
The Tribrid and Her Reflection {Book Two - Complete}

With one secret solved and Hope's memories returned, another threat unveils itself. A mysterious cloaked man is on the hunt, and Hope Mikaelson must be prepared to do what is necessary to save herself and those she loves. Hope must face herself as well as the danger that lurks around every corner at Hogwarts. **Book Two of The Taming The Tribrid series

Em_Dot_1864 · Movies
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It's All Teacakes and Violence

The world suddenly came into focus as something with many legs scurried across the top of Hope's foot.

Looking down at the ground, she watched her toes squish into the cool, dewy grass of the early morning. So early, the sun had yet to pinken the sky. Hope lifted her head to survey the Hogwarts grounds.

All was quiet.


Hope had no recollection of getting out of bed or putting clothes on - at least she'd had the sense to do that. There wasn't even a glimmer of a dream that she remembered. Glancing over her shoulder, she watched as Hogwarts slowly started to wake, purple cresting the clouds behind the turrets. Golden lights flickering to life in various sections of the castle beckoned her back, so she obeyed.

Her feet, covered in grass clippings and a thin layer of mud, tracked through the front doors. Around her, the paintings began to yawn, awakening. 

"Excuse me?" Hope asked, walking up to one of a man resting against an oak tree in a meadow. "Did you see me come by a few minutes ago?"

"Hm?" He stretched and shook his head. "Me? I just woke up. Didn't see a thing."

"Right," Hope swallowed and nodded, "sorry…" She looked around to see if the other paintings had anything to offer, but the rest were either asleep or waking up. "Perfect." Hope muttered under her breath before heading up to the seventh floor.

When she slid past the gargoyle, she looked to her left, noting the fire had yet to be lit.

"You're up early." Albus' voice came, and then he appeared in the doorway to the sleeping chamber. He was just finishing his morning routine, buttoning his smart gray suit. "Newt is still asleep," he continued, "but if you'd like to go down for breakfast early, I doubt he'd mind." He smiled, glancing up, but paused in his movements.

Her expression must have given her away.

"Are you alright, love?" Albus asked, walking toward her, glancing down at her muddy toenails, and flicking back up to her eyes.

"Apparently, I went for a walk."

Albus arched a brow, stroking his thumb along her jaw. "Apparently?"

Hope nodded. "I don't remember doing it. I don't remember getting up. Putting on a shirt and pants. I don't remember walking through the castle, and I don't remember going out to stand on the front grounds." Her voice grew slowly with increasing desperation. "I can't remember anything." She practically spat out the last word. "It has to stop, Albus. One of these days, I am going to seriously hurt someone, and I'm not even going to know I did it." Red rimmed her eyes as they bulged as if she hadn't slept in weeks. She felt unraveled as if someone had turned her into a ball of yarn, held one end, and thrown the ball a good mile.

As she started rubbing her temples, Albus placed his hands on her waist. "Let's go and sit down. We can talk. We can come up with a plan…"

"A plan to what?" Her voice raised a little. "We know nothing. Ever since being in that

Mirror…" She gasped softly and immediately pressed her finger to her forehead as the throbbing, stabbing pain started.

"Hey," he took her face between his hands and pressed his forehead against hers, "let's get away from the castle for a bit, see if that helps. We're going to Hogsmeade today; let's leave early. Come on." He took her hand and guided her to the door. "Newt has to go to London today. We'll wait until he returns later tonight to see if that might help clear your thoughts, hm?"

Hope nodded, leaning against him as if he were the only solid object in a sea during a raging storm. 

They made their way down the stairs and straight out the door. They would walk to the Hogsmeade this morning and have breakfast at one of the shops, giving as much time from the castle as possible.

Hope tried her best to only walk next to Albus, not to take his hand or brush against his arm too much. Though, she wanted it. She craved his touch in a way she hadn't before. It wasn't a sexual tension. She just wanted to feel him there. His embrace could chase away the darkest of nights, and she needed that right now.

The sky was now flushed with pink, the clouds tinged red where the sun hid. It reminded her of cotton candy, and the thought of the sweet bits of nothing on her tongue made her salivate. She would definitely have to stop by Honeydukes.

"Do you think we'll get to live to love each other someday?"

Albus glanced at her as she watched the clouds move with the wind.

"We do love each other." He smiled softly, brushing his hand against hers lightly.

"Yes, privately," she looked at him, "do you think we'll ever get to express that love without fear of what other people think?"

The blue in his eyes shimmered darkly, but he smiled and nodded. "I do."

Hope smiled softly. "Liar."

Admittedly, she'd seen the future. She knew the answer. 

Hate existed no matter the generation. It was simply important not to let the hate of others taint your own heart.

"How does your head feel?" He asked gently as they crossed the bridge, an owl swooping gracefully over their heads toward the Owlery.

The throbbing behind her eyes hadn't entirely subsided, but she had a feeling she was simply getting used to the pain of it. "Better…"

"Liar." He countered with a light chuckle.

Hope couldn't help but smile. "I think white lies are okay if they help you survive." She gnawed on her lower lip and glanced over at him apprehensively. "Do you think I'm overthinking the mirrors?"

Albus met her stare and slowly shook his head. You have to trust your instincts. If you suddenly have a severe aversion to mirrors after everything that happened, I wouldn't ignore the internal warning."

With a nod, she let out a slow breath. "So then if I said…I think he's somehow possessing me through the mirrors; you wouldn't think I'm crazy?"

Albus took her hand discreetly in his, hiding the personal touch between their bodies. "I think," he murmured just above her head, "anything is plausible, and we shouldn't rule it out until we're absolutely certain. Possession isn't a light subject, but it does happen; truth be told, you show signs of it. Sudden outbursts of anger. Traveling from one place to another without any memory. Maybe that's what's going on, and maybe it isn't, but it's worth looking into."

They approached the entrance to Hogsmeade, crossing the bridge there that signified its village limits. "Do you think," she whispered in a hushed voice, "he's with me right now?"

When Albus didn't answer immediately, she looked at him and frowned to see him watching her.

"Maybe." He offered softly.

The thought of carrying this man in her mind wherever she was sent an involuntary chill through her body.

Hope's stomach gave a growl as they walked by a shop with sweet-smelling pastries that must have been just pulled from the brick oven. "Here?" She asked, looking over at him. It had teas and pastries that would satisfy them both.

With a nod, he smiled and opened the door for her. If the scent outside the shop was mouthwatering, heavenly was the only way to describe the inside. She walked to the front counter, and they managed to get fresh baked muffins and tea that, when they sat down, poured itself from the pot and into the little tea cup offered.

Steam rose as she stirred in just a bit of milk, but the spoon stirred itself even after she stopped. She watched it with fascination.

"I was born into magic, too, but this type of magic will never cease to entertain me." She smiled up at Albus, who was watching her with a smile. "Credence told me you've been able to alter the dimension, just as he had."

His smile dropped a little, and he nodded. "I have some area of understanding, but the one you visited isn't the one I've manipulated before," he nodded, sipping his tea, "if the mirror dimension is truly one of his own creation, then I don't know how much influence I would have on it."

Hope nodded, sipping her tea after telling the spoon it could stop stirring.

"Do you still want to go back?"

She glanced up and slowly shook her head. "I don't want to. I just don't see any other way."

"Perhaps that's what he wants…" Albus trailed off.

Hope nodded. "Probably." She took a bite of the muffin, the baked blueberries melting against her tongue, but the taste brought back the scent of scorched flesh, and she quickly put the muffin down. Her stomach churned, and she suddenly lost her appetite. She swallowed the bit of muffin in her mouth as if it had turned into rancid milk and was challenging to get down. "Do you believe in Heaven?"

"I'm certain Alice is very much at peace," Albus murmured.

Glancing up, she couldn't help but smile a little. Of course, he knew exactly what she was thinking when she thought it. They were connected in ways she couldn't explain.

"Any research I've done hasn't given any clues to the dimension he created," she said, changing the subject, "the books from the library give no mention, and my Grimoire's only offered one, but it was pretty vague."

Albus nodded, sipping more tea. "What did it say?"

"Creating a new dimension is punishable by loss of magic and death. In my world, anyway. Though, if you're dead, I don't see how loss of magic will affect you." She shrugged. "It's strange. It's like a Wizard of your kind has learned how to magic of mine. I know I mentioned it before, but I didn't think it would be possible to combine two learned magics. I guess I can't say what's possible and what's not. I'm living proof of that. I shouldn't exist, and yet I do."

"Well, as you said before, you came to be through a loophole. Perhaps this Wizard also found a loophole."

"Teacakes, dears?" The slender woman with smudged flour on her forehead offered. "Fresh from the oven and bursting with flavor."

Hope smiled and nodded, going to the counter for a few cakes. Getting an extra to give Newt when he returns from London. She sat back down but didn't touch the cakes. It may take some time for her to eat at bakeries again.

There she was again, thinking of Alice.

"Do you think Alice was connected somehow?" Albus asked, catching her off guard.

"I doubt it," Hope shook her head, sipping her freshly poured tea, "she had no connection to the castle aside from her grandson. He's a Hufflepuff…going to come back as a second year."

"And you," Albus nodded, "she had a connection to you."

"Right, but…" she paused, a quiver of something sharp panging her heart. Hope's shoulders stiffened. "What exactly are you trying to say?" She narrowed her eyes as he kept his gaze level.

"Hope," Albus said, voice a little more strict, "if you want my honest thoughts, you must be open to them. You can't brush them off because you don't want to hear them."

Swallowing back the bile of uncertain accusation that filled her throat, she set her jaw. "You think I started the fire that killed Alice."

Albus bit his lip as if hesitating about what he said next but said it anyway. "I think we have to explore the possibility that last night wasn't the first time you've walked the grounds without knowing it."

"I didn't kill Alice…"

"How do you know?"

The question cut through her like a blade.

"I just…know."

Hope had killed a lot of people that night, but Alice hadn't been one of them. She'd overheard the Poachers in the clearing. They'd set the fire. They admitted it.

Hadn't they?

"I didn't kill Alice," Hope said again, glaring at him now.

Albus slowly nodded and sipped his tea but didn't tear his eyes away from her. "The night of the fire. I was on the balcony."

A metallic film coated Hope's tongue. She must have bitten it, but Albus didn't drop his gaze.

"I watched a lightning storm. Though I found it to be a bit…strange."

The blood drained from her face as she pressed her palms against her thighs to wick away the moisture.

"Multiple strikes. In one spot. One after the other."

Hope clenched her jaw, refusing to drop her eyes first. She didn't regret what she did but didn't want to tell Albus or Newt. 

Not yet. 

Though, it seemed he already knew.

His voice dropped another octave. "Newt knows nothing of what I saw, and I see no reason to mention anything myself. I know you two decided not to keep secrets from each other. I'm simply reminding you of the promise you made to him."

Tears brimmed Hope's eyes, but they didn't fall.

"He doesn't deserve that," Albus murmured gently.

"I need some air," Hope said abruptly, pushing back in her chair and standing. She left him in the same position at the table, stepping outside into the morning air. A light breeze brushed against her cheeks, helping to slow her pounding heart.

Albus knew.

Or, at least, he knew enough.

In any case, she couldn't think about that right now. There was already so much going on, and she couldn't add it to the pile without it resulting in an avalanche.

Rubbing the space between her eyes, Hope sighed, glanced over her shoulder, and looked through the window. Albus hadn't moved from the table, still sipping tea. Why bring this up? Of all times and places?

Scoffing, annoyed, Hope stalked down the street, scowling as she looked up at the Quidditch Supplies sign and entered with a little ring of the bell. Inside, a few people milled around. People she didn't recognize. 

Taking deep breaths, Hope began looking around the store. Admiring the brooms hanging on the wall, golden plaques below signifying which famous Quidditch player had ridden the broom during which game.

It would have been an excellent way for Hope to calm her nerves had it not been for the grating voice that drifted to her from the other side of the store.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the little bitch who can't keep her mouth shut."

Hope glanced over. The smelly man from the Hogs Head- the one she'd stabbed with the fork- stood with a buddy of his with a drunken grin.

The waft of stale liquor drifted off his breath; she could smell it from across the room. Wrinkling her nose, she looked his disheveled self over in disgust.

"It's 8 o'clock in the morning."

The meek little store owner chirped in then. "Now, we're not having a repeat here of whatever happened at Hogs Head. It's… it's not happening in my shop."

Hope rolled her eyes. She didn't have the patience for this today. 

Be the better person, Hope, and just walk away.

Turning for the door, she started out, but before she could anticipate the advance, she was shoved into one of the cabinets displaying Quidditch relics. Her forehead sliced against the edge of the shelf.

The owner of the shop yipped and quickly dashed out the side door. From the outside, Hope vaguely heard him shout. "Officer!"

Hope looked over her shoulder at the man who proudly stood above her, leering down at her from his six-foot height. He was, in fact, a large man. However, all men, no matter their size, had a severe weakness.

With a sudden movement and straight face, her hand jerked forward and grabbed his crotch. It all happened in a bit of a blur.

The next thing she knew, he was on the ground howling while someone grabbed her from behind and dragged her out of the shop and into the daylight and moved her into the alleyway next to the Quidditch store.

Hope slammed Albus against the brick wall, her hand wrapped around his throat- cutting off his airflow. A hissing snarl ripped up her throat as her fangs pierced through her gums. Her eyes were a dark gold while veins crawled beneath. 

Ready to strike.

Hope's fangs were inches from Albus' face, but he remained perfectly still. She could smell the fear emanating from him, but still, he did not move.

"Hope," he murmured, voice cutting in and out from the pressure on his throat, "take a breath. Regain your control."

The realization of who she had against the wall came into stark reality, and she let go immediately, taking a huge step back. Eyes wide, heart pounding.

Before she could turn to run, to hide. 

To cry. 

Albus wrapped her in his arms and held her to his chest. Even as people gathered around the store, he didn't seem to care.

"What happened…" Albus whispered softly in her ear, rubbing her back with slow, gentle circles.

Hope swallowed hard as she thought about the events that unfolded only moments ago.

"He pushed me, so I tore off his testicles."