nipple between his lips.

Their tongues seemed to synchronize, circling her sensitive tips with precise care. As if they shared the same mind.

Hope moaned softly, letting her head fall back again. Relishing their gentle touches. When she felt her pants slipping down her legs, she looked up again. They pulled their mouths free, and Albus stroked his fingers lightly along her pelvis, teasing the lining of her panties. 

It was then that she realized her arms were trapped in a snare. The way they held her kept her arms tangled between their biceps, immobile. To a point, at least, if she were to escape their touch, it would hurt them, and she didn't want to do that.

Hope didn't want to escape.

She gasped as Albus slipped his hand between her legs.

"You're soaked," he murmured, looking up at her with a slight smirk, "for us, darling?"

Hope grinned. "Always."

The panties were stripped away, and the look Albus gave Newt made another chill dance along her skin. Reaching forward, panties in hand, Albus locked his eyes with Newt's.

"Open." He demanded.

Newt shuddered but obeyed.

Carefully, Albus pushed the wet part of Hope's panties into Newt's mouth, dragging it to the back of his throat.

Moaning, Newt closed his eyes for a moment, only for them to flutter open again and gaze down at Hope's naked body.

Albus and Newt exchanged a look, and before Hope could think what the look meant, they spread her legs so that each of her left was trapped under Albus' thigh, and her right was under Newt's. They spread her wide, putting her dripping center on display for them.

Hope's heart pounded painfully in her ribcage, waiting for them to make a move, but they seemed entranced, too.

How they looked at her exposed body, but not touching, was torture.

Albus moved first. Slow but deliberate. His middle finger caressed her slit, roaming up and down, around everything but her clit that was already twice its usual size and throbbing for attention.

She let out a soft whimper, biting her lip as she watched his finger explore her outer edges before feeling him press into her center. Hope's eyes rolled back as that finger slowly slipped into her. The pad of his finger quickly found the sensitive spot on the roof and gave long, slow strokes.

"We're going to make you come, darling," Albus murmured as he added a second finger, making Hope's eyes cross.

"Please…" Hope whispered, oh, please make me come, she wanted to say but couldn't seem to get out.

Albus stroked her core, stretching her, forcing something profound inside her to begin a steady growth. 

Hope could only watch his slick fingers slip in and out of her with furrowed brows. She bit down on her lip, and just when she was about to beg for more, Newt's fingers found their way to her clit.

"Oh, fuck…" she gasped sharply as three of his fingers stroked the sensitive bud with slow circles. Again, they worked in synchronization. As if they'd planned how they'd do this to her…perhaps they had.

That pressure she'd felt dully at the beginning was multiplying now. The tickling heat in her core was reaching the point of a crescendo. Sucking in a sharp breath, she tried to squirm her hips. 


She needed more. They were going so slow, and she needed more!

Oh, Hope was so close. She could feel that sweet release just around the corner. Her toes curled. "Oh…God….oh…" Albus' fingers continued to work in and out of her, and Newt wasn't changing his circled pace.

"Don't stop…" Hope managed through a sputter, sweat dripping between her breasts.

Albus chuckled, and she looked over at him with quick desperation. "Does it feel good, Hope?" He asked, meeting her eyes.

Hope nodded, trying to keep her vision from blurring as she began to pant.

"Do you want to come, Hope?" He whispered her name now.

"Yes!" Her jaw dropped as she looked down at their hands again, going at that leisurely pace. 

Faster! They needed to go faster!

"Yes, what?"

Hope looked at him with wide eyes. "Yes, sir!" She choked out, toes curling harder.

Albus began pumping his fingers a fraction faster, but it made all the difference. When his pace improved, Newt switched from slow circles to harsh side-to-side rubbing.

Watching desperately as the pressure hit the roof and being unable to shy away sent a jolt of pleasure through her. The next moment, her hot channel began to convulse in heavy throbs. Hope cried out, jaw slack as she watched them continue their finger-work, even as she was squirting around their hands. Soaking them in her release. Hope choked on her saliva as she continued coming around Albus' fingers, and he kept milking her. When she thought it would be over, he stroked another angle, forcing her to come again. 

Then, when Hope thought she was spent, Albus suddenly had his mouth on her entrance. Lapping her up like a starved animal. She fell back into the bedding as he took his clit between his teeth and rolled it with his tongue.

"Albus!" Hope cried out, panting, but he didn't stop. She came again, explosively into his mouth. 

Time seemed to stand still when he finally kissed her sweaty body and swirled his tongue into her mouth. Forcing her to taste herself while his hands held her wrists captive to the pillow beneath her head.

Hope's jaw dropped as his cock suddenly stretched her wide. Her eyes rolled back when his hair stroked her so-sensitive clit.

Tears stung her eyes as she wrestled her tongue with his. "Don't stop." Hope knew it was a lot at once, but she wanted it all.

"Newt, come here," Albus ordered, pulling his shaft out that now dripped with her slick.

Albus rolled her over and had Newt, now naked, lay down beneath her while he took the place behind her. His hands took hold of her hips and lifted up so that his cock lined with her entrance again.

Hope gazed down at Newt's cock before glancing up at him, grinning as he blushed bright red.

Giggling, she touched the tip of her tongue to his salty slit.

"Hm, where's that brave side, Newt?"

"On holiday…" Newt swallowed harshly.

With a grin, Hope wrapped her lips around his cock and watched his eyes roll back as his fists clenched the bedding beneath.

Just as she took him to the back of his throat, Albus thrust into her, making her moan around Newt's long shaft. The wet slapping sound of two cocks entering her body and their breathy moans filled the room. 

Hope licked over Newt's cock like a lollipop, using her hand to pump him hard and fast as her mouth sucked him off. All the while, Albus slammed into her from behind, forcing her eyes to roll back each time he stroked her G-spot.

Before she could prepare herself, Albus' fingers reached beneath her and began rubbing her clit harshly.

Hope grinded her hips against him with a gasp while Newt thrust his hips. Forcing his tip further back.

The releases happened in a blur. Hope suddenly came around Albus' cock, forcing him to come inside her with thick pulses while ribbons of hot cum released deep in her. Newt hadn't arrived yet, Hope realized when her thoughts resurfaced. As soon as Albus pulled his limp shaft from her body, she moved her hips to settle on Newt's.

Hope took him in to the hilt as she was still dripping from Albus' release.

Her jaw dropped as she gazed down at Newt, pressing her hands against either side of his head while she began to ride him like an ocean wave. She gazed into his desperate, needy pools of green and watched him come undone in the next moment. His hot cum spurted into her convulsing channel while his jaw dropped into a scream of pleasure.

Hope was dripping with sweat and cum as she flopped onto her back with a panting gasp. It seemed only a moment later that Albus lifted her into his arms, kissing her throat softly before setting her into a steaming bath.

The scent of lilac and vanilla engulfed her. The tub seemed to grow three times its size, and she only realized this when they climbed into it with her. Their arms wrapped around each other as the steam continued to rise off the water's surface. It felt more like a hot tub than a bathtub and was incredible.

Hope went under the water momentarily and resurfaced with a soft sigh, leaning her head back and closing her eyes. Basking in every emotion and sensation she was experiencing. Her entire body throbbed as if she'd had the best work out of her life, but better.

Chuckling, Albus kissed her temple lightly. "Relaxed?"

"Hm, very." Hope smiled, "I'd look at you, but I don't think I can move."

More kisses touched her shoulder and throat as he chuckled again, low and deep in his throat.

It was a few relaxing minutes of bathing in each other's blissful silence before Newt asked.

"I was curious to know, now that you know about your past…were there others before us?"

Hope looked over at him and grinned. "That's a loaded question." She giggled, watching her big toe break the surface of the steamy water. "I've had my share of bed partners but not many relationships. I gave up on them a while ago, until recently, obviously." Hope shrugged and thought to herself. "I'll be honest; part of me is glad I lost my memory. If I hadn't and had been sent back in time…this never would have happened." They were all silent for a moment. "I would never have trusted anyone enough like this, but not that I already have been. It's much easier. It's like…starting a relationship on the twentieth date. The bond is already there, and I can just…relax."

Newt stroked her shoulder softly with his thumb and smiled. "Well, your Wizards are missing out."

"Warlocks." Hope met his bewildered expression and giggled. "I am a witch, but my male counterpart is called a Warlock, not a Wizard. Remember, our magic differs."

"I wonder why that is," Albus murmured, "why we're so different."

Nodding, Hope met his curious blue gaze. "I imagine it's because our higher powers are different. Two different entities giving us our power. I don't know how or why, but I suppose they didn't want to share. You mentioned your power comes from a point in the world? Mine comes from something else in the universe. It's all magic, it's just…different. The source, how it's used."

"Such as how we use wands and you don't." Newt nodded, resting his head against the lip of the tub.

"Exactly," Hope smiled, "and I think the purposes we use magic for differs too. I don't use mine as often, only when I need to. It tires me." She paused, thinking to herself. "I have a feeling it's because of your wand, though. It's just a hunch, but it's almost like your wands stabilize the magic you have. Like from your mind to your wand, mine is…from the earth to my body, back to the earth. My magic uses my body's energy to harness enough power to do what I want, while your wand does that for you. Have you ever used wandless magic?"

"No-" Newt shook his head.

"Occasionally," Albus answered.

Hope looked over at him. "Do you feel more or less tired when using a wand?"

"Less. Very much less." Albus nodded. "So then the reason the wand didn't work for you, perhaps, is because your body has no need for it. You're used to such power that the wand acted almost like a plug. It keeps you from expelling the magic that usually flows through your fingertips."

Hope nodded with a shrug. "I guess so. I don't have all the answers, but it makes sense. For my kind, the wand is a middle-man stopping the flow of traffic."

"Do you think then, not using a wand, you'd be able to do any of our magic and vice versa?" Newt asked with a furrowed brow.

"I'm not sure, but a part of me strongly suggests I can't. It could always be tried, but our magical makeup is too different. It's like telling an apple to taste like an orange."

Newt smiled crookedly. "You're powerful then? For your kind, at least?"

Hope tilted her head as a slow smirk graced her lips. "I don't know how to answer that without sounding cocky, but let's just say…of my kind, not many dare move against me."

"You're right, that does sound cocky." Newt beamed with a laugh.

Hope laughed and shook her head. "You know what? I have internally eviscerated my enemies before without lifting a finger. I think I've earned the right to be a little cocky. What can I say?" She shrugged with a grin. "I'm a badass."

Newt laughed and pressed a soft kiss to her lips.

"Troublemaker." He chuckled.

Hope grinned and giggled. "Why, thank you." She murmured, returning the soft kiss.

That's how they spent the rest of their night, enveloped in each other's arms and sharing kisses. It was a night to bask in each other's touch, and Hope allowed herself to be freed of some of the shackles of her past. 

That night, Hope let herself love and be loved.